Paul Henning b61b31dfcd [flang] Addresses issue flang-compiler/f18#242 by making non-inline definitions for the two versions
of ExpressionBase::derived().  gcc-8.2 on macOS was choosing to create
non-inline instances of derived() during the explicit instantiations of
ExpressionBase in expression.cc and fold.cc.  During linking of any
executable, the linker failed when it found these duplicate definitions.

While this solution works, it removes the opportunity to inline the trivial
derived() functions.  Another solution would be to make all of the
templates related to ExpressionBase in expression.cc and fold.cc available
in a single .cc file, where the explicit instantiation
FOR_EACH_TYPE_AND_KIND(template class ExpressionBase) is done once. This
approach would allow inlining, but require something like template
implementation headers that could be included into the instantiation .cc

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@074de39418
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/248
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2018-12-20 10:39:29 -07:00

682 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Represent Fortran expressions in a type-safe manner.
// Expressions are the sole owners of their constituents; i.e., there is no
// context-independent hash table or sharing of common subexpressions, and
// thus these are trees, not DAGs. Both deep copy and move semantics are
// supported for expression construction. Expressions may be compared
// for equality.
#include "common.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "variable.h"
#include "../lib/common/fortran.h"
#include "../lib/common/idioms.h"
#include "../lib/common/template.h"
#include "../lib/parser/char-block.h"
#include "../lib/parser/message.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
using common::RelationalOperator;
// Expressions are represented by specializations of the class template Expr.
// Each of these specializations wraps a single data member "u" that
// is a std::variant<> discriminated union over all of the representational
// types for the constants, variables, operations, and other entities that
// can be valid expressions in that context:
// - Expr<Type<CATEGORY, KIND>> represents an expression whose result is of a
// specific intrinsic type category and kind, e.g. Type<TypeCategory::Real, 4>
// - Expr<SomeDerived> wraps data and procedure references that result in an
// instance of a derived type
// - Expr<SomeKind<CATEGORY>> is a union of Expr<Type<CATEGORY, K>> for each
// kind type parameter value K in that intrinsic type category. It represents
// an expression with known category and any kind.
// - Expr<SomeType> is a union of Expr<SomeKind<CATEGORY>> over the five
// intrinsic type categories of Fortran. It represents any valid expression.
// Everything that can appear in, or as, a valid Fortran expression must be
// represented with an instance of some class containing a Result typedef that
// maps to some instantiation of Type<CATEGORY, KIND>, SomeKind<CATEGORY>,
// or SomeType.
template<typename A> using ResultType = typename std::decay_t<A>::Result;
// Common Expr<> behaviors: every Expr<T> derives from ExpressionBase<T>.
template<typename RESULT> class ExpressionBase {
using Result = RESULT;
using Derived = Expr<Result>;
Derived &derived();
const Derived &derived() const;
template<typename A> Derived &operator=(const A &x) {
Derived &d{derived()};
d.u = x;
return d;
template<typename A>
Derived &operator=(std::enable_if_t<!std::is_reference_v<A>, A> &&x) {
Derived &d{derived()};
d.u = std::move(x);
return d;
std::optional<DynamicType> GetType() const;
int Rank() const;
std::ostream &AsFortran(std::ostream &) const;
static Derived Rewrite(FoldingContext &, Derived &&);
// BOZ literal "typeless" constants must be wide enough to hold a numeric
// value of any supported kind of INTEGER or REAL. They must also be
// distinguishable from other integer constants, since they are permitted
// to be used in only a few situations.
using BOZLiteralConstant = typename LargestReal::Scalar::Word;
// Operations always have specific Fortran result types (i.e., with known
// intrinsic type category and kind parameter value). The classes that
// represent the operations all inherit from this Operation<> base class
// template. Note that Operation has as its first type parameter (DERIVED) a
// "curiously reoccurring template pattern (CRTP)" reference to the specific
// operation class being derived from Operation; e.g., Add is defined with
// struct Add : public Operation<Add, ...>. Uses of instances of Operation<>,
// including its own member functions, can access each specific class derived
// from it via its derived() member function with compile-time type safety.
