Tim Keith 9ef62dbb6a [flang] Resolve and check names in equivalence sets
Collect sets of `parser::EquivalenceObject` to process at the end of
the specification part. This is so that names mentioned in the
EQUIVALENCE statement don't trigger implicit declarations.

The `EquivalenceSets` class performs most of the numerous checks
on objects that can be in equivalence sets at all and objects that
can be in them together. It also merges sets when the same object
appears in more than one.

Once equivalence sets are checked they are added to the `Scope`.
Further checks will be necessary after the size and alignment of
variables are computed.

Add `FindUltimateComponent` to simplify checks on ultimate components
of derived types. Use it to implement `HasCoarrayUltimateComponent`
and checks on equivalence objects.

Make `ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(Designator)` public so that
`parser::EquivalenceObject` can be analyzed.

Add `GetDefaultKind`, `doublePrecisionKind`, and `quadPrecisionKind`
to `SemanticsContext` so that `defaultKinds_` does not need to be
accessed directly.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@1cc898e5b8
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/494
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-06-11 18:26:48 -07:00

386 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "scope.h"
#include "semantics.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "../evaluate/fold.h"
#include "../parser/characters.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
Symbols<1024> Scope::allSymbols;
bool EquivalenceObject::operator==(const EquivalenceObject &that) const {
return symbol == that.symbol && subscripts == that.subscripts;
bool EquivalenceObject::operator<(const EquivalenceObject &that) const {
return &symbol < &that.symbol ||
(&symbol == &that.symbol && subscripts < that.subscripts);
std::string EquivalenceObject::AsFortran() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << symbol.name().ToString();
if (!subscripts.empty()) {
char sep{'('};
for (auto subscript : subscripts) {
ss << sep << subscript;
sep = ',';
ss << ')';
return ss.str();
bool Scope::IsModule() const {
return kind_ == Kind::Module && !symbol_->get<ModuleDetails>().isSubmodule();
Scope &Scope::MakeScope(Kind kind, Symbol *symbol) {
return children_.emplace_back(*this, kind, symbol);
Scope::iterator Scope::find(const SourceName &name) {
return symbols_.find(name);
Scope::size_type Scope::erase(const SourceName &name) {
auto it{symbols_.find(name)};
if (it != end()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Symbol *Scope::FindSymbol(const SourceName &name) const {
if (kind() == Kind::DerivedType) {
return parent_.FindSymbol(name);
auto it{find(name)};
if (it != end()) {
return it->second;
} else if (CanImport(name)) {
return parent_.FindSymbol(name);
} else {
return nullptr;
const std::list<EquivalenceSet> &Scope::equivalenceSets() const {
return equivalenceSets_;
void Scope::add_equivalenceSet(EquivalenceSet &&set) {
Symbol &Scope::MakeCommonBlock(const SourceName &name) {
const auto it{commonBlocks_.find(name)};
if (it != commonBlocks_.end()) {
return *it->second;
} else {
Symbol &symbol{MakeSymbol(name, Attrs{}, CommonBlockDetails{})};
commonBlocks_.emplace(name, &symbol);
return symbol;
Symbol *Scope::FindCommonBlock(const SourceName &name) {
const auto it{commonBlocks_.find(name)};
return it != commonBlocks_.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
Scope *Scope::FindSubmodule(const SourceName &name) const {
auto it{submodules_.find(name)};
if (it == submodules_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return it->second;
bool Scope::AddSubmodule(const SourceName &name, Scope &submodule) {
return submodules_.emplace(name, &submodule).second;
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeNumericType(
TypeCategory category, KindExpr &&kind) {
return MakeLengthlessType(NumericTypeSpec{category, std::move(kind)});
