peter klausler b3c7a79e2d [flang] -fno-exceptions
Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@81d09c2053
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/503
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-06-18 14:11:55 -07:00

423 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "decimal.h"
#include "integer.h"
#include "leading-zero-bit-count.h"
#include "../common/bit-population-count.h"
#include "../common/idioms.h"
namespace Fortran::evaluate::value {
template<typename REAL, int LOG10RADIX>
std::ostream &Decimal<REAL, LOG10RADIX>::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
if (isNegative_) {
o << '-';
for (int j{digits_ - 1}; j >= 0; --j) {
o << ' ' << digit_[j];
return o << " e" << exponent_ << '\n';
template<typename REAL, int LOG10RADIX>
auto Decimal<REAL, LOG10RADIX>::FromReal(const REAL &x) -> Decimal & {
if (x.IsNegative()) {
isNegative_ = true;
return *this;
if (x.IsZero()) {
return SetToZero();
int twoPow{x.UnbiasedExponent()};
twoPow -= Real::bits - 1;
if (!Real::implicitMSB) {
int lshift{x.exponentBits};
if (twoPow <= -lshift) {
twoPow += lshift;
lshift = 0;
} else if (twoPow < 0) {
lshift += twoPow;
twoPow = 0;
using Word = typename Real::Word;
Word word{Word::ConvertUnsigned(x.GetFraction()).value};
// The significand is now encoded in *this as an integer (D) and
// decimal exponent (E): x = D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow
// twoPow can be positive or negative.
// The goal now is to get twoPow up or down to zero, leaving us with
// only decimal digits and decimal exponent. This is done by
// fast multiplications and divisions of D by 2 and 5.
// (5*D) * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> D * 10.**(E+1) * 2.**(twoPow-1)
for (; twoPow > 0 && IsDivisibleBy<5>(); --twoPow) {
// Scale by factors of 8, then by 2.
static constexpr int log2FastForward{3};
static constexpr int fastForward{1 << log2FastForward};
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> (8*D) * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow-3)
for (; twoPow >= log2FastForward; twoPow -= log2FastForward) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> (2*D) * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow-1)
for (; twoPow > 0; --twoPow) {
// Now twoPow <= 0.
// (8*D) * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> D * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow+3)
for (; twoPow <= -log2FastForward && IsDivisibleBy<fastForward>();
twoPow += log2FastForward) {
// (2*D) * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> D * 10.**E * 2.**(twoPow+1)
for (; twoPow < 0 && IsDivisibleBy<2>(); ++twoPow) {
// D * 10.**E * 2.**twoPow -> 5D * 10.**(E-1) * 2.**(twoPow+1)
for (; twoPow < 0; ++twoPow) {
// twoPow == 0, the decimal encoding is complete.
return *this;
// Local utility class: represents an unrounded binary
// floating-point value with an unbiased (i.e., signed)
// binary exponent.
template<typename REAL> class IntermediateFloat {
using Real = REAL;
using Word = typename Real::Word;
template<typename UINT> void SetTo(UINT n) {
static constexpr int nBits{CHAR_BIT * sizeof n};
if constexpr (Word::bits >= nBits) {
word_ = n;
} else {
int shift{nBits - LeadingZeroBitCount(n) - Word::bits};
if (shift <= 0) {
word_ = n;
} else {
word_ = n >> shift;
exponent_ += shift;
bool sticky{n << (nBits - shift) != 0};
if (sticky) {
word_ = word_.IOR(Word{1});
void MultiplyAndAdd(std::uint32_t n, std::uint32_t plus = 0) {
auto product{word_.MultiplyUnsigned(Word{n})};
if (plus != 0) {
auto sum{product.lower.AddUnsigned(Word{plus})};
product.lower = sum.value;
if (sum.carry) {
product.upper = product.upper.AddUnsigned(1).value;
bool sticky{false};
while (!product.upper.IsZero()) {
sticky |= product.lower.BTEST(0);
product.lower = product.lower.SHIFTRWithFill(product.upper, 1);
product.upper = product.upper.SHIFTR(1);
word_ = product.lower;
if (sticky) {
word_ = word_.IOR(Word{1});
bool IsZero() const { return word_.IsZero(); }
bool IsFull() const { return word_.IsNegative(); }
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
void AdjustExponent(int by) { exponent_ += by; }
ValueWithRealFlags<Real> ToReal(
bool isNegative = false, Rounding rounding = defaultRounding) const;
Word word_{0};
int exponent_{0};
template<typename REAL>
std::ostream &IntermediateFloat<REAL>::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
return o << "0x" << word_.Hexadecimal() << " *2**" << exponent_;
template<typename REAL> REAL MakePowerOfTwo(int exponent) {
auto raw{typename REAL::Word{exponent}.SHIFTL(REAL::significandBits)};
if (!REAL::implicitMSB) {
raw = raw.IBSET(REAL::significandBits - 1);
return REAL{raw};
template<typename REAL>
ValueWithRealFlags<REAL> IntermediateFloat<REAL>::ToReal(
bool isNegative, Rounding rounding) const {
if (word_.IsNegative()) {
// word_ represents an unsigned quantity, so shift it down if the MSB is set
IntermediateFloat shifted;
Word sticky{word_.IAND(Word{1})};
shifted.word_ = word_.SHIFTR(1).IOR(sticky);
shifted.exponent_ = exponent_ + 1;
return shifted.ToReal(isNegative, rounding);
ValueWithRealFlags<Real> result;
if (isNegative) {
