[flang] Simplify proc-component-ref and variable parsing, do not try to support function calls via components of function results.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@05886ddb80
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/56
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
This commit is contained in:
peter klausler 2018-04-13 13:56:49 -07:00
parent 2eeb202518
commit 0f418c7c8d
4 changed files with 42 additions and 261 deletions

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@ -1538,67 +1538,37 @@ TYPE_PARSER(construct<CommonBlockObject>{}(name, maybe(arraySpec)))
TYPE_PARSER(construct<Designator>{}(substring) ||
// R902 variable -> designator | function-reference
// This production is left-recursive in the case of a function reference
// (via procedure-designator -> proc-component-ref -> scalar-variable)
// so it is implemented iteratively here. When a variable is a
// function-reference, the called function must return a pointer in order
// to be valid as a variable, but we can't know that yet here. So we first
// parse a designator, and if it's not a substring, we then allow an
// (actual-arg-spec-list), followed by zero or more "% name (a-a-s-list)".
// It is not valid Fortran to immediately invoke the result of a call to
// a function that returns a bare pointer to a function, although that would
// be a reasonable extension. This restriction means that adjacent actual
// argument lists cannot occur (e.g.*, f()()). One must instead return a
// pointer to a derived type instance containing a procedure pointer
// component in order to accomplish roughly the same thing.
// Some function references with dummy arguments present will be
// misrecognized as array element designators and need to be corrected
// in semantic analysis.
template<> std::optional<Variable> Parser<Variable>::Parse(ParseState *state) {
std::optional<Designator> desig{designator.Parse(state)};
if (!desig.has_value()) {
constexpr struct OldStructureComponentName {
using resultType = Name;
static std::optional<Name> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (std::optional<Name> n{name.Parse(state)}) {
if (const auto *user = state->userState()) {
if (user->IsOldStructureComponent(n->source)) {
return n;
return {};
if (!desig->EndsInBareName()) {
return {Variable{Indirection<Designator>{std::move(desig.value())}}};
static constexpr auto argList = parenthesized(optionalList(actualArgSpec));
static constexpr auto tryArgList = attempt(argList);
auto args = tryArgList.Parse(state);
if (!args.has_value()) {
return {Variable{Indirection<Designator>{std::move(desig.value())}}};
} oldStructureComponentName;
// Create a procedure-designator from the original designator and
// combine it with the actual arguments as a function-reference.
ProcedureDesignator pd{desig.value().ConvertToProcedureDesignator()};
Variable var{Indirection<FunctionReference>{
Call{std::move(pd), std::move(args.value())}}};
constexpr auto percentOrDot = "%"_tok ||
// legacy VAX extension for RECORD field access
extension("."_tok / lookAhead(oldStructureComponentName));
// Repeatedly accept additional function calls through components of
// a derived type result.
struct ResultComponentCall {
ResultComponentCall(ResultComponentCall &&) = default;
ResultComponentCall &operator=(ResultComponentCall &&) = default;
ResultComponentCall(Name &&n, std::list<ActualArgSpec> &&as)
: name{std::move(n)}, args(std::move(as)) {}
Name name;
std::list<ActualArgSpec> args;
static constexpr auto resultComponentCall =
attempt("%" >> construct<ResultComponentCall>{}(name, argList));
while (auto more = resultComponentCall.Parse(state)) {
var = Variable{Indirection<FunctionReference>{Call{
Scalar<Variable>{std::move(var)}, std::move(more.value().name)}},
return {std::move(var)};
// R902 variable -> designator | function-reference
// This production appears to be left-recursive in the grammar via
// function-reference -> procedure-designator -> proc-component-ref ->
// scalar-variable
// and would be so if we were to allow functions to be called via procedure
// pointer components within derived type results of other function references
// (a reasonable extension, esp. in the case of procedure pointer components
// that are NOPASS). However, Fortran constrains the use of a variable in a
// proc-component-ref to be a data-ref without coindices (C1027).
// Some array element references will be misrecognized as function references.
indirect(functionReference / !"("_ch) / !percentOrDot) ||
// R904 logical-variable -> variable
// Appears only as part of scalar-logical-variable.
@ -1642,24 +1612,6 @@ TYPE_PARSER(space >> "."_ch >>
// R911 data-ref -> part-ref [% part-ref]...