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeLogicalType(KindExpr &&kind) {
return MakeLengthlessType(LogicalTypeSpec{std::move(kind)});
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeTypeStarType() {
return MakeLengthlessType(DeclTypeSpec{DeclTypeSpec::TypeStar});
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeClassStarType() {
return MakeLengthlessType(DeclTypeSpec{DeclTypeSpec::ClassStar});
// Types that can't have length parameters can be reused without having to
// compare length expressions. They are stored in the global scope.
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeLengthlessType(DeclTypeSpec &&type) {
auto it{std::find(declTypeSpecs_.begin(), declTypeSpecs_.end(), type)};
if (it != declTypeSpecs_.end()) {
return *it;
} else {
return declTypeSpecs_.emplace_back(std::move(type));
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeCharacterType(
ParamValue &&length, KindExpr &&kind) {
return declTypeSpecs_.emplace_back(
CharacterTypeSpec{std::move(length), std::move(kind)});
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeDerivedType(
DeclTypeSpec::Category category, DerivedTypeSpec &&spec) {
return MakeDerivedType(std::move(spec), category);
DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeDerivedType(const Symbol &typeSymbol) {
CHECK(typeSymbol.scope() != nullptr);
return MakeDerivedType(
DerivedTypeSpec{typeSymbol}, DeclTypeSpec::TypeDerived);
DeclTypeSpec &Scope::MakeDerivedType(
DerivedTypeSpec &&spec, DeclTypeSpec::Category category) {
return declTypeSpecs_.emplace_back(
category, DerivedTypeSpec{std::move(spec)});
void Scope::set_chars(parser::CookedSource &cooked) {
CHECK(kind_ == Kind::Module);
CHECK(parent_.kind_ == Kind::Global || parent_.IsModuleFile());
CHECK(symbol_ != nullptr);
// TODO: Preserve the CookedSource rather than acquiring its string.
chars_ = cooked.AcquireData();
Scope::ImportKind Scope::GetImportKind() const {
if (importKind_) {
return *importKind_;
if (symbol_ && !symbol_->attrs().test(Attr::MODULE)) {
if (auto *details{symbol_->detailsIf<SubprogramDetails>()}) {
if (details->isInterface()) {
return ImportKind::None; // default for non-mod-proc interface body
return ImportKind::Default;
std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> Scope::SetImportKind(ImportKind kind) {
if (!importKind_.has_value()) {
importKind_ = kind;
return std::nullopt;
bool hasNone{kind == ImportKind::None || *importKind_ == ImportKind::None};
bool hasAll{kind == ImportKind::All || *importKind_ == ImportKind::All};
// Check C8100 and C898: constraints on multiple IMPORT statements
if (hasNone || hasAll) {
return hasNone
? "IMPORT,NONE must be the only IMPORT statement in a scope"_err_en_US
: "IMPORT,ALL must be the only IMPORT statement in a scope"_err_en_US;
} else if (kind != *importKind_ &&
(kind != ImportKind::Only || kind != ImportKind::Only)) {
return "Every IMPORT must have ONLY specifier if one of them does"_err_en_US;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
void Scope::add_importName(const SourceName &name) {
// true if name can be imported or host-associated from parent scope.
bool Scope::CanImport(const SourceName &name) const {
if (kind_ == Kind::Global) {
return false;
switch (GetImportKind()) {
case ImportKind::None: return false;
case ImportKind::All:
case ImportKind::Default: return true;
case ImportKind::Only: return importNames_.count(name) > 0;
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
const Scope *Scope::FindScope(parser::CharBlock source) const {
return const_cast<Scope *>(this)->FindScope(source);
Scope *Scope::FindScope(parser::CharBlock source) {
bool isContained{sourceRange_.Contains(source)};
if (!isContained && kind_ != Kind::Global && !IsModuleFile()) {
return nullptr;
for (auto &child : children_) {
if (auto *scope{child.FindScope(source)}) {
return scope;
return isContained ? this : nullptr;
void Scope::AddSourceRange(const parser::CharBlock &source) {
