Tim Keith 9ef62dbb6a [flang] Resolve and check names in equivalence sets
Collect sets of `parser::EquivalenceObject` to process at the end of
the specification part. This is so that names mentioned in the
EQUIVALENCE statement don't trigger implicit declarations.

The `EquivalenceSets` class performs most of the numerous checks
on objects that can be in equivalence sets at all and objects that
can be in them together. It also merges sets when the same object
appears in more than one.

Once equivalence sets are checked they are added to the `Scope`.
Further checks will be necessary after the size and alignment of
variables are computed.

Add `FindUltimateComponent` to simplify checks on ultimate components
of derived types. Use it to implement `HasCoarrayUltimateComponent`
and checks on equivalence objects.

Make `ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(Designator)` public so that
`parser::EquivalenceObject` can be analyzed.

Add `GetDefaultKind`, `doublePrecisionKind`, and `quadPrecisionKind`
to `SemanticsContext` so that `defaultKinds_` does not need to be
accessed directly.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@1cc898e5b8
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/494
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-06-11 18:26:48 -07:00

2105 lines
78 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "expression.h"
#include "assignment.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "semantics.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "../common/idioms.h"
#include "../evaluate/common.h"
#include "../evaluate/fold.h"
#include "../evaluate/tools.h"
#include "../parser/characters.h"
#include "../parser/parse-tree-visitor.h"
#include "../parser/parse-tree.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
// #define DUMP_ON_FAILURE 1
// #define CRASH_ON_FAILURE 1
#include "../parser/dump-parse-tree.h"
#include <iostream>
// Typedef for optional generic expressions (ubiquitous in this file)
using MaybeExpr =
// Much of the code that implements semantic analysis of expressions is
// tightly coupled with their typed representations in lib/evaluate,
// and appears here in namespace Fortran::evaluate for convenience.
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
using common::TypeCategory;
struct DynamicTypeWithLength : public DynamicType {
explicit DynamicTypeWithLength(const DynamicType &t) : DynamicType{t} {}
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> LEN() const;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> length;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> DynamicTypeWithLength::LEN() const {
if (length.has_value()) {
return length;
if (auto *lengthParam{charLength()}) {
if (const auto &len{lengthParam->GetExplicit()}) {
return ConvertToType<SubscriptInteger>(common::Clone(*len));
return std::nullopt;
static std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> AnalyzeTypeSpec(
const std::optional<parser::TypeSpec> &spec) {
if (spec.has_value()) {
if (const semantics::DeclTypeSpec * typeSpec{spec->declTypeSpec}) {
// Name resolution sets TypeSpec::declTypeSpec only when it's valid
// (viz., an intrinsic type with valid known kind or a non-polymorphic
// & non-ABSTRACT derived type).
if (const semantics::IntrinsicTypeSpec *
intrinsic{typeSpec->AsIntrinsic()}) {
TypeCategory category{intrinsic->category()};
if (auto optKind{ToInt64(intrinsic->kind())}) {
int kind{static_cast<int>(*optKind)};
if (category == TypeCategory::Character) {
const semantics::CharacterTypeSpec &cts{
const semantics::ParamValue &len{cts.length()};
// N.B. CHARACTER(LEN=*) is allowed in type-specs in ALLOCATE() &
// type guards, but not in array constructors.
return DynamicTypeWithLength{DynamicType{kind, len}};
} else {
return DynamicTypeWithLength{DynamicType{category, kind}};
} else if (const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *
derived{typeSpec->AsDerived()}) {
return DynamicTypeWithLength{DynamicType{*derived}};
return std::nullopt;
// Wraps a object in an explicitly typed representation (e.g., Designator<>
// or FunctionRef<>) that has been instantiated on a dynamically chosen type.
template<TypeCategory CATEGORY, template<typename> typename WRAPPER,
typename WRAPPED>
common::IfNoLvalue<MaybeExpr, WRAPPED> WrapperHelper(int kind, WRAPPED &&x) {
return common::SearchTypes(
TypeKindVisitor<CATEGORY, WRAPPER, WRAPPED>{kind, std::move(x)});
template<template<typename> typename WRAPPER, typename WRAPPED>
common::IfNoLvalue<MaybeExpr, WRAPPED> TypedWrapper(
const DynamicType &dyType, WRAPPED &&x) {
switch (dyType.category()) {
case TypeCategory::Integer:
return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Integer, WRAPPER, WRAPPED>(
dyType.kind(), std::move(x));
case TypeCategory::Real:
return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Real, WRAPPER, WRAPPED>(
dyType.kind(), std::move(x));
case TypeCategory::Complex:
return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Complex, WRAPPER, WRAPPED>(
dyType.kind(), std::move(x));
case TypeCategory::Character:
return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Character, WRAPPER, WRAPPED>(
dyType.kind(), std::move(x));
case TypeCategory::Logical:
return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Logical, WRAPPER, WRAPPED>(
dyType.kind(), std::move(x));
case TypeCategory::Derived:
return AsGenericExpr(Expr<SomeDerived>{WRAPPER<SomeDerived>{std::move(x)}});
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
// Wraps a data reference in a typed Designator<>, and a procedure
// or procedure pointer reference in a ProcedureDesignator.
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Designate(DataRef &&ref) {
const Symbol &symbol{ref.GetLastSymbol().GetUltimate()};
if (semantics::IsProcedure(symbol)) {
if (auto *component{std::get_if<Component>(&ref.u)}) {
return Expr<SomeType>{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(*component)}};
} else {
CHECK(std::holds_alternative<const Symbol *>(ref.u));
return Expr<SomeType>{ProcedureDesignator{symbol}};
} else if (auto dyType{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
return TypedWrapper<Designator, DataRef>(*dyType, std::move(ref));
} else if (const auto *declTypeSpec{symbol.GetType()}) {
if (declTypeSpec->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::TypeStar) {
Say("TYPE(*) assumed-type dummy argument '%s' may not be "
"used except as an actual argument"_err_en_US,
return std::nullopt;
// Some subscript semantic checks must be deferred until all of the
// subscripts are in hand.
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::CompleteSubscripts(ArrayRef &&ref) {
const Symbol &symbol{ref.GetLastSymbol().GetUltimate()};
int symbolRank{symbol.Rank()};
int subscripts = ref.size();
if (subscripts == 0) {
// A -> A(:,:)
for (; subscripts < symbolRank; ++subscripts) {
if (subscripts != symbolRank) {
Say("Reference to rank-%d object '%s' has %d subscripts"_err_en_US,
symbolRank, symbol.name(), subscripts);
return std::nullopt;
} else if (subscripts == 0) {
// nothing to check
} else if (Component * component{std::get_if<Component>(&ref.base())}) {
int baseRank{component->base().Rank()};
if (baseRank > 0) {
int subscriptRank{0};
for (const auto &expr : ref.subscript()) {
subscriptRank += expr.Rank();
if (subscriptRank > 0) {
Say("Subscripts of component '%s' of rank-%d derived type "
"array have rank %d but must all be scalar"_err_en_US,
symbol.name(), baseRank, subscriptRank);
return std::nullopt;
} else if (const auto *details{
symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
// C928 & C1002
if (Triplet * last{std::get_if<Triplet>(&ref.subscript().back().u)}) {
if (!last->upper().has_value() && details->IsAssumedSize()) {
Say("Assumed-size array '%s' must have explicit final "
"subscript upper bound value"_err_en_US,
return std::nullopt;
return Designate(DataRef{std::move(ref)});
// Applies subscripts to a data reference.
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::ApplySubscripts(
DataRef &&dataRef, std::vector<Subscript> &&subscripts) {
return std::visit(
[&](const Symbol *symbol) {
return CompleteSubscripts(ArrayRef{*symbol, std::move(subscripts)});
[&](Component &&c) {
return CompleteSubscripts(
ArrayRef{std::move(c), std::move(subscripts)});
[&](auto &&) -> MaybeExpr {
CHECK(!"bad base for ArrayRef");
return std::nullopt;
// Top-level checks for data references. Unsubscripted whole array references
// get expanded -- e.g., MATRIX becomes MATRIX(:,:).