// R914 coindexed-named-object -> data-ref
// R917 array-element -> data-ref
constexpr struct StructureComponentName {
using resultType = Name;
static std::optional<Name> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (std::optional<Name> n{name.Parse(state)}) {
if (const auto *user = state->userState()) {
if (user->IsOldStructureComponent(n->source)) {
return n;
return {};
} structureComponentName;
constexpr auto percentOrDot = "%"_tok ||
// legacy VAX extension for RECORD field access
extension("."_tok / lookAhead(structureComponentName));
nonemptySeparated(Parser<PartRef>{}, percentOrDot)))
@ -2128,8 +2080,8 @@ TYPE_PARSER(construct<BoundsSpec>{}(boundExpr / ":"))
TYPE_PARSER(construct<BoundsRemapping>{}(boundExpr / ":", boundExpr))
// R1039 proc-component-ref -> scalar-variable % procedure-component-name
// N.B. Never parsed as such; instead, reconstructed as necessary from
// parses of variable.
// C1027 constrains the scalar-variable to be a data-ref without coindices.
// R1041 where-stmt -> WHERE ( mask-expr ) where-assignment-stmt
// R1045 where-assignment-stmt -> assignment-stmt
@ -3445,59 +3397,18 @@ TYPE_PARSER("INTRINSIC" >> maybe("::"_tok) >>
// R1520 function-reference -> procedure-designator ( [actual-arg-spec-list] )
// Without recourse to a symbol table, a parse of the production for
// variable as part of a procedure-designator will overshoot and consume
// any actual argument list, since a pointer-valued function-reference is
// acceptable as an alternative for a variable (since Fortran 2008).
std::optional<FunctionReference> Parser<FunctionReference>::Parse(
ParseState *state) {
state->PushContext("function reference"_en_US);
std::optional<Variable> var{variable.Parse(state)};
if (var.has_value()) {
if (auto funcref = std::get_if<Indirection<FunctionReference>>(&var->u)) {
// The parsed variable is a function-reference, so just return it.
return {std::move(**funcref)};
Designator *desig{&*std::get<Indirection<Designator>>(var->u)};
if (std::optional<Call> call{desig->ConvertToCall(state->userState())}) {
if (!std::get<std::list<ActualArgSpec>>(call.value().t).empty()) {
// Parsed a designator that ended with a nonempty list of subscripts
// that have all been converted to actual arguments.
return {FunctionReference{std::move(call.value())}};
state->Say("expected (arguments)"_err_en_US);
return {};
Parser<ProcedureDesignator>{}, parenthesized(optionalList(actualArgSpec)))))
// R1521 call-stmt -> CALL procedure-designator [( [actual-arg-spec-list] )]
template<> std::optional<CallStmt> Parser<CallStmt>::Parse(ParseState *state) {
static constexpr auto parser =
inContext("CALL statement"_en_US, "CALL" >> variable);
std::optional<Variable> var{parser.Parse(state)};
if (var.has_value()) {
if (auto funcref = std::get_if<Indirection<FunctionReference>>(&var->u)) {
return {CallStmt{std::move((*funcref)->v)}};
Designator *desig{&*std::get<Indirection<Designator>>(var->u)};
if (std::optional<Call> call{desig->ConvertToCall(state->userState())}) {
return {CallStmt{std::move(call.value())}};
return {};
construct<Call>{}("CALL" >> Parser<ProcedureDesignator>{},
// R1522 procedure-designator ->
// procedure-name | proc-component-ref | data-ref % binding-name
// N.B. Not implemented as an independent production; instead, instances
// of procedure-designator must be reconstructed from portions of parses of
// variable.
