//===-- runtime/edit-input.cpp --------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "edit-input.h" #include "namelist.h" #include "utf.h" #include "flang/Common/real.h" #include "flang/Common/uint128.h" #include #include namespace Fortran::runtime::io { static bool EditBOZInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n, int base, int totalBitSize) { std::optional remaining; std::optional next{io.PrepareInput(edit, remaining)}; common::UnsignedInt128 value{0}; for (; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit)) { char32_t ch{*next}; if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { continue; } int digit{0}; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '1') { digit = ch - '0'; } else if (base >= 8 && ch >= '2' && ch <= '7') { digit = ch - '0'; } else if (base >= 10 && ch >= '8' && ch <= '9') { digit = ch - '0'; } else if (base == 16 && ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { digit = ch + 10 - 'A'; } else if (base == 16 && ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { digit = ch + 10 - 'a'; } else { io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError( "Bad character '%lc' in B/O/Z input field", ch); return false; } value *= base; value += digit; } // TODO: check for overflow std::memcpy(n, &value, totalBitSize >> 3); return true; } static inline char32_t GetDecimalPoint(const DataEdit &edit) { return edit.modes.editingFlags & decimalComma ? char32_t{','} : char32_t{'.'}; } // Prepares input from a field, and consumes the sign, if any. // Returns true if there's a '-' sign. static bool ScanNumericPrefix(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, std::optional &next, std::optional &remaining) { bool bzMode{(edit.modes.editingFlags & blankZero) != 0}; next = io.PrepareInput(edit, remaining, !bzMode); bool negative{false}; if (next) { negative = *next == '-'; if (negative || *next == '+') { if (!bzMode) { io.SkipSpaces(remaining); } next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } } return negative; } bool EditIntegerInput( IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n, int kind) { RUNTIME_CHECK(io.GetIoErrorHandler(), kind >= 1 && !(kind & (kind - 1))); switch (edit.descriptor) { case DataEdit::ListDirected: if (IsNamelistName(io)) { return false; } break; case 'G': case 'I': break; case 'B': return EditBOZInput(io, edit, n, 2, kind << 3); case 'O': return EditBOZInput(io, edit, n, 8, kind << 3); case 'Z': return EditBOZInput(io, edit, n, 16, kind << 3); case 'A': // legacy extension return EditCharacterInput(io, edit, reinterpret_cast(n), kind); default: io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError(IostatErrorInFormat, "Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used with an INTEGER data item", edit.descriptor); return false; } std::optional remaining; std::optional next; bool negate{ScanNumericPrefix(io, edit, next, remaining)}; common::UnsignedInt128 value{0}; bool any{negate}; for (; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit)) { char32_t ch{*next}; if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { if (edit.modes.editingFlags & blankZero) { ch = '0'; // BZ mode - treat blank as if it were zero } else { continue; } } int digit{0}; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { digit = ch - '0'; } else { io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError( "Bad character '%lc' in INTEGER input field", ch); return false; } value *= 10; value += digit; any = true; } if (negate) { value = -value; } if (any || !io.GetConnectionState().IsAtEOF()) { std::memcpy(n, &value, kind); // a blank field means zero } return any; } // Parses a REAL input number from the input source as a normalized // fraction into a supplied buffer -- there's an optional '-', a // decimal point, and at least one digit. The adjusted exponent value // is returned in a reference argument. The returned value is the number // of characters that (should) have been written to the buffer -- this can // be larger than the buffer size and can indicate overflow. Replaces // blanks with zeroes if appropriate. static int ScanRealInput(char *buffer, int bufferSize, IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, int &exponent) { std::optional remaining; std::optional next; int got{0}; std::optional decimalPoint; auto Put{[&](char ch) -> void { if (got < bufferSize) { buffer[got] = ch; } ++got; }}; if (ScanNumericPrefix(io, edit, next, remaining)) { Put('-'); } bool bzMode{(edit.modes.editingFlags & blankZero) != 0}; if (!next || (!bzMode && *next == ' ')) { // empty/blank field means zero remaining.reset(); if (!io.GetConnectionState().IsAtEOF()) { Put('0'); } return got; } char32_t decimal{GetDecimalPoint(edit)}; char32_t first{*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'z' ? *next + 'A' - 'a' : *next}; if (first == 'N' || first == 'I') { // NaN or infinity - convert to upper case // Subtle: a blank field of