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::TopLevelChecks(DataRef &&dataRef) {
bool addSubscripts{false};
if (Component * component{std::get_if<Component>(&dataRef.u)}) {
const Symbol &symbol{component->GetLastSymbol()};
int componentRank{symbol.Rank()};
if (componentRank > 0) {
int baseRank{component->base().Rank()};
if (baseRank > 0) {
Say("Reference to whole rank-%d component '%%%s' of "
"rank-%d array of derived type is not allowed"_err_en_US,
componentRank, symbol.name(), baseRank);
} else {
addSubscripts = true;
} else if (const Symbol **symbol{std::get_if<const Symbol *>(&dataRef.u)}) {
addSubscripts = (*symbol)->Rank() > 0;
if (addSubscripts) {
if (MaybeExpr subscripted{
ApplySubscripts(std::move(dataRef), std::vector<Subscript>{})}) {
return subscripted;
return Designate(std::move(dataRef));
// Parse tree correction after a substring S(j:k) was misparsed as an
// array section. N.B. Fortran substrings have to have a range, not a
// single index.
static void FixMisparsedSubstring(const parser::Designator &d) {
auto &mutate{const_cast<parser::Designator &>(d)};
if (auto *dataRef{std::get_if<parser::DataRef>(&mutate.u)}) {
if (auto *ae{std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::ArrayElement>>(
&dataRef->u)}) {
parser::ArrayElement &arrElement{ae->value()};
if (!arrElement.subscripts.empty()) {
auto iter{arrElement.subscripts.begin()};
if (auto *triplet{std::get_if<parser::SubscriptTriplet>(&iter->u)}) {
if (!std::get<2>(triplet->t).has_value() /* no stride */ &&
++iter == arrElement.subscripts.end() /* one subscript */) {
if (Symbol *
[](parser::Name &n) { return n.symbol; },
&sc) { return sc.value().component.symbol; },
[](auto &) -> Symbol * { return nullptr; },
arrElement.base.u)}) {
const Symbol &ultimate{symbol->GetUltimate()};
if (const semantics::DeclTypeSpec * type{ultimate.GetType()}) {
if (!ultimate.IsObjectArray() &&
type->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::Character) {
// The ambiguous S(j:k) was parsed as an array section
// reference, but it's now clear that it's a substring.
// Fix the parse tree in situ.
mutate.u = arrElement.ConvertToSubstring();
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Designator &d) {
auto save{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(d.source)};
// These checks have to be deferred to these "top level" data-refs where
// we can be sure that there are no following subscripts (yet).
if (MaybeExpr result{Analyze(d.u)}) {
if (std::optional<evaluate::DataRef> dataRef{
evaluate::ExtractDataRef(std::move(result))}) {
return TopLevelChecks(std::move(*dataRef));
return result;
return std::nullopt;
// A utility subroutine to repackage optional expressions of various levels
// of type specificity as fully general MaybeExpr values.
template<typename A> common::IfNoLvalue<MaybeExpr, A> AsMaybeExpr(A &&x) {
return std::make_optional(AsGenericExpr(std::move(x)));
template<typename A> MaybeExpr AsMaybeExpr(std::optional<A> &&x) {
if (x.has_value()) {
return AsMaybeExpr(std::move(*x));
return std::nullopt;
// Type kind parameter values for literal constants.
int ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeKindParam(
const std::optional<parser::KindParam> &kindParam, int defaultKind,
int kanjiKind /* = -1 */) {
if (!kindParam.has_value()) {
return defaultKind;
return std::visit(
[](std::uint64_t k) { return static_cast<int>(k); },
[&](const parser::Scalar<
parser::Integer<parser::Constant<parser::Name>>> &n) {
if (MaybeExpr ie{Analyze(n)}) {
if (std::optional<std::int64_t> i64{ToInt64(*ie)}) {
int iv = *i64;
if (iv == *i64) {
return iv;
return defaultKind;
[&](parser::KindParam::Kanji) {
if (kanjiKind >= 0) {
return kanjiKind;
Say("Kanji not allowed here"_err_en_US);
return defaultKind;
// Common handling of parser::IntLiteralConstant and SignedIntLiteralConstant
struct IntTypeVisitor {
using Result = MaybeExpr;
using Types = IntegerTypes;
template<typename T> Result Test() {
if (T::kind >= kind) {
const char *p{digits.begin()};
auto value{T::Scalar::Read(p, 10, true /*signed*/)};
if (!value.overflow) {
if (T::kind > kind) {
if (!isDefaultKind ||
parser::LanguageFeature::BigIntLiterals)) {
return std::nullopt;
} else if (analyzer.context().ShouldWarn(
parser::LanguageFeature::BigIntLiterals)) {
"Integer literal is too large for default INTEGER(KIND=%d); "
"assuming INTEGER(KIND=%d)"_en_US,
kind, T::kind);
return Expr<SomeType>{
return std::nullopt;
ExpressionAnalyzer &analyzer;
parser::CharBlock digits;
int kind;
bool isDefaultKind;
template<typename PARSED>
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::IntLiteralConstant(const PARSED &x) {
const auto &kindParam{std::get<std::optional<parser::KindParam>>(x.t)};
bool isDefaultKind{!kindParam.has_value()};
int kind{AnalyzeKindParam(kindParam, GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer))};
if (CheckIntrinsicKind(TypeCategory::Integer, kind)) {
auto digits{std::get<parser::CharBlock>(x.t)};
if (MaybeExpr result{common::SearchTypes(
IntTypeVisitor{*this, digits, kind, isDefaultKind})}) {
return result;
} else if (isDefaultKind) {
"Integer literal is too large for any allowable "
"kind of INTEGER"_err_en_US);
} else {
Say(digits, "Integer literal is too large for INTEGER(KIND=%d)"_err_en_US,
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::IntLiteralConstant &x) {
return IntLiteralConstant(x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::SignedIntLiteralConstant &x) {
return IntLiteralConstant(x);
template<typename TYPE>
Constant<TYPE> ReadRealLiteral(
parser::CharBlock source, FoldingContext &context) {
const char *p{source.begin()};
auto valWithFlags{Scalar<TYPE>::Read(p, context.rounding())};
CHECK(p == source.end());
RealFlagWarnings(context, valWithFlags.flags, "conversion of REAL literal");
auto value{valWithFlags.value};
if (context.flushSubnormalsToZero()) {
value = value.FlushSubnormalToZero();
return {value};
struct RealTypeVisitor {
using Result = std::optional<Expr<SomeReal>>;
using Types = RealTypes;
RealTypeVisitor(int k, parser::CharBlock lit, FoldingContext &ctx)
: kind{k}, literal{lit}, context{ctx} {}
template<typename T> Result Test() {
if (kind == T::kind) {
return {AsCategoryExpr(ReadRealLiteral<T>(literal, context))};
return std::nullopt;
int kind;
parser::CharBlock literal;
FoldingContext &context;
// Reads a real literal constant and encodes it with the right kind.
