2018-03-26 16:35:34 +02:00

228 lines
6.7 KiB

#include "Stmt.h"
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
// A StatementMap describes the relations between statements in a program unit
// and also hold information that are common to each statement (label, provenance,
// ...)
// In the parse-tree each struct representing a statement (see Stmt.def)
// is associated with an index in the statement map.
// Valid indices are 1 to Size().
// The index None=0 represents no statement.
// In the map, each statement belong to one of 4 groups Single,
// Start, Part, and End (see Stmt.def)
// Also, the statements are stored in 2 dimensions:
// - the body dimension for Single and Start statements.
// - the construct dimension for Start, Part and End statements
// In the construct dimension, a sequence of statement is always
// composed of one Start, any number of Part and one End.
// Only Start and Part statements can have a body and they are
// the 'parent' of each statement in that body.
// The mapping of Fortran statements to the 4 groups Single, Start,
// Part, and End should be obvious.
// For instance, consider the following piece of code
// DO i=1,n
// PRINT *, "in DO body"
// IF (i==1) THEN
// PRINT *, "in IF body"
// ELSE IF (i==2)
// PRINT *, "in ELSE IF body"
// PRINT *, "in ELSE body"
// PRINT *, "also in DO body"
// The statement map Dump() for that piece of code shall look like that
// 10: > NonLabelDo
// 11: | | Print
// 12: | > IfThen
// 13: | | | Print
// 14: | | | Cycle
// 15: | + ElseIf
// 16: | | | Print
// 17: | + Else
// 18: | | | Print
// 19: | < EndIf
// 20: | | Print
// 21: < EndDo
// The '>', '+' and '>' are used to mark the Start, Part and End statements.
// In that dump, we see that:
// - The DO construct is comprised of statements 10 and 21
// - The IF construct is comprised of statements 12, 15, 17 and 19
// - The body of statement 10 is comprised of statements 11, 12, and 20
// - The body of statement 12 is comprised of statements 13 and 14
// - The body of statement 15 is comprised of statement 16
// - The body of statement 17 is comprised of statement 18
// For the few Fortran constructs that do not provide an explicit 'End'
// statement, a dummy entry will be provided in the map. For instance,
// the construct
// IF (cond) CYCLE
// could dump as follow:
// 30: > If
// 31: | | Cycle
// 32: < DummyEndIf
class StatementMap {
typedef int Index; // should become an opaque type.
static constexpr Index None = 0;
struct Entry {
StmtClass sclass;
StmtGroup group;
int label; // The label associated to the statement (1..99999) or 0
// Relations to other statements.
Index parent;
Index prev_in_body;
Index next_in_body;
Index prev_in_construct;
Index next_in_construct;
std::vector<Entry> entries_;
std::map<Index, int> label_do_map_;
Entry &at(Index index);
const Entry &at(Index index) const;
// Add a statement to the map.
Index Add(StmtClass sclass, int label);
// Set the label required to close a LabelDo
// void SetLabelDoLabel(Index do_stmt, int label);
// int GetLabelDoLabel(Index do_stmt) const;
// 'prev_index' shall be a Start or Part statement.
// Assert that the next statement in the construct is of an expected class.
void AssertNextInConstruct(Index prev_index) const;
// Provide the number of statements in the map.
// Reminder: the proper indices are 1..Size()
int Size() const;
// The index of the first statement added to the map
Index First() const { return 1; }
// The index of the last statement added to the map
Index Last() const { return Size(); }
// Specialize the StmtClass of an existing statement.
void Specialize(Index index, StmtClass oldclass, StmtClass newclass);
StmtClass GetClass(Index index) const { return at(index).sclass; }
StmtGroup GetGroup(Index index) const { return at(index).group; }
// Provide the numerical label associated to that statement or 0.
// Be aware that labels are not necessarily unique and so cannot
// be used to identify a statement within the whole map.
int GetLabel(Index index) const { return at(index).label; }
Index GetParent(Index index) const { return at(index).parent; }
// Dump all the statements in the map in sequence so without
// relying on the statement 'hierarchy'. This is only useful
// to debug the statement map 'hierarchy'.
void DumpFlat(std::ostream &out, bool verbose = true) const;
void DumpBody(std::ostream &out, Index index, bool rec = true, int level = 0,
bool verbose = false) const;
void DumpStmt(std::ostream &out, Index index, bool verbose = false) const;
void Dump(std::ostream &out, Index index, bool rec = true, int level = 0,
bool verbose = false) const;
void CheckIndex(Index index) const;
Index Next(Index index) const;
Index Prev(Index index) const;
bool EmptyBody(Index index) const;
Index FirstInBody(Index index) const;
Index LastInBody(Index index) const;
// Functionally equivalent to LastInBody(PreviousPartOfConstruct(index))
Index LastInPreviousBody(Index index) const;
Index FindPrevInConstruct(Index index, StmtClass sclass) const;
Index FindNextInConstruct(Index index, StmtClass sclass) const;
Index PrevInConstruct(Index index) const;
Index NextInConstruct(Index index) const;
// Find the Start component of a construct specified by
// any of its component.
Index StartOfConstruct(Index index) const;
// Find the End component of a construct specified by
// any of its component.
Index EndOfConstruct(Index index) const;
// Find the last component of a construct.
// Unlike EndOfConstruct(), this visitor does not require the presence of
// any End construct and so can be safely used during the creation of
// the statement map
Index LastOfConstruct(Index index) const;
// Visit all the statements that compose a construct.
// 'stmt' shall be a construct component (so in group Start, Part or End)
void VisitConstruct(Index stmt, std::function<bool(Index)> action) const;
// Visit all the statements that compose a construct in reverse order.
// 'stmt' shall be a construct component (so in group Start, Part or End)
void VisitConstructRev(Index stmt, std::function<bool(Index)> action) const;
} // namespace Fortran::semantics