# -*- Python -*- import os import platform import re import subprocess import locale import lit.formats import lit.util from lit.llvm import llvm_config # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. config.name = 'lld' # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # # For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and the test runner updated. config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. config.suffixes = ['.ll', '.s', '.test', '.yaml', '.objtxt'] # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. config.excludes = ['Inputs'] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.lld_obj_root, 'test') llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() llvm_config.use_lld() tool_patterns = [ 'llc', 'llvm-as', 'llvm-mc', 'llvm-nm', 'llvm-objdump', 'llvm-otool', 'llvm-pdbutil', 'llvm-dwarfdump', 'llvm-readelf', 'llvm-readobj', 'obj2yaml', 'yaml2obj', 'opt', 'llvm-dis'] llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tool_patterns) # LLD tests tend to be flaky on NetBSD, so add some retries. # We don't do this on other platforms because it's slower. if platform.system() in ['NetBSD']: config.test_retry_attempts = 2 # When running under valgrind, we mangle '-vg' onto the end of the triple so we # can check it with XFAIL and XTARGET. if lit_config.useValgrind: config.target_triple += '-vg' # Running on ELF based *nix if platform.system() in ['FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'Linux']: config.available_features.add('system-linker-elf') # Set if host-cxxabi's demangler can handle target's symbols. if platform.system() not in ['Windows']: config.available_features.add('demangler') llvm_config.feature_config( [('--targets-built', {'AArch64': 'aarch64', 'AMDGPU': 'amdgpu', 'ARM': 'arm', 'AVR': 'avr', 'Hexagon': 'hexagon', 'Mips': 'mips', 'MSP430': 'msp430', 'PowerPC': 'ppc', 'RISCV': 'riscv', 'Sparc': 'sparc', 'WebAssembly': 'wasm', 'X86': 'x86'}) ]) # Set a fake constant version so that we get consistent output. config.environment['LLD_VERSION'] = 'LLD 1.0' # LLD_IN_TEST determines how many times `main` is run inside each process, which # lets us test that it's cleaning up after itself and resetting global state # correctly (which is important for usage as a library). run_lld_main_twice = lit_config.params.get('RUN_LLD_MAIN_TWICE', False) if not run_lld_main_twice: config.environment['LLD_IN_TEST'] = '1' else: config.environment['LLD_IN_TEST'] = '2' # Many ELF tests fail in this mode. config.excludes.append('ELF') # Some old Mach-O backend tests fail, and it's due for removal anyway. config.excludes.append('mach-o') # Some new Mach-O backend tests fail; give them a way to mark themselves # unsupported in this mode. config.available_features.add('main-run-twice') # Indirectly check if the mt.exe Microsoft utility exists by searching for # cvtres, which always accompanies it. Alternatively, check if we can use # libxml2 to merge manifests. if (lit.util.which('cvtres', config.environment['PATH']) or config.have_libxml2): config.available_features.add('manifest_tool') if config.have_libxar: config.available_features.add('xar') if config.have_libxml2: config.available_features.add('libxml2') if config.have_dia_sdk: config.available_features.add("diasdk") if config.sizeof_void_p == 8: config.available_features.add("llvm-64-bits") tar_executable = lit.util.which('tar', config.environment['PATH']) if tar_executable: env = os.environ env['LANG'] = 'C' tar_version = subprocess.Popen( [tar_executable, '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) sout, _ = tar_version.communicate() if 'GNU tar' in sout.decode(): config.available_features.add('gnutar') # ELF tests expect the default target for ld.lld to be ELF. if config.ld_lld_default_mingw: config.excludes.append('ELF')