template<typename DERIVED, typename RESULT, typename... OPERANDS>
class Operation {
// The extra "int" member is a dummy that allows a safe unused reference
// to element 1 to arise indirectly in the definition of "right()" below
// when the operation has but a single operand.
using OperandTypes = std::tuple<OPERANDS..., int>;
using Derived = DERIVED;
using Result = RESULT;
static constexpr std::size_t operands{sizeof...(OPERANDS)};
template<int J> using Operand = std::tuple_element_t<J, OperandTypes>;
// Unary operations wrap a single Expr with a CopyableIndirection.
// Binary operations wrap a tuple of CopyableIndirections to Exprs.
using Container =
std::conditional_t<operands == 1, CopyableIndirection<Expr<Operand<0>>>,
explicit Operation(const Expr<OPERANDS> &... x) : operand_{x...} {}
explicit Operation(Expr<OPERANDS> &&... x)
: operand_{std::forward<Expr<OPERANDS>>(x)...} {}
Derived &derived() { return *static_cast<Derived *>(this); }
const Derived &derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived *>(this); }
// References to operand expressions from member functions of derived
// classes for specific operators can be made by index, e.g. operand<0>(),
// which must be spelled like "this->template operand<0>()" when
// inherited in a derived class template. There are convenience aliases
// left() and right() that are not templates.
template<int J> Expr<Operand<J>> &operand() {
if constexpr (operands == 1) {
static_assert(J == 0);
return *operand_;
} else {
return *std::get<J>(operand_);
template<int J> const Expr<Operand<J>> &operand() const {
if constexpr (operands == 1) {
static_assert(J == 0);
return *operand_;
} else {
return *std::get<J>(operand_);
Expr<Operand<0>> &left() { return operand<0>(); }
const Expr<Operand<0>> &left() const { return operand<0>(); }
std::conditional_t<(operands > 1), Expr<Operand<1>> &, void> right() {
if constexpr (operands > 1) {
return operand<1>();
std::conditional_t<(operands > 1), const Expr<Operand<1>> &, void>
right() const {
if constexpr (operands > 1) {
return operand<1>();
static constexpr std::optional<DynamicType> GetType() {
return Result::GetType();
int Rank() const {
int rank{left().Rank()};
if constexpr (operands > 1) {
return std::max(rank, right().Rank());
} else {
return rank;
bool operator==(const Operation &that) const {
return operand_ == that.operand_;
std::ostream &AsFortran(std::ostream &) const;
// Overridable functions for AsFortran()
static std::ostream &Prefix(std::ostream &o) { return o << '('; }
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << ','; }
static std::ostream &Suffix(std::ostream &o) { return o << ')'; }
Container operand_;
// Unary operations
// Conversions to specific types from expressions of known category and
// dynamic kind.
template<typename TO, TypeCategory FROMCAT>
struct Convert : public Operation<Convert<TO, FROMCAT>, TO, SomeKind<FROMCAT>> {
// Fortran doesn't have conversions between kinds of CHARACTER.
// Conversions between kinds of COMPLEX are represented piecewise.
