Building and Installing Polly


There is a script available to automatically checkout, update, build, and test Polly. This script contains all the commands that are subsequently described on this webpage. The automatic installation consists of four simple steps:
mkdir polly && cd polly
chmod +x


Get the code

git clone llvm_git

Build Polly

mkdir llvm_build && cd llvm_build
cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='polly;clang' ../llvm_git/llvm && make

Test Polly

make check-polly

Building Polly Without LLVM

It is also possible to build Polly without also building LLVM. All you need is an installed version of LLVM or a previous build. To configure Polly to use a pre-built LLVM, set the -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option:
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${LLVM_PREFIX}/lib/cmake/llvm ../llvm_git/polly
To run unittests, however, you need to have the LLVM source directory around. Polly will use the llvm-config of the LLVM you're building against to guess the location of the source directory. You may override autodetected location by setting the -DLLVM_SOURCE_ROOT option.


If you get an error in one of the python files, your system probably uses python3 as default python interpreter. This is the case, for instance, under Arch Linux. To solve this issue, run cmake again, but with the added argument: -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 (replace /usr/bin/python2 with the location of the python2 interpreter under your system).