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::RealLiteralConstant &x) {
// Use a local message context around the real literal for better
// provenance on any messages.
auto save{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(x.real.source)};
// If a kind parameter appears, it defines the kind of the literal and any
// letter used in an exponent part (e.g., the 'E' in "6.02214E+23")
// should agree. In the absence of an explicit kind parameter, any exponent
// letter determines the kind. Otherwise, defaults apply.
int defaultKind{context_.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)};
const char *end{x.real.source.end()};
std::optional<int> letterKind;
for (const char *p{x.real.source.begin()}; p < end; ++p) {
if (parser::IsLetter(*p)) {
switch (*p) {
case 'e': letterKind = context_.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real); break;
case 'd': letterKind = context_.doublePrecisionKind(); break;
case 'q': letterKind = context_.quadPrecisionKind(); break;
default: Say("Unknown exponent letter '%c'"_err_en_US, *p);
if (letterKind.has_value()) {
defaultKind = *letterKind;
auto kind{AnalyzeKindParam(x.kind, defaultKind)};
if (letterKind.has_value() && kind != *letterKind) {
Say("Explicit kind parameter on real constant disagrees with "
"exponent letter"_en_US);
auto result{common::SearchTypes(
RealTypeVisitor{kind, x.real.source, GetFoldingContext()})};
if (!result.has_value()) {
Say("Unsupported REAL(KIND=%d)"_err_en_US, kind);
return AsMaybeExpr(std::move(result));
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::SignedRealLiteralConstant &x) {
if (auto result{Analyze(std::get<parser::RealLiteralConstant>(x.t))}) {
auto &realExpr{std::get<Expr<SomeReal>>(result->u)};
if (auto sign{std::get<std::optional<parser::Sign>>(x.t)}) {
if (sign == parser::Sign::Negative) {
return {AsGenericExpr(-std::move(realExpr))};
return result;
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ComplexPart &x) {
return Analyze(x.u);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ComplexLiteralConstant &z) {
return AsMaybeExpr(
ConstructComplex(GetContextualMessages(), Analyze(std::get<0>(z.t)),
Analyze(std::get<1>(z.t)), GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)));
// CHARACTER literal processing.
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeString(std::string &&string, int kind) {
if (!CheckIntrinsicKind(TypeCategory::Character, kind)) {
return std::nullopt;
if (kind == 1) {
return {AsGenericExpr(
Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 1>>{std::move(string)})};
} else if (std::optional<std::u32string> unicode{
parser::DecodeUTF8(string)}) {
if (kind == 4) {
return {AsGenericExpr(
Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 4>>{std::move(*unicode)})};
CHECK(kind == 2);
// TODO: better Kanji support
std::u16string result;
for (const char32_t &ch : *unicode) {
result += static_cast<char16_t>(ch);
return {AsGenericExpr(
Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 2>>{std::move(result)})};
} else {
Say("bad UTF-8 encoding of CHARACTER(KIND=%d) literal"_err_en_US, kind);
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::CharLiteralConstant &x) {
int kind{
AnalyzeKindParam(std::get<std::optional<parser::KindParam>>(x.t), 1)};
auto value{std::get<std::string>(x.t)};
return AnalyzeString(std::move(value), kind);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::HollerithLiteralConstant &x) {
int kind{GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Character)};
auto value{x.v};
return AnalyzeString(std::move(value), kind);
// .TRUE. and .FALSE. of various kinds
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::LogicalLiteralConstant &x) {
auto kind{AnalyzeKindParam(std::get<std::optional<parser::KindParam>>(x.t),
bool value{std::get<bool>(x.t)};
auto result{common::SearchTypes(
TypeKindVisitor<TypeCategory::Logical, Constant, bool>{
kind, std::move(value)})};
if (!result.has_value()) {
Say("unsupported LOGICAL(KIND=%d)"_err_en_US, kind);
return result;
// BOZ typeless literals
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::BOZLiteralConstant &x) {
const char *p{x.v.c_str()};
std::uint64_t base{16};
switch (*p++) {
case 'b': base = 2; break;
case 'o': base = 8; break;
case 'z': break;
case 'x': break;
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
CHECK(*p == '"');
auto value{BOZLiteralConstant::Read(p, base, false /*unsigned*/)};
if (*p != '"') {
Say("Invalid digit ('%c') in BOZ literal '%s'"_err_en_US, *p, x.v);
return std::nullopt;
if (value.overflow) {
Say("BOZ literal '%s' too large"_err_en_US, x.v);
return std::nullopt;
return {AsGenericExpr(std::move(value.value))};
// For use with SearchTypes to create a TypeParamInquiry with the
// right integer kind.
struct TypeParamInquiryVisitor {
using Result = std::optional<Expr<SomeInteger>>;
using Types = IntegerTypes;
TypeParamInquiryVisitor(int k, SymbolOrComponent &&b, const Symbol &param)
: kind{k}, base{std::move(b)}, parameter{param} {}
template<typename T> Result Test() {
if (kind == T::kind) {
return Expr<SomeInteger>{
Expr<T>{TypeParamInquiry<T::kind>{std::move(base), parameter}}};
return std::nullopt;
int kind;
SymbolOrComponent base;
const Symbol &parameter;
static std::optional<Expr<SomeInteger>> MakeBareTypeParamInquiry(
const Symbol *symbol) {
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dyType{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
if (dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
return common::SearchTypes(TypeParamInquiryVisitor{
dyType->kind(), SymbolOrComponent{nullptr} /* no base */, *symbol});
return std::nullopt;
// Names and named constants
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Name &n) {
if (std::optional<int> kind{IsAcImpliedDo(n.source)}) {
return AsMaybeExpr(ConvertToKind<TypeCategory::Integer>(
*kind, AsExpr(ImpliedDoIndex{n.source})));
} else if (!context_.HasError(n)) {
const Symbol &ultimate{n.symbol->GetUltimate()};
if (ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::TypeParamDetails>()) {
// A bare reference to a derived type parameter (within a parameterized
// derived type definition)
return AsMaybeExpr(MakeBareTypeParamInquiry(&ultimate));
} else {
return Designate(DataRef{ultimate});
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::NamedConstant &n) {
if (MaybeExpr value{Analyze(n.v)}) {
Expr<SomeType> folded{Fold(GetFoldingContext(), std::move(*value))};
if (IsConstantExpr(folded)) {
return {folded};
Say(n.v.source, "must be a constant"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
// Substring references
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ExpressionAnalyzer::GetSubstringBound(
const std::optional<parser::ScalarIntExpr> &bound) {
if (bound.has_value()) {
if (MaybeExpr expr{Analyze(*bound)}) {
if (expr->Rank() > 1) {
Say("substring bound expression has rank %d"_err_en_US, expr->Rank());
if (auto *intExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeInteger>>(&expr->u)}) {
if (auto *ssIntExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>(&intExpr->u)}) {
return {std::move(*ssIntExpr)};
return {Expr<SubscriptInteger>{
Convert<SubscriptInteger, TypeCategory::Integer>{
} else {
Say("substring bound expression is not INTEGER"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Substring &ss) {
if (MaybeExpr baseExpr{Analyze(std::get<parser::DataRef>(ss.t))}) {
if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(std::move(*baseExpr))}) {
if (MaybeExpr newBaseExpr{TopLevelChecks(std::move(*dataRef))}) {
if (std::optional<DataRef> checked{
ExtractDataRef(std::move(*newBaseExpr))}) {
const parser::SubstringRange &range{
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> first{
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> last{
const Symbol &symbol{checked->GetLastSymbol()};
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dynamicType{
DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
if (dynamicType->category() == TypeCategory::Character) {
return WrapperHelper<TypeCategory::Character, Designator,
Substring{std::move(checked.value()), std::move(first),
Say("substring may apply only to CHARACTER"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
// CHARACTER literal substrings
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::CharLiteralConstantSubstring &x) {
const parser::SubstringRange &range{std::get<parser::SubstringRange>(x.t)};
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> lower{
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> upper{
if (MaybeExpr string{Analyze(std::get<parser::CharLiteralConstant>(x.t))}) {
if (auto *charExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(&string->u)}) {
Expr<SubscriptInteger> length{std::visit(
[](const auto &ckExpr) { return ckExpr.LEN(); }, charExpr->u)};
if (!lower.has_value()) {
lower = Expr<SubscriptInteger>{1};
