// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "semantics.h" #include "assignment.h" #include "canonicalize-do.h" #include "check-allocate.h" #include "check-arithmeticif.h" #include "check-coarray.h" #include "check-deallocate.h" #include "check-do.h" #include "check-if-stmt.h" #include "check-io.h" #include "check-nullify.h" #include "check-omp-structure.h" #include "check-return.h" #include "check-stop.h" #include "expression.h" #include "mod-file.h" #include "resolve-labels.h" #include "resolve-names.h" #include "rewrite-parse-tree.h" #include "scope.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "../common/default-kinds.h" #include "../parser/parse-tree-visitor.h" namespace Fortran::semantics { static void DoDumpSymbols(std::ostream &, const Scope &, int indent = 0); static void PutIndent(std::ostream &, int indent); // A parse tree visitor that calls Enter/Leave functions from each checker // class C supplied as template parameters. Enter is called before the node's // children are visited, Leave is called after. No two checkers may have the // same Enter or Leave function. Each checker must be constructible from // SemanticsContext and have BaseChecker as a virtual base class. template class SemanticsVisitor : public virtual C... { public: using C::Enter...; using C::Leave...; using BaseChecker::Enter; using BaseChecker::Leave; SemanticsVisitor(SemanticsContext &context) : C{context}..., context_{context} {} template bool Pre(const N &node) { Enter(node); return true; } template void Post(const N &node) { Leave(node); } template bool Pre(const parser::Statement &node) { context_.set_location(&node.source); Enter(node); return true; } template void Post(const parser::Statement &node) { Leave(node); context_.set_location(nullptr); } bool Walk(const parser::Program &program) { parser::Walk(program, *this); return !context_.AnyFatalError(); } private: SemanticsContext &context_; }; using StatementSemanticsPass1 = ExprChecker; using StatementSemanticsPass2 = SemanticsVisitor; static bool PerformStatementSemantics( SemanticsContext &context, parser::Program &program) { ResolveNames(context, program); RewriteParseTree(context, program); StatementSemanticsPass1{context}.Walk(program); return StatementSemanticsPass2{context}.Walk(program); } SemanticsContext::SemanticsContext( const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaultKinds, const parser::LanguageFeatureControl &languageFeatures, parser::AllSources &allSources) : defaultKinds_{defaultKinds}, languageFeatures_{languageFeatures}, allSources_{allSources}, intrinsics_{evaluate::IntrinsicProcTable::Configure(defaultKinds)}, foldingContext_{parser::ContextualMessages{&messages_}, defaultKinds} {} SemanticsContext::~SemanticsContext() {} int SemanticsContext::GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory category) const { return defaultKinds_.GetDefaultKind(category); } bool SemanticsContext::IsEnabled(parser::LanguageFeature feature) const { return languageFeatures_.IsEnabled(feature); } bool SemanticsContext::ShouldWarn(parser::LanguageFeature feature) const { return languageFeatures_.ShouldWarn(feature); } const DeclTypeSpec &SemanticsContext::MakeNumericType( TypeCategory category, int kind) { if (kind == 0) { kind = GetDefaultKind(category); } return globalScope_.MakeNumericType(category, KindExpr{kind}); } const DeclTypeSpec &SemanticsContext::MakeLogicalType(int kind) { if (kind == 0) { kind = GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Logical); } return globalScope_.MakeLogicalType(KindExpr{kind}); } bool SemanticsContext::AnyFatalError() const { return !messages_.empty() && (warningsAreErrors_ || messages_.AnyFatalError()); } bool SemanticsContext::HasError(const Symbol &symbol) { return CheckError(symbol.test(Symbol::Flag::Error)); } bool SemanticsContext::HasError(const Symbol *symbol) { return CheckError(!symbol || HasError(*symbol)); } bool SemanticsContext::HasError(const parser::Name &name) { return HasError(name.symbol); } void SemanticsContext::SetError(Symbol &symbol, bool value) { if (value) { CHECK(AnyFatalError()); symbol.set(Symbol::Flag::Error); } } bool SemanticsContext::CheckError(bool error) { CHECK(!error || AnyFatalError()); return error; } const Scope &SemanticsContext::FindScope(parser::CharBlock source) const { return const_cast(this)->FindScope(source); } Scope &SemanticsContext::FindScope(parser::CharBlock source) { if (auto *scope{globalScope_.FindScope(source)}) { return *scope; } else { common::die("invalid source location"); } } bool Semantics::Perform() { return ValidateLabels(context_, program_) && parser::CanonicalizeDo(program_) && // force line break PerformStatementSemantics(context_, program_) && ModFileWriter{context_}.WriteAll(); } void Semantics::EmitMessages(std::ostream &os) const { context_.messages().Emit(os, cooked_); } void Semantics::DumpSymbols(std::ostream &os) { DoDumpSymbols(os, context_.globalScope()); } void DoDumpSymbols(std::ostream &os, const Scope &scope, int indent) { PutIndent(os, indent); os << Scope::EnumToString(scope.kind()) << " scope:"; if (const auto *symbol{scope.symbol()}) { os << ' ' << symbol->name().ToString(); } os << '\n'; ++indent; for (const auto &pair : scope) { const auto &symbol{*pair.second}; PutIndent(os, indent); os << symbol << '\n'; if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf()}) { if (const auto &type{details->derivedType()}) { PutIndent(os, indent); os << *type << '\n'; } } } if (!scope.equivalenceSets().empty()) { PutIndent(os, indent); os << "Equivalence Sets:"; for (const auto &set : scope.equivalenceSets()) { os << ' '; char sep = '('; for (const auto &object : set) { os << sep << object.AsFortran(); sep = ','; } os << ')'; } os << '\n'; } for (const auto &pair : scope.commonBlocks()) { const auto &symbol{*pair.second}; PutIndent(os, indent); os << symbol << '\n'; } for (const auto &child : scope.children()) { DoDumpSymbols(os, child, indent); } --indent; } static void PutIndent(std::ostream &os, int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) { os << " "; } } }