static_assert(((TO::category == TypeCategory::Integer ||
TO::category == TypeCategory::Real) &&
(FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Integer ||
FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Real)) ||
(TO::category == TypeCategory::Logical &&
FROMCAT == TypeCategory::Logical));
using Result = TO;
using Operand = SomeKind<FROMCAT>;
using Base = Operation<Convert, Result, Operand>;
using Base::Base;
std::ostream &AsFortran(std::ostream &) const;
template<typename A>
struct Parentheses : public Operation<Parentheses<A>, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Parentheses, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
template<typename A> struct Negate : public Operation<Negate<A>, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Negate, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Prefix(std::ostream &o) { return o << "(-"; }
template<int KIND>
struct ComplexComponent
: public Operation<ComplexComponent<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
using Operand = Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>;
using Base = Operation<ComplexComponent, Result, Operand>;
ComplexComponent(bool isImaginary, const Expr<Operand> &x)
: Base{x}, isImaginaryPart{isImaginary} {}
ComplexComponent(bool isImaginary, Expr<Operand> &&x)
: Base{std::move(x)}, isImaginaryPart{isImaginary} {}
std::ostream &Suffix(std::ostream &o) const {
return o << (isImaginaryPart ? "%IM)" : "%RE)");
bool isImaginaryPart{true};
template<int KIND>
struct Not : public Operation<Not<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>;
using Operand = Result;
using Base = Operation<Not, Result, Operand>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Prefix(std::ostream &o) { return o << "(.NOT."; }
// Binary operations
template<typename A> struct Add : public Operation<Add<A>, A, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Add, A, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << '+'; }
template<typename A> struct Subtract : public Operation<Subtract<A>, A, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Subtract, A, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << '-'; }
template<typename A> struct Multiply : public Operation<Multiply<A>, A, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Multiply, A, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << '*'; }
template<typename A> struct Divide : public Operation<Divide<A>, A, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Divide, A, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << '/'; }
template<typename A> struct Power : public Operation<Power<A>, A, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Power, A, A, A>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << "**"; }
template<typename A>
struct RealToIntPower : public Operation<RealToIntPower<A>, A, A, SomeInteger> {
using Base = Operation<RealToIntPower, A, A, SomeInteger>;
using Result = A;
using BaseOperand = A;
using ExponentOperand = SomeInteger;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << "**"; }
template<typename A> struct Extremum : public Operation<Extremum<A>, A, A, A> {
using Result = A;
using Operand = A;
using Base = Operation<Extremum, A, A, A>;
Extremum(const Expr<Operand> &x, const Expr<Operand> &y,
Ordering ord = Ordering::Greater)
: Base{x, y}, ordering{ord} {}
Expr<Operand> &&x, Expr<Operand> &&y, Ordering ord = Ordering::Greater)
: Base{std::move(x), std::move(y)}, ordering{ord} {}
std::ostream &Prefix(std::ostream &o) const {
return o << (ordering == Ordering::Less ? "MIN(" : "MAX(");
Ordering ordering{Ordering::Greater};
template<int KIND>
struct ComplexConstructor
: public Operation<ComplexConstructor<KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>;
using Operand = Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
using Base = Operation<ComplexConstructor, Result, Operand, Operand>;
using Base::Base;
template<int KIND>
struct Concat
: public Operation<Concat<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>;
using Operand = Result;
using Base = Operation<Concat, Result, Operand, Operand>;
using Base::Base;
static std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &o) { return o << "//"; }
ENUM_CLASS(LogicalOperator, And, Or, Eqv, Neqv)
template<int KIND>
struct LogicalOperation
: public Operation<LogicalOperation<KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>,
Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>, Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>;
using Operand = Result;
using Base = Operation<LogicalOperation, Result, Operand, Operand>;
LogicalOperator opr, const Expr<Operand> &x, const Expr<Operand> &y)
: Base{x, y}, logicalOperator{opr} {}
LogicalOperation(LogicalOperator opr, Expr<Operand> &&x, Expr<Operand> &&y)
: Base{std::move(x), std::move(y)}, logicalOperator{opr} {}
std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &) const;
LogicalOperator logicalOperator;
// Array constructors
template<typename RESULT> struct ArrayConstructorValues;
template<typename VALUES, typename OPERAND> struct ImpliedDo {
using Values = VALUES;
using Operand = OPERAND;
using Result = ResultType<Values>;
static_assert(Operand::category == TypeCategory::Integer);
bool operator==(const ImpliedDo &) const;
parser::CharBlock controlVariableName;
CopyableIndirection<Expr<Operand>> lower, upper, stride;
CopyableIndirection<Values> values;
template<typename RESULT> struct ArrayConstructorValue {
using Result = RESULT;
template<typename INT>
using ImpliedDo = ImpliedDo<ArrayConstructorValues<Result>, INT>;
common::MapTemplate<ImpliedDo, IntegerTypes>>
template<typename RESULT> struct ArrayConstructorValues {
using Result = RESULT;
template<typename A> void Push(A &&x) { values.emplace_back(std::move(x)); }
bool operator==(const ArrayConstructorValues &) const;
std::vector<ArrayConstructorValue<Result>> values;
template<typename RESULT>
struct ArrayConstructor : public ArrayConstructorValues<RESULT> {
using Result = RESULT;
using ArrayConstructorValues<Result>::ArrayConstructorValues;
DynamicType GetType() const;
static constexpr int Rank() { return 1; }
Expr<SubscriptInteger> LEN() const;
bool operator==(const ArrayConstructor &) const;
std::ostream &AsFortran(std::ostream &) const;
Result result;
std::vector<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> typeParameterValues;
// Expression representations for each type category.