if (!upper.has_value()) {
upper = Expr<SubscriptInteger>{
return std::visit(
[&](auto &&ckExpr) -> MaybeExpr {
using Result = ResultType<decltype(ckExpr)>;
auto *cp{std::get_if<Constant<Result>>(&ckExpr.u)};
CHECK(cp != nullptr); // the parent was parsed as a constant string
CHECK(cp->size() == 1);
StaticDataObject::Pointer staticData{StaticDataObject::Create()};
Substring substring{std::move(staticData), std::move(lower.value()),
return AsGenericExpr(Expr<SomeCharacter>{
return std::nullopt;
// Subscripted array references
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ExpressionAnalyzer::AsSubscript(
MaybeExpr &&expr) {
if (expr.has_value()) {
if (expr->Rank() > 1) {
Say("subscript expression has rank %d"_err_en_US, expr->Rank());
if (auto *intExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeInteger>>(&expr->u)}) {
if (auto *ssIntExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>(&intExpr->u)}) {
return {std::move(*ssIntExpr)};
return {Expr<SubscriptInteger>{
Convert<SubscriptInteger, TypeCategory::Integer>{
} else {
Say("subscript expression is not INTEGER"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ExpressionAnalyzer::TripletPart(
const std::optional<parser::Subscript> &s) {
if (s.has_value()) {
return AsSubscript(Analyze(*s));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<Subscript> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeSectionSubscript(
const parser::SectionSubscript &ss) {
return std::visit(
[&](const parser::SubscriptTriplet &t) {
return std::make_optional(Subscript{Triplet{
TripletPart(std::get<0>(t.t)), TripletPart(std::get<1>(t.t)),
[&](const auto &s) -> std::optional<Subscript> {
if (auto subscriptExpr{AsSubscript(Analyze(s))}) {
return {Subscript{std::move(*subscriptExpr)}};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
// Empty result means an error occurred
std::vector<Subscript> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeSectionSubscripts(
const std::list<parser::SectionSubscript> &sss) {
bool error{false};
std::vector<Subscript> subscripts;
for (const auto &s : sss) {
if (auto subscript{AnalyzeSectionSubscript(s)}) {
} else {
error = true;
return !error ? subscripts : std::vector<Subscript>{};
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ArrayElement &ae) {
std::vector<Subscript> subscripts{AnalyzeSectionSubscripts(ae.subscripts)};
if (MaybeExpr baseExpr{Analyze(ae.base)}) {
if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(std::move(*baseExpr))}) {
if (!subscripts.empty()) {
return ApplySubscripts(std::move(*dataRef), std::move(subscripts));
} else {
Say("Subscripts may be applied only to an object, component, or array constant"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
// Type parameter inquiries apply to data references, but don't depend
// on any trailing (co)subscripts.
static SymbolOrComponent IgnoreAnySubscripts(
Designator<SomeDerived> &&designator) {
return std::visit(
[](const Symbol *symbol) { return SymbolOrComponent{symbol}; },
[](Component &&component) { return SymbolOrComponent{component}; },
[](ArrayRef &&arrayRef) { return std::move(arrayRef.base()); },
[](CoarrayRef &&coarrayRef) {
return SymbolOrComponent{&coarrayRef.GetLastSymbol()};
// Components of parent derived types are explicitly represented as such.
static std::optional<Component> CreateComponent(
DataRef &&base, const Symbol &component, const semantics::Scope &scope) {
if (&component.owner() == &scope) {
return Component{std::move(base), component};
if (const semantics::Scope * parentScope{scope.GetDerivedTypeParent()}) {
if (const Symbol * parentComponent{parentScope->GetSymbol()}) {
return CreateComponent(
DataRef{Component{std::move(base), *parentComponent}}, component,
return std::nullopt;
// Derived type component references and type parameter inquiries
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::StructureComponent &sc) {
MaybeExpr base{Analyze(sc.base)};
if (!base) {
return std::nullopt;
Symbol *sym{sc.component.symbol};
if (context_.HasError(sym)) {
return std::nullopt;
const auto &name{sc.component.source};
if (auto *dtExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeDerived>>(*base)}) {
const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *dtSpec{nullptr};
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dtDyTy{dtExpr->GetType()}) {
if (!dtDyTy->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
dtSpec = &dtDyTy->GetDerivedTypeSpec();
if (sym->detailsIf<semantics::TypeParamDetails>()) {
if (auto *designator{UnwrapExpr<Designator<SomeDerived>>(*dtExpr)}) {
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dyType{DynamicType::From(*sym)}) {
if (dyType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
return AsMaybeExpr(
IgnoreAnySubscripts(std::move(*designator)), *sym}));
Say(name, "Type parameter is not INTEGER"_err_en_US);
} else {
"A type parameter inquiry must be applied to "
"a designator"_err_en_US);
} else if (dtSpec == nullptr || dtSpec->scope() == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
} else if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{
ExtractDataRef(std::move(*dtExpr))}) {
if (auto component{
CreateComponent(std::move(*dataRef), *sym, *dtSpec->scope())}) {
return Designate(DataRef{std::move(*component)});
} else {
Say(name, "Component is not in scope of derived TYPE(%s)"_err_en_US,
} else {
"Base of component reference must be a data reference"_err_en_US);
} else if (auto *details{sym->detailsIf<semantics::MiscDetails>()}) {
// special part-ref: %re, %im, %kind, %len
// Type errors are detected and reported in semantics.
using MiscKind = semantics::MiscDetails::Kind;
MiscKind kind{details->kind()};
if (kind == MiscKind::ComplexPartRe || kind == MiscKind::ComplexPartIm) {
if (auto *zExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeComplex>>(&base->u)}) {
if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{ExtractDataRef(std::move(*zExpr))}) {
Expr<SomeReal> realExpr{std::visit(
[&](const auto &z) {
using PartType = typename ResultType<decltype(z)>::Part;
auto part{kind == MiscKind::ComplexPartRe
? ComplexPart::Part::RE
: ComplexPart::Part::IM};
return AsCategoryExpr(Designator<PartType>{
ComplexPart{std::move(*dataRef), part}});
return {AsGenericExpr(std::move(realExpr))};
} else if (kind == MiscKind::KindParamInquiry ||
kind == MiscKind::LenParamInquiry) {
// Convert x%KIND -> intrinsic KIND(x), x%LEN -> intrinsic LEN(x)
return MakeFunctionRef(
name, ActualArguments{ActualArgument{std::move(*base)}});
} else {
common::die("unexpected MiscDetails::Kind");
} else {
Say(name, "derived type required before component reference"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::CoindexedNamedObject &co) {
Say("TODO: CoindexedNamedObject unimplemented"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
int ExpressionAnalyzer::IntegerTypeSpecKind(
const parser::IntegerTypeSpec &spec) {
Expr<SubscriptInteger> value{
AnalyzeKindSelector(TypeCategory::Integer, spec.v)};
if (auto kind{ToInt64(value)}) {
return static_cast<int>(*kind);
SayAt(spec, "Constant INTEGER kind value required here"_err_en_US);
return GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer);
// Array constructors
class ArrayConstructorContext : private ExpressionAnalyzer {
ExpressionAnalyzer &c, std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> &t)
: ExpressionAnalyzer{c}, type_{t} {}
ArrayConstructorContext(ArrayConstructorContext &) = default;
void Push(MaybeExpr &&);
void Add(const parser::AcValue &);
std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> &type() const { return type_; }
const ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> &values() { return values_; }
template<int KIND, typename A>
std::optional<Expr<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>> GetSpecificIntExpr(
const A &x) {
if (MaybeExpr y{Analyze(x)}) {
Expr<SomeInteger> *intExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeInteger>>(*y)};
CHECK(intExpr != nullptr);
return ConvertToType<Type<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>(
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> &type_;
bool explicitType_{type_.has_value()};
std::optional<std::int64_t> constantLength_;
ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> values_;
void ArrayConstructorContext::Push(MaybeExpr &&x) {
if (!x.has_value()) {
if (auto dyType{x->GetType()}) {
DynamicTypeWithLength xType{*dyType};
if (Expr<SomeCharacter> * charExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(*x)}) {
CHECK(xType.category() == TypeCategory::Character);
xType.length =
std::visit([](const auto &kc) { return kc.LEN(); }, charExpr->u);
if (!type_.has_value()) {
// If there is no explicit type-spec in an array constructor, the type
// of the array is the declared type of all of the elements, which must
// be well-defined and all match.
