peter klausler 79d044e9b5 [flang] Take flang-compiler/f18#2 on unparsing, now using the new parse tree walker.
Clean out old data structure formatter.

Create stand-alone Parsing class to compose parts of the parser together.

Hello, world!

Better error recovery on command line errors.

Fix bugs from initial run at f77_correct.

Allow parentheses on PROGRAM statement.

Fix Hollerith scanning.

Remove REDIMENSION with good error recovery.

Fix new "spaces" parser, clean up calls to it.

Fix bugs exposed by in38.f90.

Escaped \a is not special to pgf90; get slashes around STRUCTURE name right.

Better multi-byte source encoding support in Hollerith.

Reformat C++.

More work on multi-byte source encoding.

Pass 219 tests in f77_correct, with good excuses for the rest.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@8a1a0aa2dc
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/25
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2018-03-13 16:32:09 -07:00

147 lines
4.5 KiB

// A buffer class capable of holding a contiguous sequence of characters
// that have been partitioned into preprocessing tokens.
#include "provenance.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
// Just a const char pointer with an associated length; does not presume
// to own the referenced data. Used to describe buffered tokens and hash
// table keys.
class ContiguousChars {
ContiguousChars() {}
ContiguousChars(const char *x, size_t n) : interval_{x, n} {}
ContiguousChars(const std::string &s) : interval_{s.data(), s.size()} {}
ContiguousChars(const ContiguousChars &that) = default;
ContiguousChars &operator=(const ContiguousChars &that) = default;
bool empty() const { return interval_.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return interval_.size(); }
const char &operator[](size_t j) const { return interval_.start()[j]; }
bool IsBlank() const;
std::string ToString() const {
return std::string{interval_.start(), interval_.size()};
Interval<const char *> interval_{nullptr, 0};
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran
// Specializations to enable std::unordered_map<ContiguousChars, ...>
template<> struct std::hash<Fortran::parser::ContiguousChars> {
size_t operator()(const Fortran::parser::ContiguousChars &x) const {
size_t hash{0}, bytes{x.size()};
for (size_t j{0}; j < bytes; ++j) {
hash = (hash * 31) ^ x[j];
return hash;
template<> struct std::equal_to<Fortran::parser::ContiguousChars> {
bool operator()(const Fortran::parser::ContiguousChars &x,
const Fortran::parser::ContiguousChars &y) const {
return x.size() == y.size() &&
std::memcmp(static_cast<const void *>(&x[0]),
static_cast<const void *>(&y[0]), x.size()) == 0;
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
// Buffers a contiguous sequence of characters that has been partitioned into
// a sequence of preprocessing tokens with provenances.
class TokenSequence {
TokenSequence() {}
TokenSequence(const TokenSequence &that) { Put(that); }
TokenSequence(const TokenSequence &that, size_t at, size_t count = 1) {
Put(that, at, count);
TokenSequence(TokenSequence &&that)
: start_{std::move(that.start_)}, nextStart_{that.nextStart_},
char_{std::move(that.char_)}, provenances_{std::move(that.provenances_)} {
TokenSequence(const std::string &s, Provenance p) { Put(s, p); }
TokenSequence &operator=(const TokenSequence &that) {
return *this;
TokenSequence &operator=(TokenSequence &&that) {
start_ = std::move(that.start_);
nextStart_ = that.nextStart_;
char_ = std::move(that.char_);
return *this;
ContiguousChars operator[](size_t token) const {
return {&char_[start_[token]], TokenBytes(token)};
bool empty() const { return start_.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return start_.size(); }
const char *data() const { return &char_[0]; }
void clear();
void pop_back();
void shrink_to_fit();
void PutNextTokenChar(char ch, Provenance provenance) {
provenances_.Put({provenance, 1});
void CloseToken() {
nextStart_ = char_.size();
void ReopenLastToken() {
nextStart_ = start_.back();
void Put(const TokenSequence &);
void Put(const TokenSequence &, ProvenanceRange);
void Put(const TokenSequence &, size_t at, size_t tokens = 1);
void Put(const char *, size_t, Provenance);
void Put(const ContiguousChars &, Provenance);
void Put(const std::string &, Provenance);
void Put(const std::stringstream &, Provenance);
void Emit(CookedSource *) const;
std::string ToString() const;
Provenance GetTokenProvenance(size_t token, size_t offset = 0) const;
ProvenanceRange GetTokenProvenanceRange(
size_t token, size_t offset = 0) const;
ProvenanceRange GetIntervalProvenanceRange(
size_t token, size_t tokens = 1) const;
ProvenanceRange GetProvenanceRange() const;
size_t TokenBytes(size_t token) const {
return (token + 1 >= start_.size() ? char_.size() : start_[token + 1]) -
std::vector<size_t> start_;
size_t nextStart_{0};
std::vector<char> char_;
OffsetToProvenanceMappings provenances_;
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran