Jean Perier 281d41cc10 [flang] Use value semantic for SourceName
Change all SourceName* to std::optional<SourceName> because
SourceName is small enough (16 bytes) to be passed and stored
by value which avoid having to worry about life-time, storage and
value constance issues that comes with pointers.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@73fc08d7bd
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/634
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-08-21 05:33:03 -07:00

679 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "resolve-names-utils.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "semantics.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "../common/idioms.h"
#include "../common/indirection.h"
#include "../evaluate/fold.h"
#include "../evaluate/tools.h"
#include "../evaluate/type.h"
#include "../parser/char-block.h"
#include "../parser/features.h"
#include "../parser/parse-tree.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <variant>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
using IntrinsicOperator = parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator;
static GenericKind MapIntrinsicOperator(IntrinsicOperator);
Symbol *Resolve(const parser::Name &name, Symbol *symbol) {
if (symbol && !name.symbol) {
name.symbol = symbol;
return symbol;
Symbol &Resolve(const parser::Name &name, Symbol &symbol) {
return *Resolve(name, &symbol);
parser::MessageFixedText WithIsFatal(
const parser::MessageFixedText &msg, bool isFatal) {
return parser::MessageFixedText{
msg.text().begin(), msg.text().size(), isFatal};
bool IsDefinedOperator(const SourceName &name) {
const char *begin{name.begin()};
const char *end{name.end()};
return begin != end && begin[0] == '.' && end[-1] == '.';
bool IsIntrinsicOperator(
const SemanticsContext &context, const SourceName &name) {
std::string str{name.ToString()};
std::set<std::string> intrinsics{".and.", ".eq.", ".eqv.", ".ge.", ".gt.",
".le.", ".lt.", ".ne.", ".neqv.", ".not.", ".or."};
if (intrinsics.count(str) > 0) {
return true;
if (context.IsEnabled(parser::LanguageFeature::XOROperator) &&
str == ".xor.") {
return true;
if (context.IsEnabled(parser::LanguageFeature::LogicalAbbreviations) &&
(str == ".n." || str == ".a" || str == ".o." || str == ".x.")) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsLogicalConstant(
const SemanticsContext &context, const SourceName &name) {
std::string str{name.ToString()};
return str == ".true." || str == ".false." ||
(context.IsEnabled(parser::LanguageFeature::LogicalAbbreviations) &&
(str == ".t" || str == ".f."));
void GenericSpecInfo::Resolve(Symbol *symbol) {
if (symbol) {
if (auto *details{symbol->detailsIf<GenericDetails>()}) {
} else if (auto *details{symbol->detailsIf<GenericBindingDetails>()}) {
if (parseName_) {
semantics::Resolve(*parseName_, symbol);
void GenericSpecInfo::Analyze(const parser::DefinedOpName &name) {
kind_ = GenericKind::DefinedOp;
parseName_ = &name.v;
symbolName_ = name.v.source;
void GenericSpecInfo::Analyze(const parser::GenericSpec &x) {
symbolName_ = x.source;
kind_ = std::visit(
[&](const parser::Name &y) {
parseName_ = &y;
symbolName_ = y.source;
return GenericKind::Name;
[&](const parser::DefinedOperator &y) {
return std::visit(
[&](const parser::DefinedOpName &z) {
return GenericKind::DefinedOp;
[&](const IntrinsicOperator &z) {
return MapIntrinsicOperator(z);
[&](const parser::GenericSpec::Assignment &) {
return GenericKind::Assignment;
[&](const parser::GenericSpec::ReadFormatted &) {
return GenericKind::ReadFormatted;
[&](const parser::GenericSpec::ReadUnformatted &) {
return GenericKind::ReadUnformatted;
[&](const parser::GenericSpec::WriteFormatted &) {
return GenericKind::WriteFormatted;
[&](const parser::GenericSpec::WriteUnformatted &) {
return GenericKind::WriteUnformatted;
// parser::DefinedOperator::IntrinsicOperator -> GenericKind
static GenericKind MapIntrinsicOperator(IntrinsicOperator op) {
switch (op) {
case IntrinsicOperator::Power: return GenericKind::OpPower;
case IntrinsicOperator::Multiply: return GenericKind::OpMultiply;
case IntrinsicOperator::Divide: return GenericKind::OpDivide;