digits could be followed by 'E' or 'D', for (; next && ((*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'z') || (*next >= 'A' && *next <= 'Z')); next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit)) { if (*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'z') { Put(*next - 'a' + 'A'); } else { Put(*next); } } if (next && *next == '(') { // NaN(...) while (next && *next != ')') { next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } } exponent = 0; } else if (first == decimal || (first >= '0' && first <= '9') || (bzMode && (first == ' ' || first == '\t')) || first == 'E' || first == 'D' || first == 'Q') { Put('.'); // input field is normalized to a fraction auto start{got}; bool anyDigit{false}; for (; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit)) { char32_t ch{*next}; if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { if (bzMode) { ch = '0'; // BZ mode - treat blank as if it were zero } else { continue; } } if (ch == '0' && got == start && !decimalPoint) { anyDigit = true; // omit leading zeroes before the decimal } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { anyDigit = true; Put(ch); } else if (ch == decimal && !decimalPoint) { // the decimal point is *not* copied to the buffer decimalPoint = got - start; // # of digits before the decimal point } else { break; } } if (got == start) { if (anyDigit) { Put('0'); // emit at least one digit } else { return 0; // no digits, invalid input } } if (next && (*next == 'e' || *next == 'E' || *next == 'd' || *next == 'D' || *next == 'q' || *next == 'Q')) { // Optional exponent letter. Blanks are allowed between the // optional exponent letter and the exponent value. io.SkipSpaces(remaining); next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } // The default exponent is -kP, but the scale factor doesn't affect // an explicit exponent. exponent = -edit.modes.scale; if (next && (*next == '-' || *next == '+' || (*next >= '0' && *next <= '9') || (bzMode && (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')))) { bool negExpo{*next == '-'}; if (negExpo || *next == '+') { next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } for (exponent = 0; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit)) { if (*next >= '0' && *next <= '9') { exponent = 10 * exponent + *next - '0'; } else if (bzMode && (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')) { exponent = 10 * exponent; } else { break; } } if (negExpo) { exponent = -exponent; } } if (decimalPoint) { exponent += *decimalPoint; } else { // When no decimal point (or comma) appears in the value, the 'd' // part of the edit descriptor must be interpreted as the number of // digits in the value to be interpreted as being to the *right* of // the assumed decimal point ( exponent += got - start - edit.digits.value_or(0); } } else { // TODO: hex FP input exponent = 0; return 0; } // Consume the trailing ')' of a list-directed or NAMELIST complex // input value. if (edit.descriptor == DataEdit::ListDirectedImaginaryPart) { if (next && (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')) { next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } if (!next) { // NextInField fails on separators like ')' std::size_t byteCount{0}; next = io.GetCurrentChar(byteCount); if (next && *next == ')') { io.HandleRelativePosition(byteCount); } } } else if (remaining) { while (next && (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')) { next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } if (next) { return 0; // error: unused nonblank character in fixed-width field } } return got; } static void RaiseFPExceptions(decimal::ConversionResultFlags flags) { #undef RAISE #ifdef feraisexcept // a macro in some environments; omit std:: #define RAISE feraiseexcept #else #define RAISE std::feraiseexcept #endif if (flags & decimal::ConversionResultFlags::Overflow) { RAISE(FE_OVERFLOW); } if (flags & decimal::ConversionResultFlags::Inexact) { RAISE(FE_INEXACT); } if (flags & decimal::ConversionResultFlags::Invalid) { RAISE(FE_INVALID); } #undef RAISE } // If no special modes are in effect and the form of the input value // that's present in the input stream is acceptable to the decimal->binary // converter without modification, this fast path for real input // saves time by avoiding memory copies and reformatting of the exponent. template static bool TryFastPathRealInput( IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n) { if (edit.modes.editingFlags & (blankZero | decimalComma)) { return false; } if (edit.modes.scale != 0) { return false; } const char *str{nullptr}; std::size_t got{io.GetNextInputBytes(str)}; if (got == 0 || str == nullptr || !io.GetConnectionState().recordLength.has_value()) { return false; // could not access reliably-terminated input stream } const char *p{str}; std::int64_t maxConsume{ std::min(got, edit.width.value_or(got))}; const char *limit{str + maxConsume}; decimal::ConversionToBinaryResult