peter klausler 8b9efa289c [flang] checkpoint
Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@3fae716c44
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/183
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2018-09-12 16:28:44 -07:00

172 lines
5.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Defines anything that might ever be useful in more than one source file
// or that is too weird or too specific to the host C++ compiler to be
// exposed elsewhere.
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error this is a C++ program
#if __cplusplus < 201703L
#error this is a C++17 program
#if !__clang__ && defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ < 7
#error g++ >= 7.2 is required
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#if __GNUC__ == 7
// Avoid a deduction bug in GNU 7.x headers by forcing the answer.
namespace std {
template<typename A>
struct is_trivially_copy_constructible<list<A>> : false_type {};
template<typename A>
struct is_trivially_copy_constructible<optional<list<A>>> : false_type {};
} // namespace std
// enable "this is a std::string"s with the 's' suffix
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
namespace Fortran::common {
// Helper templates for combining a list of lambdas into an anonymous
// struct for use with std::visit() on a std::variant<> sum type.
// E.g.: std::visit(visitors{
// [&](const UnaryExpr &x) { ... },
// [&](const BinaryExpr &x) { ... },
// ...
// }, structure.unionMember);
template<typename... LAMBDAS> struct visitors : LAMBDAS... {
using LAMBDAS::operator()...;
template<typename... LAMBDAS> visitors(LAMBDAS... x)->visitors<LAMBDAS...>;
// Calls std::fprintf(stderr, ...), then abort().
[[noreturn]] void die(const char *, ...);
// For switch statements without default: labels.
#define CRASH_NO_CASE \
Fortran::common::die("no case at " __FILE__ "(%d)", __LINE__)
// For cheap assertions that should be applied in production.
// To disable, compile with '-DCHECK=(void)'
#ifndef CHECK
#define CHECK(x) \
((x) || \
(Fortran::common::die( \
"CHECK(" #x ") failed at " __FILE__ "(%d)", __LINE__), \
// User-defined type traits that default to false:
// Invoke CLASS_TRAIT(traitName) to define a trait, then put
// using traitName = std::true_type; (or false_type)
// into the appropriate class definitions. You can then use
// typename std::enable_if_t<traitName<...>, ...>
// in template specialization definitions.
#define CLASS_TRAIT(T) \
namespace class_trait_ns_##T { \
template<typename A> std::true_type test(typename A::T *); \
template<typename A> std::false_type test(...); \
template<typename A> \
constexpr bool has_trait{decltype(test<A>(nullptr))::value}; \
template<typename A> \
constexpr typename std::enable_if_t<has_trait<A>, bool> trait_value() { \
using U = typename A::T; \
return U::value; \
} \
template<typename A> \
constexpr typename std::enable_if_t<!has_trait<A>, bool> trait_value() { \
return false; \
} \
} \
template<typename A> constexpr bool T { class_trait_ns_##T::trait_value<A>() }
// Define enum class NAME with the given enumerators, a static
// function EnumToString() that maps enumerators to std::string,
// and a constant NAME_enumSize that captures the number of items
// in the enum class.
std::string EnumIndexToString(int index, const char *names);
template<typename A> struct ListItemCount {
constexpr ListItemCount(std::initializer_list<A> list) : value{list.size()} {}
const std::size_t value;
#define ENUM_CLASS(NAME, ...) \
enum class NAME { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
static constexpr std::size_t NAME##_enumSize{[] { \
enum { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
return Fortran::common::ListItemCount{__VA_ARGS__}.value; \
}()}; \
static inline std::string EnumToString(NAME e) { \
return Fortran::common::EnumIndexToString( \
static_cast<int>(e), #__VA_ARGS__); \
// If a variant holds a value of a particular type, return a copy in a
// std::optional<>.
template<typename A, typename VARIANT>
std::optional<A> GetIf(const VARIANT &u) {
if (const A * x{std::get_if<A>(&u)}) {
return {*x};
return std::nullopt;
// Collapses a nested std::optional<std::optional<A>>
template<typename A>
std::optional<A> JoinOptionals(std::optional<std::optional<A>> &&x) {
if (x.has_value()) {
return std::move(*x);
return std::nullopt;
// Apply a function to optional argument(s), if are all present.
// N.B. This function uses a "functor" in the C++ sense -- a type with
// a member function operator() -- to implement a "functor" in the category
// theoretical sense.
template<typename A, typename B>
std::optional<A> MapOptional(std::function<A(B &&)> &f, std::optional<B> &&x) {
if (x.has_value()) {
return {f(std::move(*x))};
return std::nullopt;
template<typename A, typename B, typename C>
std::optional<A> MapOptional(std::function<A(B &&, C &&)> &f,
std::optional<B> &&x, std::optional<C> &&y) {
if (x.has_value() && y.has_value()) {
return {f(std::move(*x), std::move(*y))};
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace Fortran::common