case IntrinsicOperator::Add: return GenericKind::OpAdd;
case IntrinsicOperator::Subtract: return GenericKind::OpSubtract;
case IntrinsicOperator::Concat: return GenericKind::OpConcat;
case IntrinsicOperator::LT: return GenericKind::OpLT;
case IntrinsicOperator::LE: return GenericKind::OpLE;
case IntrinsicOperator::EQ: return GenericKind::OpEQ;
case IntrinsicOperator::NE: return GenericKind::OpNE;
case IntrinsicOperator::GE: return GenericKind::OpGE;
case IntrinsicOperator::GT: return GenericKind::OpGT;
case IntrinsicOperator::NOT: return GenericKind::OpNOT;
case IntrinsicOperator::AND: return GenericKind::OpAND;
case IntrinsicOperator::OR: return GenericKind::OpOR;
case IntrinsicOperator::XOR: return GenericKind::OpXOR;
case IntrinsicOperator::EQV: return GenericKind::OpEQV;
case IntrinsicOperator::NEQV: return GenericKind::OpNEQV;
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
class ArraySpecAnalyzer {
ArraySpecAnalyzer(SemanticsContext &context) : context_{context} {}
ArraySpec Analyze(const parser::ArraySpec &);
ArraySpec Analyze(const parser::ComponentArraySpec &);
ArraySpec Analyze(const parser::CoarraySpec &);
SemanticsContext &context_;
ArraySpec arraySpec_;
template<typename T> void Analyze(const std::list<T> &list) {
for (const auto &elem : list) {
void Analyze(const parser::AssumedShapeSpec &);
void Analyze(const parser::ExplicitShapeSpec &);
void Analyze(const parser::AssumedImpliedSpec &);
void Analyze(const parser::DeferredShapeSpecList &);
void Analyze(const parser::AssumedRankSpec &);
void MakeExplicit(const std::optional<parser::SpecificationExpr> &,
const parser::SpecificationExpr &);
void MakeImplied(const std::optional<parser::SpecificationExpr> &);
void MakeDeferred(int);
Bound GetBound(const std::optional<parser::SpecificationExpr> &);
Bound GetBound(const parser::SpecificationExpr &);
ArraySpec AnalyzeArraySpec(
SemanticsContext &context, const parser::ArraySpec &arraySpec) {
return ArraySpecAnalyzer{context}.Analyze(arraySpec);
ArraySpec AnalyzeArraySpec(
SemanticsContext &context, const parser::ComponentArraySpec &arraySpec) {
return ArraySpecAnalyzer{context}.Analyze(arraySpec);
ArraySpec AnalyzeCoarraySpec(
SemanticsContext &context, const parser::CoarraySpec &coarraySpec) {
return ArraySpecAnalyzer{context}.Analyze(coarraySpec);
ArraySpec ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ComponentArraySpec &x) {
std::visit([this](const auto &y) { Analyze(y); }, x.u);
return arraySpec_;
ArraySpec ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ArraySpec &x) {
[&](const parser::AssumedSizeSpec &y) {
[&](const parser::ImpliedShapeSpec &y) { Analyze(y.v); },
[&](const auto &y) { Analyze(y); },
return arraySpec_;
ArraySpec ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::CoarraySpec &x) {
[&](const parser::DeferredCoshapeSpecList &y) { MakeDeferred(y.v); },
[&](const parser::ExplicitCoshapeSpec &y) {
return arraySpec_;
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::AssumedShapeSpec &x) {
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::ExplicitShapeSpec &x) {
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::AssumedImpliedSpec &x) {
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::DeferredShapeSpecList &x) {
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::AssumedRankSpec &) {
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::MakeExplicit(
const std::optional<parser::SpecificationExpr> &lb,
const parser::SpecificationExpr &ub) {
arraySpec_.push_back(ShapeSpec::MakeExplicit(GetBound(lb), GetBound(ub)));
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::MakeImplied(
const std::optional<parser::SpecificationExpr> &lb) {
void ArraySpecAnalyzer::MakeDeferred(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Bound ArraySpecAnalyzer::GetBound(
const std::optional<parser::SpecificationExpr> &x) {
return x ? GetBound(*x) : Bound{1};
Bound ArraySpecAnalyzer::GetBound(const parser::SpecificationExpr &x) {
MaybeSubscriptIntExpr expr;
if (MaybeExpr maybeExpr{AnalyzeExpr(context_, x.v)}) {
if (auto *intExpr{evaluate::UnwrapExpr<SomeIntExpr>(*maybeExpr)}) {