converted{ decimal::ConvertToBinary(p, edit.modes.round, limit)}; if (converted.flags & decimal::Invalid) { return false; } if (edit.digits.value_or(0) != 0 && std::memchr(str, '.', p - str) == nullptr) { // No explicit decimal point, and edit descriptor is Fw.d (or other) // with d != 0, which implies scaling. return false; } for (; p < limit && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); ++p) { } if (edit.descriptor == DataEdit::ListDirectedImaginaryPart) { // Need to consume a trailing ')' and any white space after if (p >= limit || *p != ')') { return false; } for (++p; p < limit && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); ++p) { } } if (edit.width && p < str + *edit.width) { return false; // unconverted characters remain in fixed width field } // Success on the fast path! *reinterpret_cast *>(n) = converted.binary; io.HandleRelativePosition(p - str); // Set FP exception flags if (converted.flags != decimal::ConversionResultFlags::Exact) { RaiseFPExceptions(converted.flags); } return true; } template bool EditCommonRealInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n) { constexpr int binaryPrecision{common::PrecisionOfRealKind(KIND)}; if (TryFastPathRealInput(io, edit, n)) { return true; } // Fast path wasn't available or didn't work; go the more general route static constexpr int maxDigits{ common::MaxDecimalConversionDigits(binaryPrecision)}; static constexpr int bufferSize{maxDigits + 18}; char buffer[bufferSize]; int exponent{0}; int got{ScanRealInput(buffer, maxDigits + 2, io, edit, exponent)}; if (got >= maxDigits + 2) { io.GetIoErrorHandler().Crash("EditCommonRealInput: buffer was too small"); return false; } if (got == 0) { io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError(IostatBadRealInput); return false; } bool hadExtra{got > maxDigits}; if (exponent != 0) { buffer[got++] = 'e'; if (exponent < 0) { buffer[got++] = '-'; exponent = -exponent; } if (exponent > 9999) { exponent = 9999; // will convert to +/-Inf } if (exponent > 999) { int dig{exponent / 1000}; buffer[got++] = '0' + dig; int rest{exponent - 1000 * dig}; dig = rest / 100; buffer[got++] = '0' + dig; rest -= 100 * dig; dig = rest / 10; buffer[got++] = '0' + dig; buffer[got++] = '0' + (rest - 10 * dig); } else if (exponent > 99) { int dig{exponent / 100}; buffer[got++] = '0' + dig; int rest{exponent - 100 * dig}; dig = rest / 10; buffer[got++] = '0' + dig; buffer[got++] = '0' + (rest - 10 * dig); } else if (exponent > 9) { int dig{exponent / 10}; buffer[got++] = '0' + dig; buffer[got++] = '0' + (exponent - 10 * dig); } else { buffer[got++] = '0' + exponent; } } buffer[got] = '\0'; const char *p{buffer}; decimal::ConversionToBinaryResult converted{ decimal::ConvertToBinary(p, edit.modes.round)}; if (hadExtra) { converted.flags = static_cast( converted.flags | decimal::Inexact); } *reinterpret_cast *>(n) = converted.binary; // Set FP exception flags if (converted.flags != decimal::ConversionResultFlags::Exact) { RaiseFPExceptions(converted.flags); } return true; } template bool EditRealInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n) { constexpr int binaryPrecision{common::PrecisionOfRealKind(KIND)}; switch (edit.descriptor) { case DataEdit::ListDirected: if (IsNamelistName(io)) { return false; } return EditCommonRealInput(io, edit, n); case DataEdit::ListDirectedRealPart: case DataEdit::ListDirectedImaginaryPart: case 'F': case 'E': // incl. EN, ES, & EX case 'D': case 'G': return EditCommonRealInput(io, edit, n); case 'B': return EditBOZInput( io, edit, n, 2, common::BitsForBinaryPrecision(binaryPrecision)); case 'O': return EditBOZInput( io, edit, n, 8, common::BitsForBinaryPrecision(binaryPrecision)); case 'Z': return EditBOZInput( io, edit, n, 16, common::BitsForBinaryPrecision(binaryPrecision)); case 'A': // legacy extension return EditCharacterInput(io, edit, reinterpret_cast(n), KIND); default: io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError(IostatErrorInFormat, "Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used for REAL input", edit.descriptor); return false; } } // 13.7.3 in Fortran 2018 bool EditLogicalInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, bool &x) { switch (edit.descriptor) { case DataEdit::ListDirected: if (IsNamelistName(io)) { return false; } break; case 'L': case 'G': break; default: io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError(IostatErrorInFormat, "Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used for LOGICAL input", edit.descriptor); return false; } std::optional remaining; std::optional next{io.PrepareInput(edit, remaining)}; if (next && *next == '.') { // skip optional period next = io.NextInField(remaining, edit); } if (!next) { io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError("Empty LOGICAL input field"); return false; } switch (*next) { case 'T': case 't': x = true; break; case 'F': case 'f': x = false; break; default: