peter klausler 5a18e79d5a [flang] Remove OwningPointer and ForwardReference
Use std::unique_ptr<> with custom deleter for forward-referenced owned pointer.

Move CopyableIndirection into common, add documentation, clean up.

Remove OwningPointer and ForwardReference

Use std::unique_ptr<> with custom deleter for forward-referenced owned pointer.

Use CopyableIndirection

clean up from merge after split

Complete characterization

fold conversions of arrays

Clean up subscripts to constant arrays

Elemental unary operations complete

Support assumed type TYPE(*) in actual arguments

clean up some TODOs

recognize TYPE(*) arguments to intrinsics

Complete folding of array operations

Finish elementwise array folding, add test, debug

characterize intrinsics, fix some bugs

Clean up build

Type compatibility and shape conformance checks on pointer assignments

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@99d734c621
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/442
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-05-06 07:51:07 -07:00

211 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common.h"
#include "integer.h"
#include "leading-zero-bit-count.h"
#include "real.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
// This is a helper class for use in floating-point conversions
// to and from decimal representations. It holds a multiple-precision
// integer value using digits of a radix that is a large power of ten.
// (A radix of 10**18 (one quintillion) is the largest that could be used
// because this radix is the largest power of ten such that 10 times that
// value will fit in an unsigned 64-bit binary integer; a radix of 10**8,
// however, runs faster since unsigned 32-bit division by a constant can be
// performed cheaply.) The digits are accompanied by a signed exponent
// that denotes multiplication by a power of ten.
// The operations supported by this class are limited to those required
// for conversions between binary and decimal representations; it is not
// a general-purpose facility.
namespace Fortran::evaluate::value {
static constexpr std::uint64_t TenToThe(int power) {
return power <= 0 ? 1 : 10 * TenToThe(power - 1);
// The default radix is 10**8 (100,000,000) for best
// performance.
template<typename REAL, int LOG10RADIX = 8> class Decimal {
using Real = REAL;
static constexpr int log10Radix{LOG10RADIX};
static constexpr std::uint64_t uint64Radix{TenToThe(log10Radix)};
static constexpr int minDigitBits{64 - LeadingZeroBitCount(uint64Radix)};
using Digit = HostUnsignedInt<minDigitBits>;
static constexpr Digit radix{uint64Radix};
static_assert(radix < std::numeric_limits<Digit>::max() / 10,
"radix is too big somehow");
static_assert(radix > std::numeric_limits<Digit>::max() / 100,
"radix is too small somehow");
// The base-2 logarithm of the least significant bit that can arise
// in a subnormal IEEE floating-point number. Padded up to make room
// for scaling for alignment in decimal->binary conversion.
static constexpr int minLog2AnyBit{
-static_cast<int>(Real::exponentBias) - Real::precision};
static constexpr int maxDigits{3 - minLog2AnyBit / log10Radix};
Decimal() {}
Decimal &SetToZero() {
isNegative_ = false;
digits_ = 0;
exponent_ = 0;
return *this;
Decimal &FromReal(const Real &);
// Convert a character representation of a floating-point value to
// the underlying Real type. The reference argument is a pointer that
// is left pointing to the first character that wasn't included.
ValueWithRealFlags<Real> ToReal(
const char *&, Rounding rounding = defaultRounding);
// ToString() emits the mathematically exact decimal representation
// in scientific notation. ToMinimalString() emits the shortest
// decimal representation that reads back to the original value.
std::string ToString(int maxDigits = 1000000) const;
std::string ToMinimalString(
const Real &, Rounding rounding = defaultRounding) const;
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
bool IsZero() const {
for (int j{0}; j < digits_; ++j) {
if (digit_[j] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
// Predicate: true when 10*value would cause a carry
bool IsFull() const {
return digits_ == digitLimit_ && 10 * digit_[digits_ - 1] >= radix;
// Sets this value to that of an Integer<> instance.
// Returns any remainder (usually zero).
template<typename INT> INT SetTo(INT n) {
while (!n.IsZero()) {
auto qr{n.DivideUnsigned(10)};
if (!qr.remainder.IsZero()) {
n = qr.quotient;
if constexpr (INT::bits < minDigitBits) {
// n is necessarily small enough to fit into a digit
if (!n.IsZero()) {
digit_[digits_++] = n.ToUInt64();
return {};
} else {
while (!n.IsZero() && digits_ < digitLimit_) {
auto qr{n.DivideUnsigned(radix)};
digit_[digits_++] = qr.remainder.ToUInt64();
n = qr.quotient;
return n;
int RemoveLeastOrderZeroDigits() {
int remove{0};
while (remove < digits_ && digit_[remove] == 0) {
if (remove >= digits_) {
digits_ = 0;
return remove;
if (remove > 0) {
for (int j{0}; j + remove < digits_; ++j) {
digit_[j] = digit_[j + remove];
digits_ -= remove;
return remove;
void Normalize() {
while (digits_ > 0 && digit_[digits_ - 1] == 0) {
exponent_ += RemoveLeastOrderZeroDigits() * log10Radix;
// This limited divisibility test only works for even divisors of the radix,
// which is fine since it's only used with 2 and 5.
template<int N> bool IsDivisibleBy() const {
static_assert(N > 1 && radix % N == 0, "bad modulus");
return digits_ == 0 || (digit_[0] % N) == 0;
template<int DIVISOR> int DivideBy() {
int remainder{0};
for (int j{digits_ - 1}; j >= 0; --j) {
// N.B. Because DIVISOR is a constant, these operations should be cheap.
int nrem = digit_[j] % DIVISOR;
digit_[j] /= DIVISOR;
digit_[j] += (radix / DIVISOR) * remainder;
remainder = nrem;
return remainder;
template<int N> int MultiplyBy(int carry = 0) {
for (int j{0}; j < digits_; ++j) {
digit_[j] = N * digit_[j] + carry;
carry = digit_[j] / radix; // N.B. radix is constant, this is fast
digit_[j] %= radix;
if (carry != 0) {
if (digits_ < digitLimit_) {
digit_[digits_++] = carry;
carry = 0;
return carry;
Digit digit_[maxDigits]; // in little-endian order
int digits_{0}; // significant elements in digit_[] array
int digitLimit_{maxDigits}; // clamp
int exponent_{0}; // signed power of ten
bool isNegative_{false};
extern template class Decimal<Real<Integer<16>, 11>>;
extern template class Decimal<Real<Integer<16>, 8>>;
extern template class Decimal<Real<Integer<32>, 24>>;
extern template class Decimal<Real<Integer<64>, 53>>;
extern template class Decimal<Real<Integer<80>, 64, false>>;
extern template class Decimal<Real<Integer<128>, 112>>;