result = Real::FromInteger(word_.Negate().value, rounding);
} else {
result = Real::FromInteger(word_, rounding);
int expo{exponent_};
while (expo + Real::exponentBias < 1) {
Real twoPow{MakePowerOfTwo<Real>(1)}; // min normal value
result.value = result.value.Multiply(twoPow).AccumulateFlags(result.flags);
expo += Real::exponentBias - 1;
while (expo + Real::exponentBias >= Real::maxExponent) {
Real twoPow{MakePowerOfTwo<Real>(Real::maxExponent - 1)};
result.value = result.value.Multiply(twoPow).AccumulateFlags(result.flags);
expo += Real::maxExponent - 1 - Real::exponentBias;
Real twoPow{MakePowerOfTwo<Real>(expo + Real::exponentBias)};
result.value = result.value.Multiply(twoPow).AccumulateFlags(result.flags);
return result;
template<typename REAL, int LOG10RADIX>
ValueWithRealFlags<REAL> Decimal<REAL, LOG10RADIX>::ToReal(
const char *&p, Rounding rounding) {
while (*p == ' ') {
digitLimit_ = maxDigits - 1;
isNegative_ = *p == '-';
if (*p == '-' || *p == '+') {
while (*p == '0') {
bool decimalPoint{false};
for (; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
char c{*p};
if (c == '.') {
if (decimalPoint) {
decimalPoint = true;
} else if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
} else if (IsFull()) {
if (!decimalPoint) {
} else {
int carry{MultiplyBy<10>(c - '0')};
CHECK(carry == 0);
if (decimalPoint) {
switch (*p) {
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'd':
case 'D':
case 'q':
case 'Q':
bool negExpo{*++p == '-'};
if (negExpo || *p == '+') {
char *q;
long expoVal{std::strtol(p, &q, 10)};
p = const_cast<const char *>(q);
if (negExpo) {
exponent_ -= expoVal;
} else {
exponent_ += expoVal;
if (IsZero()) {
ValueWithRealFlags<Real> result;
if (isNegative_) {
result.value = Real{}.Negate(); // -0.0
return result;
// At this point, *this holds a multi-precision integer value in a radix
// of a large power of ten. Its radix point is defined to be to the right
// of its digits, and "exponent_" is the power of ten by which it is to
// be scaled.
IntermediateFloat<Real> f;
// Avoid needless rounding by scaling the value down by a multiple of two
// to make it odd.
while (digits_ > 1 && (digit_[0] & 1) == 0) {
if (digits_ == 1) {
int shift{common::TrailingZeroBitCount(digit_[0])};
digit_[0] >>= shift;
if (exponent_ < 0) {
// If the number were to be represented in decimal and scaled,
// there would be decimal digits to the right of the decimal point.
// Align that decimal exponent to be a multiple of log10(radix) so
// that the digits can be viewed as having an effective radix point.
int align{-exponent_ % log10Radix};
if (align > 0) {
digitLimit_ = maxDigits;
for (; align < log10Radix; ++align) {
int carry{MultiplyBy<5>()};
CHECK(carry == 0);
// Transfer the integer part, if any, to the floating-point
// result. The most significant digit can be moved directly;
// lesser-order digits require transfer of carries.
if (exponent_ >= -(digits_ - 1) * log10Radix) {
while (exponent_ > -digits_ * log10Radix) {
digitLimit_ = digits_;
int carry{MultiplyBy<10>()};
f.MultiplyAndAdd(10, carry);
// Shift the decimal point up above the remaining
// digits. If exponent_ remains negative after this
// adjustment, additional digits will be created
// in higher order positions as carries take place.
// Once exponent_ is zero, the carries will then be
// appended to the floating-point result.
exponent_ += digits_ * log10Radix;
// Convert the remaining fraction into bits of the
// resulting floating-point value until we run out of
// room.
while (!f.IsFull() && !IsZero()) {
digitLimit_ = digits_;
std::uint32_t carry = MultiplyBy<2>();
if (carry != 0) {
if (exponent_ < 0) {
exponent_ += log10Radix;
digit_[digits_++] = carry;
carry = 0;
f.MultiplyAndAdd(2, carry);
return f.ToReal(isNegative_, rounding);
template<typename REAL, int LOG10RADIX>
std::string Decimal<REAL, LOG10RADIX>::ToString(int maxDigits) const {
std::string result;
if (isNegative_) {
result += '-';
if (IsZero()) {
result += "0.";
} else {
std::string d{std::to_string(digit_[digits_ - 1])};
for (int j{digits_ - 2}; j >= 0; --j) {
auto part{std::to_string(digit_[j])};
unsigned zeroes = log10Radix - part.size();
d += std::string(zeroes, '0');
d += part;
int dn = d.size();
result += d[0];
result += '.';
if (dn > maxDigits) {
result += d.substr(1, maxDigits - 1);
} else {
result += d.substr(1);
while (result.back() == '0') {
if (exponent_ + dn - 1 != 0) {
result += 'e';
result += std::to_string(exponent_ + dn - 1);
return result;
template<typename REAL, int LOG10RADIX>
std::string Decimal<REAL, LOG10RADIX>::ToMinimalString(
const Real &x, Rounding rounding) const {
for (int digits{1};; ++digits) {
std::string result{ToString(digits)};
const char *p{result.data()};
ValueWithRealFlags<Real> readBack{Decimal{}.ToReal(p, rounding)};
if (x.Compare(readBack.value) == Relation::Equal) {
return result;
template class Decimal<Real<Integer<16>, 11>>;
template class Decimal<Real<Integer<16>, 8>>;
template class Decimal<Real<Integer<32>, 24>>;
template class Decimal<Real<Integer<64>, 53>>;
template class Decimal<Real<Integer<80>, 64, false>>;
template class Decimal<Real<Integer<128>, 112>>;