expr = evaluate::Fold(context_.foldingContext(),
return Bound{std::move(expr)};
// If SAVE is set on src, set it on all members of dst
static void PropagateSaveAttr(
const EquivalenceObject &src, EquivalenceSet &dst) {
if (src.symbol.attrs().test(Attr::SAVE)) {
for (auto &obj : dst) {
static void PropagateSaveAttr(const EquivalenceSet &src, EquivalenceSet &dst) {
if (!src.empty()) {
PropagateSaveAttr(src.front(), dst);
void EquivalenceSets::AddToSet(const parser::Designator &designator) {
if (CheckDesignator(designator)) {
Symbol &symbol{*currObject_.symbol};
if (!currSet_.empty()) {
// check this symbol against first of set for compatibility
Symbol &first{currSet_.front().symbol};
CheckCanEquivalence(designator.source, first, symbol) &&
CheckCanEquivalence(designator.source, symbol, first);
auto subscripts{currObject_.subscripts};
if (subscripts.empty() && symbol.IsObjectArray()) {
// record a whole array as its first element
for (const ShapeSpec &spec : symbol.get<ObjectEntityDetails>().shape()) {
auto &lbound{spec.lbound().GetExplicit().value()};
auto substringStart{currObject_.substringStart};
currSet_.emplace_back(symbol, subscripts, substringStart);
PropagateSaveAttr(currSet_.back(), currSet_);
currObject_ = {};
void EquivalenceSets::FinishSet(const parser::CharBlock &source) {
std::set<std::size_t> existing; // indices of sets intersecting this one
for (auto &obj : currSet_) {
auto it{objectToSet_.find(obj)};
if (it != objectToSet_.end()) {
existing.insert(it->second); // symbol already in this set
if (existing.empty()) {
sets_.push_back({}); // create a new equivalence set
MergeInto(source, currSet_, sets_.size() - 1);
} else {
auto it{existing.begin()};
std::size_t dstIndex{*it};
MergeInto(source, currSet_, dstIndex);
while (++it != existing.end()) {
MergeInto(source, sets_[*it], dstIndex);
// Report an error if sym1 and sym2 cannot be in the same equivalence set.
bool EquivalenceSets::CheckCanEquivalence(
const parser::CharBlock &source, const Symbol &sym1, const Symbol &sym2) {
std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> msg;
const DeclTypeSpec *type1{sym1.GetType()};
const DeclTypeSpec *type2{sym2.GetType()};
bool isNum1{IsNumericSequenceType(type1)};
bool isNum2{IsNumericSequenceType(type2)};
bool isChar1{IsCharacterSequenceType(type1)};
bool isChar2{IsCharacterSequenceType(type2)};
if (sym1.attrs().test(Attr::PROTECTED) &&
!sym2.attrs().test(Attr::PROTECTED)) { // C8114
msg = "Equivalence set cannot contain '%s'"
" with PROTECTED attribute and '%s' without"_err_en_US;
} else if (isNum1) {
if (isChar2) {
if (context_.ShouldWarn(
parser::LanguageFeature::EquivalenceNumericWithCharacter)) {
msg = "Equivalence set contains '%s' that is numeric sequence "
"type and '%s' that is character"_en_US;
} else if (!isNum2) { // C8110
msg = "Equivalence set cannot contain '%s'"
" that is numeric sequence type and '%s' that is not"_err_en_US;
} else if (isChar1) {
if (isNum2) {
if (context_.ShouldWarn(
parser::LanguageFeature::EquivalenceNumericWithCharacter)) {
msg = "Equivalence set contains '%s' that is character sequence "
"type and '%s' that is numeric"_en_US;
} else if (!isChar2) { // C8111
msg = "Equivalence set cannot contain '%s'"
" that is character sequence type and '%s' that is not"_err_en_US;
} else if (!isNum2 && !isChar2 && *type1 != *type2) { // C8112, C8113
msg = "Equivalence set cannot contain '%s' and '%s' with different types"
" that are neither numeric nor character sequence types"_err_en_US;
if (msg) {
context_.Say(source, std::move(*msg), sym1.name(), sym2.name());
return false;
return true;
// Move objects from src to sets_[dstIndex]
void EquivalenceSets::MergeInto(const parser::CharBlock &source,
EquivalenceSet &src, std::size_t dstIndex) {
EquivalenceSet &dst{sets_[dstIndex]};
PropagateSaveAttr(dst, src);
for (const auto &obj : src) {
if (const auto *obj2{Find(dst, obj.symbol)}) {
if (obj == *obj2) {
continue; // already there
"'%s' and '%s' cannot have the same first storage unit"_err_en_US,
obj2->AsFortran(), obj.AsFortran());
} else {
objectToSet_[obj] = dstIndex;
PropagateSaveAttr(src, dst);
// If set has an object with this symbol, return it.