template<int KIND>
class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>
: public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>;
explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
template<typename INT>
explicit Expr(std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<INT>, INT> n)
: u{Constant<Result>{n}} {}
using Conversions = std::variant<Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Integer>,
Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Real>>;
using Operations = std::variant<Parentheses<Result>, Negate<Result>,
Add<Result>, Subtract<Result>, Multiply<Result>, Divide<Result>,
Power<Result>, Extremum<Result>>;
using Others = std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
TypeParamInquiry<KIND>, Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
common::CombineVariants<Operations, Conversions, Others> u;
template<int KIND>
class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>>
: public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
// N.B. Real->Complex and Complex->Real conversions are done with CMPLX
// and part access operations (resp.). Conversions between kinds of
// Complex are done via decomposition to Real and reconstruction.
using Conversions = std::variant<Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Integer>,
Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Real>>;
using Operations = std::variant<ComplexComponent<KIND>, Parentheses<Result>,
Negate<Result>, Add<Result>, Subtract<Result>, Multiply<Result>,
Divide<Result>, Power<Result>, RealToIntPower<Result>, Extremum<Result>>;
using Others = std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
common::CombineVariants<Operations, Conversions, Others> u;
template<int KIND>
class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>>
: public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Complex, KIND>;
explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
// Note that many COMPLEX operations are represented as REAL operations
// over their components (viz., conversions, negation, add, and subtract).
using Operations =
std::variant<Parentheses<Result>, Multiply<Result>, Divide<Result>,
Power<Result>, RealToIntPower<Result>, ComplexConstructor<KIND>>;
using Others = std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
common::CombineVariants<Operations, Others> u;
FOR_EACH_INTEGER_KIND(extern template class Expr)
FOR_EACH_REAL_KIND(extern template class Expr)
FOR_EACH_COMPLEX_KIND(extern template class Expr)
template<int KIND>
class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>>
: public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Character, KIND>;
explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
explicit Expr(Scalar<Result> &&x) : u{Constant<Result>{std::move(x)}} {}
Expr<SubscriptInteger> LEN() const;
std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>, Designator<Result>,
FunctionRef<Result>, Parentheses<Result>, Concat<KIND>, Extremum<Result>>
FOR_EACH_CHARACTER_KIND(extern template class Expr)
// The Relational class template is a helper for constructing logical
// expressions with polymorphism over the cross product of the possible
// categories and kinds of comparable operands.
// Fortran defines a numeric relation with distinct types or kinds as
// first undergoing the same operand conversions that occur with the intrinsic
// addition operator. Character relations must have the same kind.
// There are no relations between LOGICAL values.
template<typename A>
struct Relational : public Operation<Relational<A>, LogicalResult, A, A> {
using Result = LogicalResult;
using Base = Operation<Relational, LogicalResult, A, A>;
using Operand = typename Base::template Operand<0>;
static_assert(Operand::category == TypeCategory::Integer ||
Operand::category == TypeCategory::Real ||
Operand::category == TypeCategory::Character);
RelationalOperator r, const Expr<Operand> &a, const Expr<Operand> &b)
: Base{a, b}, opr{r} {}
Relational(RelationalOperator r, Expr<Operand> &&a, Expr<Operand> &&b)
: Base{std::move(a), std::move(b)}, opr{r} {}
std::ostream &Infix(std::ostream &) const;
RelationalOperator opr;
template<> class Relational<SomeType> {
// COMPLEX data are compared piecewise.
