Chris Lattner 2b09a89daf [OpAsmParser] Refactor parseOptionalInteger to support wide integers, NFC.
OpAsmParser (and DialectAsmParser) supports a pair of
parseInteger/parseOptionalInteger methods, which allow parsing a bare
integer into a C type of your choice (e.g. int8_t) using templates.  It
was implemented in terms of a virtual method call that is hard coded to
int64_t because "that should be big enough".

Change the virtual method hook to return an APInt instead.  This allows
asmparsers for custom ops to parse large integers if they want to, without
changing any of the clients of the fixed size C API.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D102120
2021-05-10 22:35:42 -07:00

285 lines
11 KiB

//===- Parser.h - MLIR Base Parser Class ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "ParserState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Parser
/// This class implement support for parsing global entities like attributes and
/// types. It is intended to be subclassed by specialized subparsers that
/// include state.
class Parser {
Builder builder;
Parser(ParserState &state) : builder(state.context), state(state) {}
// Helper methods to get stuff from the parser-global state.
ParserState &getState() const { return state; }
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return state.context; }
const llvm::SourceMgr &getSourceMgr() { return state.lex.getSourceMgr(); }
/// Parse a comma-separated list of elements up until the specified end token.
parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::Kind rightToken,
function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElement,
bool allowEmptyList = true);
/// Parse a comma separated list of elements that must have at least one entry
/// in it.
ParseResult parseCommaSeparatedList(function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElement);
ParseResult parsePrettyDialectSymbolName(StringRef &prettyName);
// We have two forms of parsing methods - those that return a non-null
// pointer on success, and those that return a ParseResult to indicate whether
// they returned a failure. The second class fills in by-reference arguments
// as the results of their action.
// Error Handling
/// Emit an error and return failure.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message = {}) {
return emitError(state.curToken.getLoc(), message);
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(llvm::SMLoc loc, const Twine &message = {});
/// Encode the specified source location information into an attribute for
/// attachment to the IR.
Location getEncodedSourceLocation(llvm::SMLoc loc) {
// If there are no active nested parsers, we can get the encoded source
// location directly.
if (state.parserDepth == 0)
return state.lex.getEncodedSourceLocation(loc);
// Otherwise, we need to re-encode it to point to the top level buffer.
return state.symbols.topLevelLexer->getEncodedSourceLocation(
/// Remaps the given SMLoc to the top level lexer of the parser. This is used
/// to adjust locations of potentially nested parsers to ensure that they can
/// be emitted properly as diagnostics.
llvm::SMLoc remapLocationToTopLevelBuffer(llvm::SMLoc loc) {
// If there are no active nested parsers, we can return location directly.
SymbolState &symbols = state.symbols;
if (state.parserDepth == 0)
return loc;
assert(symbols.topLevelLexer && "expected valid top-level lexer");
// Otherwise, we need to remap the location to the main parser. This is
// simply offseting the location onto the location of the last nested
// parser.
size_t offset = loc.getPointer() - state.lex.getBufferBegin();
auto *rawLoc =
symbols.nestedParserLocs[state.parserDepth - 1].getPointer() + offset;
return llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(rawLoc);
// Token Parsing
/// Return the current token the parser is inspecting.
const Token &getToken() const { return state.curToken; }
StringRef getTokenSpelling() const { return state.curToken.getSpelling(); }
/// If the current token has the specified kind, consume it and return true.
/// If not, return false.
bool consumeIf(Token::Kind kind) {
if (state.curToken.isNot(kind))
return false;
return true;
/// Advance the current lexer onto the next token.
void consumeToken() {
assert(state.curToken.isNot(Token::eof, Token::error) &&
"shouldn't advance past EOF or errors");
state.curToken = state.lex.lexToken();
/// Advance the current lexer onto the next token, asserting what the expected
/// current token is. This is preferred to the above method because it leads
/// to more self-documenting code with better checking.
void consumeToken(Token::Kind kind) {
assert(state.curToken.is(kind) && "consumed an unexpected token");
