Peter Steinfeld 93a59505a5 [flang] These changes are for issue 458, to perform semantic checks on DO variable
and initial, final, and step expressions.  As a new extension, we want to allow
REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION values for them by default.

Here's a summary of the changes:
 - There already existed infrastructure for semantic checking of DO loops that
   was partially specific to DO CONCURRENT loops.  Because I re-used some of
   this infrastructure, I renamed some files and classes from "concurrent" to
 - I added some functions to distinguish among the different kinds of DO
 - I added the functions to check-do-stmt.cc to produce the necessary warnins
   and errors.  Note that there are no tests for the warnings since the
   necessary testing infrastructure does not yet exist.
 - I changed test-errors.sh so that additional compilation options can be
   specified in the test source.
 - I added two new tests to test for the various kinds of values that can be
   used for the DO variables and control expressions.  The two tests are
   identical except for the use of different compilation options.
   dosemantics03.f90 specifies the options "-Mstandard -Werror" to produce
   error messages for the use of REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION DO variables and
   controls.  dosemantics04.f90 uses the default options and only produces
   error messages for contructs that are erroneous by default.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@f484660c75
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/478
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
2019-06-10 13:31:31 -07:00

216 lines
6.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "semantics.h"
#include "assignment.h"
#include "canonicalize-do.h"
#include "check-allocate.h"
#include "check-arithmeticif.h"
#include "check-coarray.h"
#include "check-deallocate.h"
#include "check-do-stmt.h"
#include "check-if-stmt.h"
#include "check-io.h"
#include "check-nullify.h"
#include "check-return.h"
#include "check-stop.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "mod-file.h"
#include "resolve-labels.h"
#include "resolve-names.h"
#include "rewrite-parse-tree.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "../common/default-kinds.h"
#include "../parser/parse-tree-visitor.h"
namespace Fortran::semantics {
static void DoDumpSymbols(std::ostream &, const Scope &, int indent = 0);
static void PutIndent(std::ostream &, int indent);
// A parse tree visitor that calls Enter/Leave functions from each checker
// class C supplied as template parameters. Enter is called before the node's
// children are visited, Leave is called after. No two checkers may have the
// same Enter or Leave function. Each checker must be constructible from
// SemanticsContext and have BaseChecker as a virtual base class.
template<typename... C> class SemanticsVisitor : public virtual C... {
using C::Enter...;
using C::Leave...;
using BaseChecker::Enter;
using BaseChecker::Leave;
SemanticsVisitor(SemanticsContext &context)
: C{context}..., context_{context} {}
template<typename N> bool Pre(const N &node) {
return true;
template<typename N> void Post(const N &node) { Leave(node); }
template<typename T> bool Pre(const parser::Statement<T> &node) {
return true;
template<typename T> void Post(const parser::Statement<T> &node) {
bool Walk(const parser::Program &program) {
parser::Walk(program, *this);
return !context_.AnyFatalError();
SemanticsContext &context_;
using StatementSemanticsPass1 = ExprChecker;
using StatementSemanticsPass2 = SemanticsVisitor<AllocateChecker,
ArithmeticIfStmtChecker, AssignmentChecker, CoarrayChecker,
DeallocateChecker, DoStmtChecker, IfStmtChecker, IoChecker,
NullifyChecker, ReturnStmtChecker, StopChecker>;
static bool PerformStatementSemantics(
SemanticsContext &context, parser::Program &program) {
ResolveNames(context, program);
RewriteParseTree(context, program);
return StatementSemanticsPass2{context}.Walk(program);
const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaultKinds,
const parser::LanguageFeatureControl &languageFeatures,
parser::AllSources &allSources)
: defaultKinds_{defaultKinds}, languageFeatures_{languageFeatures},
parser::ContextualMessages{parser::CharBlock{}, &messages_}}} {}
SemanticsContext::~SemanticsContext() {}
bool SemanticsContext::IsEnabled(parser::LanguageFeature feature) const {
return languageFeatures_.IsEnabled(feature);
bool SemanticsContext::ShouldWarn(parser::LanguageFeature feature) const {
return languageFeatures_.ShouldWarn(feature);
const DeclTypeSpec &SemanticsContext::MakeNumericType(
TypeCategory category, int kind) {
if (kind == 0) {
kind = defaultKinds_.GetDefaultKind(category);
return globalScope_.MakeNumericType(category, KindExpr{kind});
const DeclTypeSpec &SemanticsContext::MakeLogicalType(int kind) {
if (kind == 0) {
kind = defaultKinds_.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Logical);
return globalScope_.MakeLogicalType(KindExpr{kind});
bool SemanticsContext::AnyFatalError() const {
return !messages_.empty() &&
(warningsAreErrors_ || messages_.AnyFatalError());
bool SemanticsContext::HasError(const Symbol &symbol) {
return CheckError(symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::Error));
bool SemanticsContext::HasError(const Symbol *symbol) {
return CheckError(!symbol || HasError(*symbol));
bool SemanticsContext::HasError(const parser::Name &name) {
return HasError(name.symbol);
void SemanticsContext::SetError(Symbol &symbol, bool value) {
if (value) {
bool SemanticsContext::CheckError(bool error) {
CHECK(!error || AnyFatalError());
return error;
const Scope &SemanticsContext::FindScope(parser::CharBlock source) const {
return const_cast<SemanticsContext *>(this)->FindScope(source);
Scope &SemanticsContext::FindScope(parser::CharBlock source) {
if (auto *scope{globalScope_.FindScope(source)}) {
return *scope;
} else {
common::die("invalid source location");
bool Semantics::Perform() {
return ValidateLabels(context_.messages(), program_) &&
parser::CanonicalizeDo(program_) && // force line break
PerformStatementSemantics(context_, program_) &&
void Semantics::EmitMessages(std::ostream &os) const {
context_.messages().Emit(os, cooked_);
void Semantics::DumpSymbols(std::ostream &os) {
DoDumpSymbols(os, context_.globalScope());
void DoDumpSymbols(std::ostream &os, const Scope &scope, int indent) {
PutIndent(os, indent);
os << Scope::EnumToString(scope.kind()) << " scope:";
if (const auto *symbol{scope.symbol()}) {
os << ' ' << symbol->name().ToString();
os << '\n';
for (const auto &pair : scope) {
const auto &symbol{*pair.second};
PutIndent(os, indent);
os << symbol << '\n';
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<GenericDetails>()}) {
if (const auto &type{details->derivedType()}) {
PutIndent(os, indent);
os << *type << '\n';
for (const auto &pair : scope.commonBlocks()) {
const auto &symbol{*pair.second};
PutIndent(os, indent);
os << symbol << '\n';
for (const auto &child : scope.children()) {
DoDumpSymbols(os, child, indent);
static void PutIndent(std::ostream &os, int indent) {
for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) {
os << " ";