// TODO: Possible language extension: use the most general type of
// the values as the type of a numeric constructed array, convert all
// of the other values to that type. Alternative: let the first value
// determine the type, and convert the others to that type.
type_ = std::move(xType);
constantLength_ = ToInt64(type_->length);
} else if (!explicitType_) {
if (static_cast<const DynamicType &>(*type_) ==
static_cast<const DynamicType &>(xType)) {
if (auto thisLen{ToInt64(xType.LEN())}) {
if (constantLength_.has_value()) {
if (context().warnOnNonstandardUsage() &&
*thisLen != *constantLength_) {
Say("Character literal in array constructor without explicit "
"type has different length than earlier element"_en_US);
if (*thisLen > *constantLength_) {
// Language extension: use the longest literal to determine the
// length of the array constructor's character elements, not the
// first, when there is no explicit type.
*constantLength_ = *thisLen;
type_->length = xType.LEN();
} else {
constantLength_ = *thisLen;
type_->length = xType.LEN();
} else {
Say("Values in array constructor must have the same declared type "
"when no explicit type appears"_err_en_US);
} else {
if (auto cast{ConvertToType(*type_, std::move(*x))}) {
} else {
Say("Value in array constructor could not be converted to the type "
"of the array"_err_en_US);
void ArrayConstructorContext::Add(const parser::AcValue &x) {
using IntType = ResultType<ImpliedDoIndex>;
[&](const parser::AcValue::Triplet &triplet) {
// Transform l:u(:s) into (_,_=l,u(,s)) with an anonymous index '_'
std::optional<Expr<IntType>> lower{
std::optional<Expr<IntType>> upper{
std::optional<Expr<IntType>> stride{
if (lower.has_value() && upper.has_value()) {
if (!stride.has_value()) {
stride = Expr<IntType>{1};
if (!type_.has_value()) {
type_ = DynamicTypeWithLength{IntType::GetType()};
ArrayConstructorContext nested{*this};
parser::CharBlock name;
values_.Push(ImpliedDo<SomeType>{name, std::move(*lower),
std::move(*upper), std::move(*stride),
[&](const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &expr) {
auto restorer{
if (MaybeExpr v{Analyze(expr.value())}) {
[&](const common::Indirection<parser::AcImpliedDo> &impliedDo) {
const auto &control{
const auto &bounds{
parser::CharBlock name{bounds.name.thing.thing.source};
int kind{IntType::kind};
if (auto &its{std::get<std::optional<parser::IntegerTypeSpec>>(
control.t)}) {
kind = IntegerTypeSpecKind(*its);
bool inserted{AddAcImpliedDo(name, kind)};
if (!inserted) {
"Implied DO index is active in surrounding implied DO loop "
"and may not have the same name"_err_en_US);
std::optional<Expr<IntType>> lower{
std::optional<Expr<IntType>> upper{
std::optional<Expr<IntType>> stride{
ArrayConstructorContext nested{*this};
for (const auto &value :
std::get<std::list<parser::AcValue>>(impliedDo.value().t)) {
if (lower.has_value() && upper.has_value()) {
if (!stride.has_value()) {
stride = Expr<IntType>{1};
values_.Push(ImpliedDo<SomeType>{name, std::move(*lower),
std::move(*upper), std::move(*stride),
if (inserted) {
// Inverts a collection of generic ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> that
// all happen to have the same actual type T into one ArrayConstructor<T>.
template<typename T>
ArrayConstructorValues<T> MakeSpecific(
ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> &&from) {
ArrayConstructorValues<T> to;
for (ArrayConstructorValue<SomeType> &x : from) {
[&](common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<SomeType>> &&expr) {
auto *typed{UnwrapExpr<Expr<T>>(expr.value())};
CHECK(typed != nullptr);
[&](ImpliedDo<SomeType> &&impliedDo) {
std::move(impliedDo.lower()), std::move(impliedDo.upper()),
return to;
struct ArrayConstructorTypeVisitor {
using Result = MaybeExpr;
using Types = AllTypes;
template<typename T> Result Test() {
if (type.category() == T::category) {
if constexpr (T::category == TypeCategory::Derived) {
return AsMaybeExpr(ArrayConstructor<T>{
type.GetDerivedTypeSpec(), MakeSpecific<T>(std::move(values))});
} else if (type.kind() == T::kind) {
if constexpr (T::category == TypeCategory::Character) {
return AsMaybeExpr(ArrayConstructor<T>{
type.LEN().value(), MakeSpecific<T>(std::move(values))});
} else {
return AsMaybeExpr(
return std::nullopt;
DynamicTypeWithLength type;
ArrayConstructorValues<SomeType> values;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ArrayConstructor &array) {
const parser::AcSpec &acSpec{array.v};
std::optional<DynamicTypeWithLength> type{AnalyzeTypeSpec(acSpec.type)};
ArrayConstructorContext context{*this, type};
for (const parser::AcValue &value : acSpec.values) {
if (type.has_value()) {
ArrayConstructorTypeVisitor visitor{
std::move(*type), std::move(context.values())};
return common::SearchTypes(std::move(visitor));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::StructureConstructor &structure) {
auto &parsedType{std::get<parser::DerivedTypeSpec>(structure.t)};
parser::CharBlock typeName{std::get<parser::Name>(parsedType.t).source};
if (parsedType.derivedTypeSpec == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
const auto &spec{*parsedType.derivedTypeSpec};
CHECK(spec.scope() != nullptr);
const Symbol &typeSymbol{spec.typeSymbol()};
if (typeSymbol.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::ABSTRACT)) { // C796
if (auto *msg{Say(typeName,
"ABSTRACT derived type '%s' may not be used in a "
"structure constructor"_err_en_US,
typeName)}) {
typeSymbol.name(), "Declaration of ABSTRACT derived type"_en_US);
// This list holds all of the components in the derived type and its
// parents. The symbols for whole parent components appear after their
// own components and before the components of the types that extend them.
// E.g., TYPE :: A; REAL X; END TYPE
// produces the component list X, A, Y.
// The order is important below because a structure constructor can
// initialize X or A by name, but not both.
const auto &details{typeSymbol.get<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>()};
std::list<const Symbol *> components{details.OrderComponents(*spec.scope())};
auto nextAnonymous{components.begin()};
std::set<parser::CharBlock> unavailable;
bool anyKeyword{false};
StructureConstructor result{spec};
bool checkConflicts{true}; // until we hit one
for (const auto &component :
std::get<std::list<parser::ComponentSpec>>(structure.t)) {
const parser::Expr &expr{
parser::CharBlock source{expr.source};
auto &messages{GetContextualMessages()};
auto restorer{messages.SetLocation(source)};
const Symbol *symbol{nullptr};
if (const auto &kw{std::get<std::optional<parser::Keyword>>(component.t)}) {
anyKeyword = true;
source = kw->v.source;
symbol = kw->v.symbol;
if (symbol == nullptr) {
auto componentIter{std::find_if(components.begin(), components.end(),
[=](const Symbol *symbol) { return symbol->name() == source; })};
if (componentIter != components.end()) {
symbol = *componentIter;
if (symbol == nullptr) { // C7101
"Keyword '%s=' does not name a component of derived type '%s'"_err_en_US,
source, typeName);
} else {
if (anyKeyword) { // C7100
"Value in structure constructor lacks a component name"_err_en_US);
checkConflicts = false; // stem cascade
while (nextAnonymous != components.end()) {
const Symbol *nextSymbol{*nextAnonymous++};
if (!nextSymbol->test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
symbol = nextSymbol;
if (symbol == nullptr) {
Say(source, "Unexpected value in structure constructor"_err_en_US);
if (symbol != nullptr) {
if (checkConflicts) {
auto componentIter{
std::find(components.begin(), components.end(), symbol)};
if (unavailable.find(symbol->name()) != unavailable.cend()) {
// C797, C798
"Component '%s' conflicts with another component earlier in "
"this structure constructor"_err_en_US,
} else if (symbol->test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
// Make earlier components unavailable once a whole parent appears.
