2018-08-09 10:17:43 -07:00

150 lines
4.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "../common/enum-set.h"
#include "../common/idioms.h"
#include "../common/indirection.h"
#include "../parser/message.h"
#include <cinttypes>
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
// Integers are always ordered; reals may not be.
ENUM_CLASS(Ordering, Less, Equal, Greater)
ENUM_CLASS(Relation, Less, Equal, Greater, Unordered)
template<typename A> static constexpr Ordering Compare(const A &x, const A &y) {
if (x < y) {
return Ordering::Less;
} else if (x > y) {
return Ordering::Greater;
} else {
return Ordering::Equal;
static constexpr Ordering Reverse(Ordering ordering) {
if (ordering == Ordering::Less) {
return Ordering::Greater;
} else if (ordering == Ordering::Greater) {
return Ordering::Less;
} else {
return Ordering::Equal;
static constexpr Relation RelationFromOrdering(Ordering ordering) {
if (ordering == Ordering::Less) {
return Relation::Less;
} else if (ordering == Ordering::Greater) {
return Relation::Greater;
} else {
return Relation::Equal;
static constexpr Relation Reverse(Relation relation) {
if (relation == Relation::Less) {
return Relation::Greater;
} else if (relation == Relation::Greater) {
return Relation::Less;
} else {
return relation;
RealFlag, Overflow, DivideByZero, InvalidArgument, Underflow, Inexact)
using RealFlags = common::EnumSet<RealFlag, 5>;
template<typename A> struct ValueWithRealFlags {
A AccumulateFlags(RealFlags &f) {
f |= flags;
return value;
A value;
RealFlags flags;
ENUM_CLASS(Rounding, TiesToEven, ToZero, Down, Up, TiesAwayFromZero)
static constexpr Rounding defaultRounding{Rounding::TiesToEven};
constexpr bool IsHostLittleEndian{false};
constexpr bool IsHostLittleEndian{true};
#error host endianness is not known
// HostUnsignedInt<BITS> finds the smallest native unsigned integer type
// whose size is >= BITS.
template<bool LE8, bool LE16, bool LE32, bool LE64> struct SmallestUInt {};
template<> struct SmallestUInt<true, true, true, true> {
using type = std::uint8_t;
template<> struct SmallestUInt<false, true, true, true> {
using type = std::uint16_t;
template<> struct SmallestUInt<false, false, true, true> {
using type = std::uint32_t;
template<> struct SmallestUInt<false, false, false, true> {
using type = std::uint64_t;
template<int BITS>
using HostUnsignedInt =
typename SmallestUInt<BITS <= 8, BITS <= 16, BITS <= 32, BITS <= 64>::type;
// Many classes in this library follow a common paradigm.
// - There is no default constructor (Class() {}), usually to prevent the
// need for std::monostate as a default constituent in a std::variant<>.
// - There are full copy and move semantics for construction and assignment.
// - There's a Dump(std::ostream &) member function.
t() = delete; \
t(const t &) = default; \
t(t &&) = default; \
t &operator=(const t &) = default; \
t &operator=(t &&) = default; \
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
// Force availability of copy construction and assignment
template<typename A> using CopyableIndirection = common::Indirection<A, true>;
// Classes that support a Fold(FoldingContext &) member function have the
// FoldableTrait set.
struct FoldingContext {
explicit FoldingContext(parser::ContextualMessages &m,
Rounding round = defaultRounding, bool flush = false)
: messages{m}, rounding{round}, flushDenormalsToZero{flush} {}
FoldingContext(parser::ContextualMessages &m, const FoldingContext &c)
: messages{m}, rounding{c.rounding}, flushDenormalsToZero{
c.flushDenormalsToZero} {}
parser::ContextualMessages &messages;
Rounding rounding{defaultRounding};
bool flushDenormalsToZero{false};
void RealFlagWarnings(FoldingContext &, const RealFlags &, const char *op);
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate