Tim Keith 7e34313ff7 [flang] Add statement functions to symbol table
SubprogramDetails: Store dummy args and result as symbols, not names.

Symbol: Save list of occurrences (i.e. SourceNames that map to the same
symbol). This is needed to map Names in the parse tree back to symbols,
and will probably be useful when reporting errors.
Improve dumping of symbols.

resolve-names.cc: Recognize statement functions. They are treated like
function subprograms but the result type and type of dummy arguments come
from the enclosing scope. The implicit rules from the enclosing scope need
to be copied in.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@44e4fb4b6c
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/58
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2018-04-17 14:16:42 -07:00

136 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "type.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
/// A SourceName is a name in the cooked character stream,
/// i.e. a range of lower-case characters with provenance.
using SourceName = parser::CharBlock;
/// A Symbol consists of common information (name, owner, and attributes)
/// and details information specific to the kind of symbol, represented by the
/// *Details classes.
class Scope;
class Symbol;
class ModuleDetails {
class MainProgramDetails {
class SubprogramDetails {
SubprogramDetails() {}
SubprogramDetails(const SubprogramDetails &that)
: dummyArgs_{that.dummyArgs_}, result_{that.result_} {}
bool isFunction() const { return result_.has_value(); }
const Symbol &result() const { CHECK(isFunction()); return **result_; }
void set_result(Symbol &result) {
result_ = &result;
const std::list<Symbol *> &dummyArgs() const { return dummyArgs_; }
void add_dummyArg(Symbol &symbol) { dummyArgs_.push_back(&symbol); }
std::list<Symbol *> dummyArgs_;
std::optional<Symbol *> result_;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const SubprogramDetails &);
class EntityDetails {
EntityDetails(bool isDummy = false) : isDummy_{isDummy} {}
const std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> &type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type);
const ArraySpec &shape() const { return shape_; }
void set_shape(const ArraySpec &shape);
bool isDummy() const { return isDummy_; }
bool isArray() const { return !shape_.empty(); }
bool isDummy_;
std::optional<DeclTypeSpec> type_;
ArraySpec shape_;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const EntityDetails &);
class UnknownDetails {};
class Symbol {
// TODO: more kinds of details
using Details = std::variant<UnknownDetails, MainProgramDetails,
ModuleDetails, SubprogramDetails, EntityDetails>;
Symbol(const Scope &owner, const SourceName &name, const Attrs &attrs,
Details &&details)
: owner_{owner}, attrs_{attrs}, details_{std::move(details)} {
const Scope &owner() const { return owner_; }
const SourceName &name() const { return occurrences_.front(); }
Attrs &attrs() { return attrs_; }
const Attrs &attrs() const { return attrs_; }
// Does symbol have this type of details?
template<typename D> bool has() const {
return std::holds_alternative<D>(details_);
// Return a non-owning pointer to details if it is type D, else nullptr.
template<typename D> D *detailsIf() { return std::get_if<D>(&details_); }
template<typename D> const D *detailsIf() const {
return std::get_if<D>(&details_);
// Return a reference to the details which must be of type D.
template<typename D> D &details() {
return const_cast<D &>(static_cast<const Symbol *>(this)->details<D>());
template<typename D> const D &details() const {
if (const auto p = detailsIf<D>()) {
return *p;
} else {
Fortran::parser::die("unexpected %s details at %s(%d)",
GetDetailsName().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Assign the details of the symbol from one of the variants.
// Only allowed if unknown.
void set_details(Details &&details) {
const std::list<SourceName> &occurrences() const {
return occurrences_;
void add_occurrence(const SourceName &name) {
const Scope &owner_;
std::list<SourceName> occurrences_;
Attrs attrs_;
Details details_;
const std::string GetDetailsName() const;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const Symbol &);
} // namespace Fortran::semantics