for (auto it{components.begin()}; it != componentIter; ++it) {
} else {
// Make whole parent components unavailable after any of their
// constituents appear.
for (auto it{componentIter}; it != components.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp)) {
if (MaybeExpr value{Analyze(expr)}) {
if (symbol->has<semantics::ProcEntityDetails>()) {
} else if (symbol->has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()) {
// C1594(4)
const auto &innermost{context_.FindScope(expr.source)};
if (const auto *pureFunc{
semantics::FindPureFunctionContaining(&innermost)}) {
if (const Symbol *
pointer{semantics::FindPointerComponent(*symbol)}) {
if (const Symbol *
*value, *pureFunc)}) {
if (auto *msg{Say(expr.source,
"Externally visible object '%s' must not be "
"associated with pointer component '%s' in a "
"PURE function"_err_en_US,
object->name(), pointer->name())}) {
msg->Attach(object->name(), "Object declaration"_en_US)
.Attach(pointer->name(), "Pointer declaration"_en_US);
} else if (symbol->has<semantics::TypeParamDetails>()) {
"Type parameter '%s' may not appear as a component "
"of a structure constructor"_err_en_US,
} else {
"Component '%s' is neither a procedure pointer "
"nor a data object"_err_en_US,
if (IsPointer(*symbol)) {
CheckPointerAssignment(messages, context_.intrinsics(), *symbol,
*value); // C7104, C7105
} else if (MaybeExpr converted{
ConvertToType(*symbol, std::move(*value))}) {
result.Add(*symbol, std::move(*converted));
} else if (auto symType{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
if (auto type{DynamicType::From(value)}) {
if (auto *msg{Say(expr.source,
"Value in structure constructor of type %s is "
"incompatible with component '%s' of type %s"_err_en_US,
type->AsFortran(), symbol->name(), symType->AsFortran())}) {
msg->Attach(symbol->name(), "Component declaration"_en_US);
} else {
if (auto *msg{Say(expr.source,
"Value in structure constructor is incompatible with "
" component '%s' of type %s"_err_en_US,
symbol->name(), symType->AsFortran())}) {
msg->Attach(symbol->name(), "Component declaration"_en_US);
// Ensure that unmentioned component objects have default initializers.
for (const Symbol *symbol : components) {
if (!symbol->test(Symbol::Flag::ParentComp) &&
unavailable.find(symbol->name()) == unavailable.cend() &&
!IsAllocatable(*symbol)) {
if (const auto *details{
symbol->detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
if (details->init().has_value()) {
result.Add(*symbol, common::Clone(*details->init()));
} else { // C799
if (auto *msg{Say(typeName,
"Structure constructor lacks a value for "
"component '%s'"_err_en_US,
symbol->name())}) {
msg->Attach(symbol->name(), "Absent component"_en_US);
return AsMaybeExpr(Expr<SomeDerived>{std::move(result)});
const parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr) {
const parser::StructureComponent &sc{pcr.v.thing};
const auto &name{sc.component.source};
if (MaybeExpr base{Analyze(sc.base)}) {
if (Symbol * sym{sc.component.symbol}) {
if (auto *dtExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeDerived>>(*base)}) {
const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *dtSpec{nullptr};
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dtDyTy{dtExpr->GetType()}) {
if (!dtDyTy->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
dtSpec = &dtDyTy->GetDerivedTypeSpec();
if (dtSpec != nullptr && dtSpec->scope() != nullptr) {
if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{
ExtractDataRef(std::move(*dtExpr))}) {
if (auto component{CreateComponent(
std::move(*dataRef), *sym, *dtSpec->scope())}) {
return ProcedureDesignator{std::move(*component)};
} else {
"procedure component is not in scope of derived TYPE(%s)"_err_en_US,
} else {
"base of procedure component reference must be a data reference"_err_en_US);
} else {
"base of procedure component reference is not a derived type object"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
auto ExpressionAnalyzer::Procedure(const parser::ProcedureDesignator &pd,
ActualArguments &arguments) -> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
return std::visit(
[&](const parser::Name &n) -> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
if (context_.HasError(n.symbol)) {
return std::nullopt;
const Symbol &symbol{n.symbol->GetUltimate()};
if (!symbol.HasExplicitInterface() ||
(symbol.has<semantics::MiscDetails>() &&
symbol.get<semantics::MiscDetails>().kind() ==
semantics::MiscDetails::Kind::SpecificIntrinsic)) {
// Might be an intrinsic.
if (std::optional<SpecificCall> specificCall{
arguments, GetFoldingContext())}) {
return CalleeAndArguments{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(
if (symbol.HasExplicitInterface()) {
// TODO: check actual arguments vs. interface
} else {
// TODO: call with implicit interface
return CalleeAndArguments{
ProcedureDesignator{symbol}, std::move(arguments)};
[&](const parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr)
-> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
if (std::optional<ProcedureDesignator> proc{
AnalyzeProcedureComponentRef(pcr)}) {
// TODO distinguish PCR from TBP
// TODO optional PASS argument for TBP
return CalleeAndArguments{std::move(*proc), std::move(arguments)};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
static const Symbol *AssumedTypeDummy(const parser::Expr &x) {
if (const auto *designator{
std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::Designator>>(&x.u)}) {
if (const auto *dataRef{
std::get_if<parser::DataRef>(&designator->value().u)}) {
if (const auto *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&dataRef->u)}) {
if (const Symbol * symbol{name->symbol}) {
if (const auto *type{symbol->GetType()}) {
if (type->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::TypeStar) {
return symbol;
return nullptr;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::FunctionReference &funcRef) {
// TODO: C1002: Allow a whole assumed-size array to appear if the dummy
// argument would accept it. Handle by special-casing the context
// ActualArg -> Variable -> Designator.
// TODO: Actual arguments that are procedures and procedure pointers need to
// be detected and represented (they're not expressions).
// TODO: C1534: Don't allow a "restricted" specific intrinsic to be passed.