const EquivalenceObject *EquivalenceSets::Find(
const EquivalenceSet &set, const Symbol &symbol) {
for (const auto &obj : set) {
if (obj.symbol == symbol) {
return &obj;
return nullptr;
bool EquivalenceSets::CheckDesignator(const parser::Designator &designator) {
return std::visit(
[&](const parser::DataRef &x) {
return CheckDataRef(designator.source, x);
[&](const parser::Substring &x) {
const auto &dataRef{std::get<parser::DataRef>(x.t)};
const auto &range{std::get<parser::SubstringRange>(x.t)};
bool ok{CheckDataRef(designator.source, dataRef)};
if (const auto &lb{std::get<0>(range.t)}) {
ok &= CheckSubstringBound(lb->thing.thing.value(), true);
} else {
currObject_.substringStart = 1;
if (const auto &ub{std::get<1>(range.t)}) {
ok &= CheckSubstringBound(ub->thing.thing.value(), false);
return ok;
bool EquivalenceSets::CheckDataRef(
const parser::CharBlock &source, const parser::DataRef &x) {
return std::visit(
[&](const parser::Name &name) { return CheckObject(name); },
[&](const common::Indirection<parser::StructureComponent> &) {
context_.Say(source, // C8107
"Derived type component '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US,
return false;
[&](const common::Indirection<parser::ArrayElement> &elem) {
bool ok{CheckDataRef(source, elem.value().base)};
for (const auto &subscript : elem.value().subscripts) {
ok &= std::visit(
[&](const parser::SubscriptTriplet &) {
context_.Say(source, // C924, R872
"Array section '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US,
return false;
[&](const parser::IntExpr &y) {
return CheckArrayBound(y.thing.value());
return ok;
[&](const common::Indirection<parser::CoindexedNamedObject> &) {
context_.Say(source, // C924 (R872)
"Coindexed object '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US,
return false;
static bool InCommonWithBind(const Symbol &symbol) {
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
const Symbol *commonBlock{details->commonBlock()};
return commonBlock && commonBlock->attrs().test(Attr::BIND_C);
} else {
return false;
// If symbol can't be in equivalence set report error and return false;
bool EquivalenceSets::CheckObject(const parser::Name &name) {
if (!name.symbol) {
return false; // an error has already occurred
currObject_.symbol = name.symbol;
parser::MessageFixedText msg{"", 0};
const Symbol &symbol{*name.symbol};
if (symbol.owner().IsDerivedType()) { // C8107
msg = "Derived type component '%s'"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.IsDummy()) { // C8106
msg = "Dummy argument '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.IsFuncResult()) { // C8106
msg = "Function result '%s' is not allow in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (IsPointer(symbol)) { // C8106
msg = "Pointer '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (IsAllocatable(symbol)) { // C8106
msg = "Allocatable variable '%s'"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.Corank() > 0) { // C8106
msg = "Coarray '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.has<UseDetails>()) { // C8115
msg = "Use-associated variable '%s'"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::BIND_C)) { // C8106
msg = "Variable '%s' with BIND attribute"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::TARGET)) { // C8108
msg = "Variable '%s' with TARGET attribute"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.attrs().test(Attr::PARAMETER)) { // C8106
msg = "Named constant '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (InCommonWithBind(symbol)) { // C8106
msg = "Variable '%s' in common block with BIND attribute"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (const auto *type{symbol.GetType()}) {
if (const auto *derived{type->AsDerived()}) {
if (const auto *comp{FindUltimateComponent(
*derived, IsAllocatableOrPointer)}) { // C8106
msg = IsPointer(*comp)