io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError( "Bad character '%lc' in LOGICAL input field", *next); return false; } if (remaining) { // ignore the rest of the field io.HandleRelativePosition(*remaining); } else if (edit.descriptor == DataEdit::ListDirected) { while (io.NextInField(remaining, edit)) { // discard rest of field } } return true; } // See paragraphs 7-9 in Fortran 2018 template static bool EditDelimitedCharacterInput( IoStatementState &io, CHAR *x, std::size_t length, char32_t delimiter) { bool result{true}; while (true) { std::size_t byteCount{0}; auto ch{io.GetCurrentChar(byteCount)}; if (!ch) { if (io.AdvanceRecord()) { continue; } else { result = false; // EOF in character value break; } } io.HandleRelativePosition(byteCount); if (*ch == delimiter) { auto next{io.GetCurrentChar(byteCount)}; if (next && *next == delimiter) { // Repeated delimiter: use as character value io.HandleRelativePosition(byteCount); } else { break; // closing delimiter } } if (length > 0) { *x++ = *ch; --length; } } std::fill_n(x, length, ' '); return result; } template static bool EditListDirectedCharacterInput( IoStatementState &io, CHAR *x, std::size_t length, const DataEdit &edit) { std::size_t byteCount{0}; auto ch{io.GetCurrentChar(byteCount)}; if (ch && (*ch == '\'' || *ch == '"')) { io.HandleRelativePosition(byteCount); return EditDelimitedCharacterInput(io, x, length, *ch); } if (IsNamelistName(io) || io.GetConnectionState().IsAtEOF()) { return false; } // Undelimited list-directed character input: stop at a value separator // or the end of the current record. Subtlety: the "remaining" count // here is a dummy that's used to avoid the interpretation of separators // in NextInField. std::optional remaining{maxUTF8Bytes}; while (std::optional next{io.NextInField(remaining, edit)}) { switch (*next) { case ' ': case '\t': case ',': case ';': case '/': remaining = 0; // value separator: stop break; default: *x++ = *next; --length; remaining = maxUTF8Bytes; } } std::fill_n(x, length, ' '); return true; } template bool EditCharacterInput( IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, CHAR *x, std::size_t length) { switch (edit.descriptor) { case DataEdit::ListDirected: return EditListDirectedCharacterInput(io, x, length, edit); case 'A': case 'G': break; default: io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError(IostatErrorInFormat, "Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used with a CHARACTER data item", edit.descriptor); return false; } const ConnectionState &connection{io.GetConnectionState()}; if (connection.IsAtEOF()) { return false; } std::size_t remaining{length}; if (edit.width && *edit.width > 0) { remaining = *edit.width; } // When the field is wider than the variable, we drop the leading // characters. When the variable is wider than the field, there's // trailing padding. const char *input{nullptr}; std::size_t ready{0}; bool hitEnd{false}; // Skip leading bytes. // These bytes don't count towards INQUIRE(IOLENGTH=). std::size_t skip{remaining > length ? remaining - length : 0}; // Transfer payload bytes; these do count. while (remaining > 0) { if (ready == 0) { ready = io.GetNextInputBytes(input); if (ready == 0) { hitEnd = true; break; } } std::size_t chunk; bool skipping{skip > 0}; if (connection.isUTF8) { chunk = MeasureUTF8Bytes(*input); if (skipping) { --skip; } else if (auto ucs{DecodeUTF8(input)}) { *x++ = *ucs; --length; } else if (chunk == 0) { // error recovery: skip bad encoding chunk = 1; } --remaining; } else { if (skipping) { chunk = std::min(skip, ready); skip -= chunk; } else { chunk = std::min(remaining, ready); std::memcpy(x, input, chunk); x += chunk; length -= chunk; } remaining -= chunk; } input += chunk; if (!skipping) { io.GotChar(chunk); } io.HandleRelativePosition(chunk); ready -= chunk; } // Pad the remainder of the input variable, if any. std::fill_n(x, length, ' '); if (hitEnd) { io.CheckForEndOfRecord(); // signal any needed error } return true; } template bool EditRealInput<2>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *); template bool EditRealInput<3>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *); template bool EditRealInput<4>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *); template bool EditRealInput<8>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *); template bool EditRealInput<10>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *); // TODO: double/double template bool EditRealInput<16>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *); template bool EditCharacterInput( IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, char *, std::size_t); template bool EditCharacterInput( IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, char16_t *, std::size_t); template bool EditCharacterInput( IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, char32_t *, std::size_t); } // namespace Fortran::runtime::io