auto save{GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(funcRef.v.source)};
ActualArguments arguments;
for (const auto &arg :
std::get<std::list<parser::ActualArgSpec>>(funcRef.v.t)) {
MaybeExpr actualArgExpr;
const Symbol *assumedTypeDummy{nullptr};
[&](const common::Indirection<parser::Expr> &x) {
// TODO: Distinguish & handle procedure name and
// proc-component-ref
if (!(assumedTypeDummy = AssumedTypeDummy(x.value()))) {
actualArgExpr = Analyze(x.value());
[&](const parser::AltReturnSpec &) {
Say("alternate return specification may not appear on function reference"_err_en_US);
[&](const parser::ActualArg::PercentRef &) {
Say("TODO: %REF() argument"_err_en_US);
[&](const parser::ActualArg::PercentVal &) {
Say("TODO: %VAL() argument"_err_en_US);
if (assumedTypeDummy != nullptr) {
} else if (actualArgExpr.has_value()) {
Fold(GetFoldingContext(), std::move(*actualArgExpr))));
if (const auto &argKW{std::get<std::optional<parser::Keyword>>(arg.t)}) {
arguments.back()->keyword = argKW->v.source;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
// TODO: map non-intrinsic generic procedure to specific procedure
if (std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> callee{Procedure(
std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(funcRef.v.t), arguments)}) {
if (MaybeExpr funcRef{MakeFunctionRef(std::move(*callee))}) {
return funcRef;
Say("Subroutine called as if it were a function"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
// Unary operations
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Parentheses &x) {
if (MaybeExpr operand{Analyze(x.v.value())}) {
if (const semantics::Symbol * symbol{GetLastSymbol(*operand)}) {
if (const semantics::Symbol * result{FindFunctionResult(*symbol)}) {
if (semantics::IsProcedurePointer(*result)) {
Say("A function reference that returns a procedure "
"pointer may not be parenthesized."_err_en_US); // C1003
return std::visit(
[&](auto &&x) -> MaybeExpr {
using xTy = std::decay_t<decltype(x)>;
if constexpr (common::HasMember<xTy, TypelessExpression>) {
return operand; // ignore parentheses around typeless
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<xTy, Expr<SomeDerived>>) {
return operand; // ignore parentheses around derived type
} else {
return std::visit(
[](auto &&y) -> MaybeExpr {
using Ty = ResultType<decltype(y)>;
return {AsGenericExpr(Parentheses<Ty>{std::move(y)})};
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::UnaryPlus &x) {
MaybeExpr value{Analyze(x.v.value())};
if (value.has_value()) {
if (!std::visit(
[&](const auto &y) {
using yTy = std::decay_t<decltype(y)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<yTy, BOZLiteralConstant>) {
// allow and ignore +Z'1', it's harmless
return true;
} else if constexpr (!IsNumericCategoryExpr<yTy>()) {
Say("Operand of unary + must have numeric type"_err_en_US);
return false;
} else {
return true;
value->u)) {
return std::nullopt;
return value;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Negate &x) {
if (MaybeExpr operand{Analyze(x.v.value())}) {
return Negation(GetContextualMessages(), std::move(*operand));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::NOT &x) {
if (MaybeExpr operand{Analyze(x.v.value())}) {
return std::visit(
[](Expr<SomeLogical> &&lx) -> MaybeExpr {
return {AsGenericExpr(LogicalNegation(std::move(lx)))};
[&](auto &&) -> MaybeExpr {
// TODO: accept INTEGER operand and maybe typeless
// if not overridden
Say("Operand of .NOT. must be LOGICAL"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::PercentLoc &) {
Say("TODO: %LOC unimplemented"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::DefinedUnary &) {
Say("TODO: DefinedUnary unimplemented"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
// Binary (dyadic) operations
// TODO: check defined operators for illegal intrinsic operator cases
template<template<typename> class OPR, typename PARSED>
MaybeExpr BinaryOperationHelper(ExpressionAnalyzer &context, const PARSED &x) {
if (auto both{common::AllPresent(context.Analyze(std::get<0>(x.t).value()),
context.Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t).value()))}) {
ConformabilityCheck(context.GetContextualMessages(), std::get<0>(*both),
return NumericOperation<OPR>(context.GetContextualMessages(),
std::move(std::get<0>(*both)), std::move(std::get<1>(*both)),
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Power &x) {
return BinaryOperationHelper<Power>(*this, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Multiply &x) {
return BinaryOperationHelper<Multiply>(*this, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Divide &x) {
return BinaryOperationHelper<Divide>(*this, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Add &x) {
return BinaryOperationHelper<Add>(*this, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Subtract &x) {
return BinaryOperationHelper<Subtract>(*this, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(
const parser::Expr::ComplexConstructor &x) {
auto re{Analyze(std::get<0>(x.t).value())};
auto im{Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t).value())};
if (re.has_value() && im.has_value()) {
ConformabilityCheck(GetContextualMessages(), *re, *im);
return AsMaybeExpr(ConstructComplex(GetContextualMessages(), std::move(re),
std::move(im), GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)));
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Concat &x) {
if (auto both{common::AllPresent(Analyze(std::get<0>(x.t).value()),
Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t).value()))}) {
GetContextualMessages(), std::get<0>(*both), std::get<1>(*both));
return std::visit(
[&](Expr<SomeCharacter> &&cx, Expr<SomeCharacter> &&cy) {
return std::visit(
[&](auto &&cxk, auto &&cyk) -> MaybeExpr {
using Ty = ResultType<decltype(cxk)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Ty,
ResultType<decltype(cyk)>>) {
return {AsGenericExpr(
Concat<Ty::kind>{std::move(cxk), std::move(cyk)})};
} else {
Say("Operands of // must be the same kind of CHARACTER"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
std::move(cx.u), std::move(cy.u));
[&](auto &&, auto &&) -> MaybeExpr {
Say("Operands of // must be CHARACTER"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
std::move(std::get<0>(*both).u), std::move(std::get<1>(*both).u));
return std::nullopt;
// TODO: check defined operators for illegal intrinsic operator cases
template<typename PARSED>
MaybeExpr RelationHelper(
ExpressionAnalyzer &context, RelationalOperator opr, const PARSED &x) {
if (auto both{common::AllPresent(context.Analyze(std::get<0>(x.t).value()),
context.Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t).value()))}) {
ConformabilityCheck(context.GetContextualMessages(), std::get<0>(*both),
return AsMaybeExpr(Relate(context.GetContextualMessages(), opr,
std::move(std::get<0>(*both)), std::move(std::get<1>(*both))));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::LT &x) {
return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::LT, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::LE &x) {
return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::LE, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::EQ &x) {
return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::EQ, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::NE &x) {
return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::NE, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::GE &x) {
return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::GE, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::GT &x) {
return RelationHelper(*this, RelationalOperator::GT, x);
// TODO: check defined operators for illegal intrinsic operator cases
template<typename PARSED>
MaybeExpr LogicalHelper(
ExpressionAnalyzer &context, LogicalOperator opr, const PARSED &x) {
if (auto both{common::AllPresent(context.Analyze(std::get<0>(x.t).value()),
context.Analyze(std::get<1>(x.t).value()))}) {
return std::visit(
[&](Expr<SomeLogical> &&lx, Expr<SomeLogical> &&ly) -> MaybeExpr {
ConformabilityCheck(context.GetContextualMessages(), lx, ly);
return {AsGenericExpr(
BinaryLogicalOperation(opr, std::move(lx), std::move(ly)))};
[&](auto &&, auto &&) -> MaybeExpr {
// TODO: extension: INTEGER and typeless operands
// ifort and PGI accept them if not overridden
// need to define IAND, IOR, IEOR intrinsic representation
"operands to LOGICAL operation must be LOGICAL"_err_en_US);
return {};
std::move(std::get<0>(*both).u), std::move(std::get<1>(*both).u));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::AND &x) {
return LogicalHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::And, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::OR &x) {
return LogicalHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Or, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::EQV &x) {
return LogicalHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Eqv, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::NEQV &x) {
return LogicalHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Neqv, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::XOR &x) {
return LogicalHelper(*this, LogicalOperator::Neqv, x);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::DefinedBinary &) {
Say("TODO: DefinedBinary unimplemented"_err_en_US);
return std::nullopt;
// Converts, if appropriate, an original misparse of ambiguous syntax like
// A(1) as a function reference into an array reference or a structure
// constructor.
template<typename... A>
static void FixMisparsedFunctionReference(
semantics::SemanticsContext &context, const std::variant<A...> &constU) {
// The parse tree is updated in situ when resolving an ambiguous parse.