using DirectlyComparableTypes =
common::CombineTuples<IntegerTypes, RealTypes, CharacterTypes>;
using Result = LogicalResult;
static constexpr DynamicType GetType() { return Result::GetType(); }
int Rank() const {
return std::visit([](const auto &x) { return x.Rank(); }, u);
std::ostream &AsFortran(std::ostream &o) const;
common::MapTemplate<Relational, DirectlyComparableTypes> u;
FOR_EACH_INTEGER_KIND(extern template struct Relational)
FOR_EACH_REAL_KIND(extern template struct Relational)
FOR_EACH_CHARACTER_KIND(extern template struct Relational)
extern template struct Relational<SomeType>;
// Logical expressions of a kind bigger than LogicalResult
// do not include Relational<> operations as possibilities,
// since the results of Relationals are always LogicalResult
// (kind=1).
template<int KIND>
class Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>>
: public ExpressionBase<Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>> {
using Result = Type<TypeCategory::Logical, KIND>;
explicit Expr(const Scalar<Result> &x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
explicit Expr(bool x) : u{Constant<Result>{x}} {}
using Operations = std::variant<Convert<Result, TypeCategory::Logical>,
Parentheses<Result>, Not<KIND>, LogicalOperation<KIND>>;
using Relations = std::conditional_t<KIND == LogicalResult::kind,
std::variant<Relational<SomeType>>, std::variant<>>;
using Others = std::variant<Constant<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
Designator<Result>, FunctionRef<Result>>;
common::CombineVariants<Operations, Relations, Others> u;
FOR_EACH_LOGICAL_KIND(extern template class Expr)
// An expression whose result has a derived type.
template<> class Expr<SomeDerived> : public ExpressionBase<SomeDerived> {
using Result = SomeDerived;
// TODO: structure constructor
std::variant<Designator<Result>, ArrayConstructor<Result>,
// A polymorphic expression of known intrinsic type category, but dynamic
// kind, represented as a discriminated union over Expr<Type<CAT, K>>
// for each supported kind K in the category.
template<TypeCategory CAT>
class Expr<SomeKind<CAT>> : public ExpressionBase<SomeKind<CAT>> {
using Result = SomeKind<CAT>;
int GetKind() const {
return std::visit(
[](const auto &x) { return std::decay_t<decltype(x)>::Result::kind; },
common::MapTemplate<Expr, CategoryTypes<CAT>> u;
// A completely generic expression, polymorphic across all of the intrinsic type
// categories and each of their kinds.
template<> class Expr<SomeType> : public ExpressionBase<SomeType> {
using Result = SomeType;
// Owning references to these generic expressions can appear in other
// compiler data structures (viz., the parse tree and symbol table), so
// its destructor is externalized to reduce redundant default instances.
template<TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
explicit Expr(const Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &x) : u{Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{x}} {}
template<TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
explicit Expr(Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &&x)
: u{Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{std::move(x)}} {}
template<TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
Expr &operator=(const Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &x) {
u = Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{x};
return *this;
template<TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
Expr &operator=(Expr<Type<CAT, KIND>> &&x) {
u = Expr<SomeKind<CAT>>{std::move(x)};
return *this;
using Others = std::variant<BOZLiteralConstant>;
using Categories = common::MapTemplate<Expr, SomeCategory>;
common::CombineVariants<Others, Categories> u;
// This wrapper class is used, by means of a forward reference with
// OwningPointer, to implement owning pointers to analyzed expressions
// from parse tree nodes.
struct GenericExprWrapper {
GenericExprWrapper(Expr<SomeType> &&x) : v{std::move(x)} {}
bool operator==(const GenericExprWrapper &) const;
Expr<SomeType> v;
FOR_EACH_CATEGORY_TYPE(extern template class Expr)
FOR_EACH_TYPE_AND_KIND(extern template class ExpressionBase)
FOR_EACH_SPECIFIC_TYPE(extern template struct ArrayConstructor)