2019-03-09 10:25:07 -08:00

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! Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
! You may obtain a copy of the License at
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! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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! limitations under the License.
! Error tests for structure constructors: C1594 violations
! from assigning globally-visible data to POINTER components.
! This test is structconst03.f90 with the type parameters removed.
module usefrom
real :: usedfrom1
end module usefrom
module module1
use usefrom
implicit none
type :: has_pointer1
real, pointer :: ptop
type(has_pointer1), allocatable :: link1 ! don't loop during analysis
end type has_pointer1
type :: has_pointer2
type(has_pointer1) :: pnested
type(has_pointer2), allocatable :: link2
end type has_pointer2
type, extends(has_pointer2) :: has_pointer3
type(has_pointer3), allocatable :: link3
end type has_pointer3
type :: t1
real, pointer :: pt1
type(t1), allocatable :: link
end type t1
type :: t2
type(has_pointer1) :: hp1
type(t2), allocatable :: link
end type t2
type :: t3
type(has_pointer2) :: hp2
type(t3), allocatable :: link
end type t3
type :: t4
type(has_pointer3) :: hp3
type(t4), allocatable :: link
end type t4
real :: modulevar1
type(has_pointer1) :: modulevar2
type(has_pointer2) :: modulevar3
type(has_pointer3) :: modulevar4
pure real function pf1(dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4)
real :: local1
type(t1) :: x1
type(t2) :: x2
type(t3) :: x3
type(t4) :: x4
real, intent(in) :: dummy1
real, intent(inout) :: dummy2
real, pointer :: dummy3
real, intent(inout) :: dummy4[*]
real :: commonvar1
common /cblock/ commonvar1
pf1 = 0.
x1 = t1(local1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'usedfrom1' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1 = t1(usedfrom1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar1' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1 = t1(modulevar1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'cblock' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1 = t1(commonvar1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'dummy1' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1 = t1(dummy1)
x1 = t1(dummy2)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'dummy3' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1 = t1(dummy3)
! TODO when semantics handles coindexing:
! TODO !ERROR: Externally visible object must not be associated with a pointer in a PURE function
! TODO x1 = t1(dummy4[0])
x1 = t1(dummy4)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar2' must not be associated with pointer component 'ptop' in a PURE function
x2 = t2(modulevar2)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar3' must not be associated with pointer component 'ptop' in a PURE function
x3 = t3(modulevar3)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar4' must not be associated with pointer component 'ptop' in a PURE function
x4 = t4(modulevar4)
subroutine subr(dummy1a, dummy2a, dummy3a, dummy4a)
real :: local1a
type(t1) :: x1a
type(t2) :: x2a
type(t3) :: x3a
type(t4) :: x4a
real, intent(in) :: dummy1a
real, intent(inout) :: dummy2a
real, pointer :: dummy3a
real, intent(inout) :: dummy4a[*]
x1a = t1(local1a)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'usedfrom1' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(usedfrom1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar1' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(modulevar1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'cblock' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(commonvar1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'dummy1' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(dummy1)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'dummy1a' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(dummy1a)
x1a = t1(dummy2a)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'dummy3' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(dummy3)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'dummy3a' must not be associated with pointer component 'pt1' in a PURE function
x1a = t1(dummy3a)
! TODO when semantics handles coindexing:
! TODO !ERROR: Externally visible object must not be associated with a pointer in a PURE function
! TODO x1a = t1(dummy4a[0])
x1a = t1(dummy4a)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar2' must not be associated with pointer component 'ptop' in a PURE function
x2a = t2(modulevar2)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar3' must not be associated with pointer component 'ptop' in a PURE function
x3a = t3(modulevar3)
!ERROR: Externally visible object 'modulevar4' must not be associated with pointer component 'ptop' in a PURE function
x4a = t4(modulevar4)
end subroutine subr
end function pf1
impure real function ipf1(dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4)
real :: local1
type(t1) :: x1
type(t2) :: x2
type(t3) :: x3
type(t4) :: x4
real, intent(in) :: dummy1
real, intent(inout) :: dummy2
real, pointer :: dummy3
real, intent(inout) :: dummy4[*]
real :: commonvar1
common /cblock/ commonvar1
ipf1 = 0.
x1 = t1(local1)
x1 = t1(usedfrom1)
x1 = t1(modulevar1)
x1 = t1(commonvar1)
x1 = t1(dummy1)
x1 = t1(dummy2)
x1 = t1(dummy3)
! TODO when semantics handles coindexing:
! TODO x1 = t1(dummy4[0])
x1 = t1(dummy4)
x2 = t2(modulevar2)
x3 = t3(modulevar3)
x4 = t4(modulevar4)
end function ipf1
end module module1