/// Consume the specified token if present and return success. On failure,
/// output a diagnostic and return failure.
ParseResult parseToken(Token::Kind expectedToken, const Twine &message);
/// Parse an optional integer value from the stream.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalInteger(APInt &result);
/// Parse a floating point value from an integer literal token.
ParseResult parseFloatFromIntegerLiteral(Optional<APFloat> &result,
const Token &tok, bool isNegative,
const llvm::fltSemantics &semantics,
size_t typeSizeInBits);
// Type Parsing
ParseResult parseFunctionResultTypes(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements);
ParseResult parseTypeListNoParens(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements);
ParseResult parseTypeListParens(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements);
/// Optionally parse a type.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalType(Type &type);
/// Parse an arbitrary type.
Type parseType();
/// Parse a complex type.
Type parseComplexType();
/// Parse an extended type.
Type parseExtendedType();
/// Parse a function type.
Type parseFunctionType();
/// Parse a memref type.
Type parseMemRefType();
/// Parse a non function type.
Type parseNonFunctionType();
/// Parse a tensor type.
Type parseTensorType();
/// Parse a tuple type.
Type parseTupleType();
/// Parse a vector type.
VectorType parseVectorType();
ParseResult parseDimensionListRanked(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions,
bool allowDynamic = true);
ParseResult parseXInDimensionList();
/// Parse strided layout specification.
ParseResult parseStridedLayout(int64_t &offset,
SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &strides);
// Parse a brace-delimiter list of comma-separated integers with `?` as an
// unknown marker.
ParseResult parseStrideList(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions);
// Attribute Parsing
/// Parse an arbitrary attribute with an optional type.
Attribute parseAttribute(Type type = {});
/// Parse an optional attribute with the provided type.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(Attribute &attribute,
Type type = {});
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(ArrayAttr &attribute, Type type);
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(StringAttr &attribute, Type type);
/// Parse an optional attribute that is demarcated by a specific token.
template <typename AttributeT>
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttributeWithToken(Token::Kind kind,
AttributeT &attr,
Type type = {}) {
if (getToken().isNot(kind))
return llvm::None;
if (Attribute parsedAttr = parseAttribute(type)) {
attr = parsedAttr.cast<AttributeT>();
return success();
return failure();
/// Parse an attribute dictionary.
ParseResult parseAttributeDict(NamedAttrList &attributes);
/// Parse an extended attribute.
Attribute parseExtendedAttr(Type type);
/// Parse a float attribute.
Attribute parseFloatAttr(Type type, bool isNegative);
/// Parse a decimal or a hexadecimal literal, which can be either an integer
/// or a float attribute.
Attribute parseDecOrHexAttr(Type type, bool isNegative);
/// Parse an opaque elements attribute.
Attribute parseOpaqueElementsAttr(Type attrType);
/// Parse a dense elements attribute.
Attribute parseDenseElementsAttr(Type attrType);
ShapedType parseElementsLiteralType(Type type);
/// Parse a sparse elements attribute.
Attribute parseSparseElementsAttr(Type attrType);
// Location Parsing
/// Parse a raw location instance.
ParseResult parseLocationInstance(LocationAttr &loc);
/// Parse a callsite location instance.
ParseResult parseCallSiteLocation(LocationAttr &loc);
/// Parse a fused location instance.
ParseResult parseFusedLocation(LocationAttr &loc);
/// Parse a name or FileLineCol location instance.
ParseResult parseNameOrFileLineColLocation(LocationAttr &loc);
// Affine Parsing
/// Parse a reference to either an affine map, or an integer set.
ParseResult parseAffineMapOrIntegerSetReference(AffineMap &map,
IntegerSet &set);
ParseResult parseAffineMapReference(AffineMap &map);
ParseResult parseIntegerSetReference(IntegerSet &set);
/// Parse an AffineMap where the dim and symbol identifiers are SSA ids.
parseAffineMapOfSSAIds(AffineMap &map,
function_ref<ParseResult(bool)> parseElement,
OpAsmParser::Delimiter delimiter);
/// Parse an AffineExpr where dim and symbol identifiers are SSA ids.
parseAffineExprOfSSAIds(AffineExpr &expr,
function_ref<ParseResult(bool)> parseElement);
/// The Parser is subclassed and reinstantiated. Do not add additional
/// non-trivial state here, add it to the ParserState class.
ParserState &state;
} // end namespace detail
} // end namespace mlir