using uType = std::decay_t<decltype(constU)>;
auto &u{const_cast<uType &>(constU)};
if (auto *func{
std::get_if<common::Indirection<parser::FunctionReference>>(&u)}) {
parser::FunctionReference &funcRef{func->value()};
auto &proc{std::get<parser::ProcedureDesignator>(funcRef.v.t)};
if (Symbol *
[&](parser::Name &name) { return name.symbol; },
[&](parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr) {
return pcr.v.thing.component.symbol;
proc.u)}) {
Symbol &symbol{origSymbol->GetUltimate()};
if (symbol.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()) {
if constexpr (common::HasMember<common::Indirection<parser::Designator>,
uType>) {
u = common::Indirection{funcRef.ConvertToArrayElementRef()};
} else {
common::die("can't fix misparsed function as array reference");
} else if (const auto *name{std::get_if<parser::Name>(&proc.u)}) {
// A procedure component reference can't be a structure
// constructor; only check calls to bare names.
const Symbol *derivedType{nullptr};
if (symbol.has<semantics::DerivedTypeDetails>()) {
derivedType = &symbol;
} else if (const auto *generic{
symbol.detailsIf<semantics::GenericDetails>()}) {
derivedType = generic->derivedType();
if (derivedType != nullptr) {
if constexpr (common::HasMember<parser::StructureConstructor,
uType>) {
auto &scope{context.FindScope(name->source)};
const semantics::DeclTypeSpec &type{
semantics::DerivedTypeSpec{*derivedType}, context)};
u = funcRef.ConvertToStructureConstructor(type.derivedTypeSpec());
} else {
"can't fix misparsed function as structure constructor");
// Common handling of parser::Expr and parser::Variable
template<typename PARSED>
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::ExprOrVariable(const PARSED &x) {
if (!x.typedExpr) { // not yet analyzed
FixMisparsedFunctionReference(context_, x.u);
MaybeExpr result;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<PARSED, parser::Expr>) {
// Analyze the expression in a specified source position context for
// better error reporting.
auto save{GetFoldingContext().messages().SetLocation(x.source)};
result = Analyze(x.u);
} else {
result = Analyze(x.u);
x.typedExpr.reset(new GenericExprWrapper{std::move(result)});
if (!x.typedExpr->v.has_value()) {
if (!context_.AnyFatalError()) {
parser::DumpTree(std::cout << "Expression analysis failed on: ", x);
common::die("Expression analysis failed without emitting an error");
fatalErrors_ = true;
return x.typedExpr->v;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr &expr) {
return ExprOrVariable(expr);
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Variable &variable) {
return ExprOrVariable(variable);
Expr<SubscriptInteger> ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeKindSelector(
TypeCategory category,
const std::optional<parser::KindSelector> &selector) {
int defaultKind{GetDefaultKind(category)};
if (!selector.has_value()) {
return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{defaultKind};
return std::visit(
[&](const parser::ScalarIntConstantExpr &x)
-> Expr<SubscriptInteger> {
if (MaybeExpr kind{Analyze(x)}) {
Expr<SomeType> folded{
Fold(GetFoldingContext(), std::move(*kind))};
if (std::optional<std::int64_t> code{ToInt64(folded)}) {
if (CheckIntrinsicKind(category, *code)) {
return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{*code};
} else if (auto *intExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeInteger>>(folded)}) {
return ConvertToType<SubscriptInteger>(std::move(*intExpr));
return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{defaultKind};
[&](const parser::KindSelector::StarSize &x)
-> Expr<SubscriptInteger> {
std::intmax_t size = x.v;
if (!CheckIntrinsicSize(category, size)) {
size = defaultKind;
} else if (category == TypeCategory::Complex) {
size /= 2;
return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{size};
int ExpressionAnalyzer::GetDefaultKind(common::TypeCategory category) {
return context_.GetDefaultKind(category);
DynamicType ExpressionAnalyzer::GetDefaultKindOfType(
common::TypeCategory category) {
return {category, GetDefaultKind(category)};
bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckIntrinsicKind(
TypeCategory category, std::int64_t kind) {
if (IsValidKindOfIntrinsicType(category, kind)) {
return true;
} else {
Say("%s(KIND=%jd) is not a supported type"_err_en_US,
parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(EnumToString(category)), kind);
return false;
bool ExpressionAnalyzer::CheckIntrinsicSize(
TypeCategory category, std::int64_t size) {
if (category == TypeCategory::Complex) {
if (size % 2 == 0 && IsValidKindOfIntrinsicType(category, size / 2)) {
return true;
} else if (IsValidKindOfIntrinsicType(category, size)) {
return true;
Say("%s*%jd is not a supported type"_err_en_US,
parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(EnumToString(category)), size);
return false;
bool ExpressionAnalyzer::AddAcImpliedDo(parser::CharBlock name, int kind) {
return acImpliedDos_.insert(std::make_pair(name, kind)).second;
void ExpressionAnalyzer::RemoveAcImpliedDo(parser::CharBlock name) {
auto iter{acImpliedDos_.find(name)};
if (iter != acImpliedDos_.end()) {
std::optional<int> ExpressionAnalyzer::IsAcImpliedDo(
parser::CharBlock name) const {
auto iter{acImpliedDos_.find(name)};
if (iter != acImpliedDos_.cend()) {
return {iter->second};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
bool ExpressionAnalyzer::EnforceTypeConstraint(parser::CharBlock at,
const MaybeExpr &result, TypeCategory category, bool defaultKind) {
if (result.has_value()) {
if (auto type{result->GetType()}) {
if (type->category() != category) {
Say(at, "Must have %s type, but is %s"_err_en_US,
return false;
} else if (defaultKind) {
int kind{context_.GetDefaultKind(category)};
if (type->kind() != kind) {
Say(at, "Must have default kind(%d) of %s type, but is %s"_err_en_US,
kind, parser::ToUpperCaseLetters(EnumToString(category)),
return false;
} else {
Say(at, "Must have %s type, but is typeless"_err_en_US,
return false;
return true;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::MakeFunctionRef(
ProcedureDesignator &&proc, ActualArguments &&arguments) {
if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&proc.u)}) {
if (intrinsic->name == "null" && arguments.empty()) {
return Expr<SomeType>{NullPointer{}};
if (auto chars{Characterize(proc, context_.intrinsics())}) {
if (chars->functionResult.has_value()) {
const auto &result{*chars->functionResult};
if (result.IsProcedurePointer()) {
return Expr<SomeType>{
ProcedureRef{std::move(proc), std::move(arguments)}};
} else {
// Not a procedure pointer, so type and shape are known.
const auto *typeAndShape{result.GetTypeAndShape()};
CHECK(typeAndShape != nullptr);
return TypedWrapper<FunctionRef, ProcedureRef>(typeAndShape->type(),
ProcedureRef{std::move(proc), std::move(arguments)});
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::MakeFunctionRef(CalleeAndArguments &&callee) {
return MakeFunctionRef(
std::move(callee.procedureDesignator), std::move(callee.arguments));
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::MakeFunctionRef(
parser::CharBlock intrinsic, ActualArguments &&arguments) {
if (std::optional<SpecificCall> specificCall{
context_.intrinsics().Probe(CallCharacteristics{intrinsic}, arguments,
context_.foldingContext())}) {
return MakeFunctionRef(
} else {
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> Characterize(
const ProcedureDesignator &proc, const IntrinsicProcTable &intrinsics) {
if (const auto *symbol{proc.GetSymbol()}) {
return characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(
symbol->GetUltimate(), intrinsics);
} else if (const auto *intrinsic{proc.GetSpecificIntrinsic()}) {
return intrinsic->characteristics.value();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> Characterize(
const ProcedureRef &ref, const IntrinsicProcTable &intrinsics) {
return Characterize(ref.proc(), intrinsics);
namespace Fortran::semantics {
evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SubscriptInteger> AnalyzeKindSelector(
SemanticsContext &context, common::TypeCategory category,
const std::optional<parser::KindSelector> &selector) {
evaluate::ExpressionAnalyzer analyzer{context};
auto save{analyzer.GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(*context.location())};
return analyzer.AnalyzeKindSelector(category, selector);
bool ExprChecker::Walk(const parser::Program &program) {
parser::Walk(program, *this);
return !context_.AnyFatalError();