? "Derived type object '%s' with pointer ultimate component"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US
: "Derived type object '%s' with allocatable ultimate component"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (!derived->typeSymbol().get<DerivedTypeDetails>().sequence()) {
msg = "Nonsequence derived type object '%s'"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
} else if (symbol.IsObjectArray()) {
for (const ShapeSpec &spec : symbol.get<ObjectEntityDetails>().shape()) {
auto &lbound{spec.lbound().GetExplicit()};
auto &ubound{spec.ubound().GetExplicit()};
if ((lbound && !evaluate::ToInt64(*lbound)) ||
(ubound && !evaluate::ToInt64(*ubound))) {
msg = "Automatic array '%s'"
" is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US;
if (!msg.text().empty()) {
context_.Say(name.source, std::move(msg), name.source);
return false;
return true;
bool EquivalenceSets::CheckArrayBound(const parser::Expr &bound) {
MaybeExpr expr{
evaluate::Fold(context_.foldingContext(), AnalyzeExpr(context_, bound))};
if (!expr) {
return false;
if (expr->Rank() > 0) {
context_.Say(bound.source, // C924, R872
"Array with vector subscript '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US,
return false;
auto subscript{evaluate::ToInt64(*expr)};
if (!subscript.has_value()) {
context_.Say(bound.source, // C8109
"Array with nonconstant subscript '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US,
return false;
return true;
bool EquivalenceSets::CheckSubstringBound(
const parser::Expr &bound, bool isStart) {
MaybeExpr expr{
evaluate::Fold(context_.foldingContext(), AnalyzeExpr(context_, bound))};
if (!expr) {
return false;
auto subscript{evaluate::ToInt64(*expr)};
if (!subscript.has_value()) {
context_.Say(bound.source, // C8109
"Substring with nonconstant bound '%s' is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US,
return false;
if (!isStart) {
auto start{currObject_.substringStart};
if (*subscript < (start ? *start : 1)) {
context_.Say(bound.source, // C8116
"Substring with zero length is not allowed in an equivalence set"_err_en_US);
return false;
} else if (*subscript != 1) {
currObject_.substringStart = *subscript;
return true;
bool EquivalenceSets::IsCharacterSequenceType(const DeclTypeSpec *type) {
return IsSequenceType(type, [&](const IntrinsicTypeSpec &type) {
auto kind{evaluate::ToInt64(type.kind())};
return type.category() == TypeCategory::Character && kind.has_value() &&
kind.value() == context_.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Character);
// Numeric or logical type of default kind or DOUBLE PRECISION or DOUBLE COMPLEX
bool EquivalenceSets::IsDefaultKindNumericType(const IntrinsicTypeSpec &type) {
if (auto kind{evaluate::ToInt64(type.kind())}) {
auto category{type.category()};
auto defaultKind{context_.GetDefaultKind(category)};
switch (category) {
case TypeCategory::Integer:
case TypeCategory::Logical: return *kind == defaultKind;
case TypeCategory::Real:
case TypeCategory::Complex:
return *kind == defaultKind || *kind == context_.doublePrecisionKind();
default: return false;
return false;
bool EquivalenceSets::IsNumericSequenceType(const DeclTypeSpec *type) {
return IsSequenceType(type, [&](const IntrinsicTypeSpec &type) {
return IsDefaultKindNumericType(type);
// Is type an intrinsic type that satisfies predicate or a sequence type
// whose components do.
bool EquivalenceSets::IsSequenceType(const DeclTypeSpec *type,
std::function<bool(const IntrinsicTypeSpec &)> predicate) {
if (!type) {
return false;
} else if (const IntrinsicTypeSpec * intrinsic{type->AsIntrinsic()}) {
return predicate(*intrinsic);
} else if (const DerivedTypeSpec * derived{type->AsDerived()}) {
for (const auto &pair : *derived->typeSymbol().scope()) {
const Symbol &component{*pair.second};
if (IsAllocatableOrPointer(component) ||
!IsSequenceType(component.GetType(), predicate)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;