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Scope &scope) {
os << Scope::EnumToString(scope.kind()) << " scope: ";
if (auto *symbol{scope.symbol()}) {
os << *symbol << ' ';
os << scope.children_.size() << " children\n";
for (const auto &pair : scope.symbols_) {
const auto *symbol{pair.second};
os << " " << *symbol << '\n';
if (!scope.equivalenceSets_.empty()) {
os << " Equivalence Sets:\n";
for (const auto &set : scope.equivalenceSets_) {
os << " ";
for (const auto &object : set) {
os << ' ' << object.AsFortran();
os << '\n';
for (const auto &pair : scope.commonBlocks_) {
const auto *symbol{pair.second};
os << " " << *symbol << '\n';
return os;
bool Scope::IsParameterizedDerivedType() const {
if (kind_ != Kind::DerivedType) {
return false;
if (const Scope * parent{GetDerivedTypeParent()}) {
if (parent->IsParameterizedDerivedType()) {
return true;
for (const auto &pair : symbols_) {
if (pair.second->has<TypeParamDetails>()) {
return true;
return false;
const DeclTypeSpec *Scope::FindInstantiatedDerivedType(
const DerivedTypeSpec &spec, DeclTypeSpec::Category category) const {
DeclTypeSpec type{category, spec};
auto typeIter{std::find(declTypeSpecs_.begin(), declTypeSpecs_.end(), type)};
if (typeIter != declTypeSpecs_.end()) {
return &*typeIter;
if (&parent_ == this) {
return nullptr;
return parent_.FindInstantiatedDerivedType(spec, category);
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::FindOrInstantiateDerivedType(DerivedTypeSpec &&spec,
SemanticsContext &semanticsContext, DeclTypeSpec::Category category) {
if (const DeclTypeSpec * type{FindInstantiatedDerivedType(spec, category)}) {
return *type;
// Create a new instantiation of this parameterized derived type
// for this particular distinct set of actual parameter values.
DeclTypeSpec &type{MakeDerivedType(std::move(spec), category)};
type.derivedTypeSpec().Instantiate(*this, semanticsContext);
return type;
Scope &Scope::InstantiateDerivedType(
const Scope &from, SemanticsContext &semanticsContext) {
CHECK(from.kind_ == Kind::DerivedType);
sourceRange_ = from.sourceRange_;
chars_ = from.chars_;
for (const auto &pair : from.symbols_) {
pair.second->Instantiate(*this, semanticsContext);
return *this;
const DeclTypeSpec &Scope::InstantiateIntrinsicType(
const DeclTypeSpec &spec, SemanticsContext &semanticsContext) {
const IntrinsicTypeSpec *intrinsic{spec.AsIntrinsic()};
CHECK(intrinsic != nullptr);
if (evaluate::ToInt64(intrinsic->kind()).has_value()) {
return spec; // KIND is already a known constant
// The expression was not originally constant, but now it must be so
// in the context of a parameterized derived type instantiation.
KindExpr copy{intrinsic->kind()};
evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext{semanticsContext.foldingContext()};
copy = evaluate::Fold(foldingContext, std::move(copy));
int kind{semanticsContext.GetDefaultKind(intrinsic->category())};
if (auto value{evaluate::ToInt64(copy)}) {
if (evaluate::IsValidKindOfIntrinsicType(intrinsic->category(), *value)) {
kind = *value;
} else {
"KIND parameter value (%jd) of intrinsic type %s "
"did not resolve to a supported value"_err_en_US,
switch (spec.category()) {
case DeclTypeSpec::Numeric:
return declTypeSpecs_.emplace_back(
NumericTypeSpec{intrinsic->category(), KindExpr{kind}});
case DeclTypeSpec::Logical:
return declTypeSpecs_.emplace_back(LogicalTypeSpec{KindExpr{kind}});
case DeclTypeSpec::Character:
return declTypeSpecs_.emplace_back(CharacterTypeSpec{
ParamValue{spec.characterTypeSpec().length()}, KindExpr{kind}});
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
const Symbol *Scope::GetSymbol() const {
if (symbol_ != nullptr) {
return symbol_;
if (derivedTypeSpec_ != nullptr) {
return &derivedTypeSpec_->typeSymbol();
return nullptr;
const Scope *Scope::GetDerivedTypeParent() const {
if (const Symbol * symbol{GetSymbol()}) {
if (const DerivedTypeSpec * parent{symbol->GetParentTypeSpec(this)}) {
return parent->scope();
return nullptr;