TYPE_PARSER(construct<ProcedureDesignator>{}(Parser<ProcComponentRef>{}) ||
// R1523 actual-arg-spec -> [keyword =] actual-arg

View file

@ -25,86 +25,6 @@ bool Designator::EndsInBareName() const {
ProcedureDesignator Designator::ConvertToProcedureDesignator() {
return std::visit(
[](ObjectName &n) -> ProcedureDesignator { return {std::move(n)}; },
[](DataReference &dr) -> ProcedureDesignator {
if (auto n = std::get_if<Name>(&dr.u)) {
return {std::move(*n)};
StructureComponent &sc{
return {ProcComponentRef{
[](Substring &) -> ProcedureDesignator {
CHECK(!"can't get here");
return {Name{}};
std::optional<Call> Designator::ConvertToCall(const UserState *ustate) {
return std::visit(
visitors{[](ObjectName &n) -> std::optional<Call> {
return {Call{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(n)},
[=](DataReference &dr) -> std::optional<Call> {
if (std::holds_alternative<Indirection<CoindexedNamedObject>>(
dr.u)) {
return {};
if (Name * n{std::get_if<Name>(&dr.u)}) {
return {Call{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(*n)},
if (auto *isc =
std::get_if<Indirection<StructureComponent>>(&dr.u)) {
StructureComponent &sc{**isc};
if (ustate &&
ustate->IsOldStructureComponent(sc.component.source)) {
return {};
Variable var{Indirection<Designator>{std::move(sc.base)}};
ProcComponentRef pcr{
Scalar<Variable>{std::move(var)}, std::move(sc.component)};
return {Call{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(pcr)},
ArrayElement &ae{*std::get<Indirection<ArrayElement>>(dr.u)};
if (std::any_of(ae.subscripts.begin(), ae.subscripts.end(),
[](const SectionSubscript &ss) {
return !ss.CanConvertToActualArgument();
})) {
return {};
std::list<ActualArgSpec> args;
for (auto &ss : ae.subscripts) {
std::optional<Keyword>{}, ss.ConvertToActualArgument());
if (Name * n{std::get_if<Name>(&ae.base.u)}) {
return {
Call{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(*n)}, std::move(args)}};
StructureComponent &bsc{
if (ustate &&
ustate->IsOldStructureComponent(bsc.component.source)) {
return {};
Variable var{Indirection<Designator>{std::move(bsc.base)}};
ProcComponentRef pcr{
Scalar<Variable>{std::move(var)}, std::move(bsc.component)};
return {Call{ProcedureDesignator{std::move(pcr)}, std::move(args)}};
[](const Substring &) -> std::optional<Call> { return {}; }},
// R911 data-ref -> part-ref [% part-ref]...
DataReference::DataReference(std::list<PartRef> &&prl)
: u{std::move(prl.front().name)} {
@ -123,49 +43,9 @@ DataReference::DataReference(std::list<PartRef> &&prl)
// R920 section-subscript
bool SectionSubscript::CanConvertToActualArgument() const {
return std::visit(visitors{[](const VectorSubscript &) { return true; },
[](const ScalarIntExpr &) { return true; },
[](const SubscriptTriplet &) { return false; }},
ActualArg SectionSubscript::ConvertToActualArgument() {
return std::visit(visitors{[](VectorSubscript &vs) -> ActualArg {
return vs.thing->ConvertToActualArgument();
[](ScalarIntExpr &vs) -> ActualArg {
return vs.thing.thing->ConvertToActualArgument();
[](SubscriptTriplet &) -> ActualArg {
CHECK(!"can't happen");
return {Name{}};
// R1001 - R1022 expression
Expr::Expr(Designator &&x) : u{Indirection<Designator>(std::move(x))} {}
Expr::Expr(FunctionReference &&x)
: u{Indirection<FunctionReference>(std::move(x))} {}
std::optional<Variable> Expr::ConvertToVariable() {
if (Indirection<Designator> *id = std::get_if<Indirection<Designator>>(&u)) {
return {Variable{std::move(*id)}};
if (Indirection<FunctionReference> *ifr =
std::get_if<Indirection<FunctionReference>>(&u)) {
return {Variable{std::move(*ifr)}};
return {};
ActualArg Expr::ConvertToActualArgument() {
if (std::optional<Variable> var{ConvertToVariable()}) {
return {std::move(var.value())};
return {std::move(*this)};
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran

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@ -1536,8 +1536,6 @@ using VectorSubscript = IntExpr;
// R920 section-subscript -> subscript | subscript-triplet | vector-subscript
struct SectionSubscript {
bool CanConvertToActualArgument() const;
ActualArg ConvertToActualArgument();
std::variant<Subscript, SubscriptTriplet, VectorSubscript> u;
@ -1659,9 +1657,6 @@ struct Expr {
explicit Expr(Designator &&);
explicit Expr(FunctionReference &&);
std::optional<Variable> ConvertToVariable();
ActualArg ConvertToActualArgument();
std::variant<Indirection<CharLiteralConstantSubstring>, LiteralConstant,
Indirection<Designator>, ArrayConstructor, StructureConstructor,
Indirection<TypeParamInquiry>, Indirection<FunctionReference>,
@ -1716,8 +1711,6 @@ struct CharLiteralConstantSubstring {
struct Designator {
bool EndsInBareName() const;
ProcedureDesignator ConvertToProcedureDesignator();
std::optional<Call> ConvertToCall(const UserState *ustate = nullptr);
std::variant<ObjectName, DataReference, Substring> u;
@ -1742,12 +1735,6 @@ using ScalarDefaultCharVariable = Scalar<DefaultChar<Variable>>;
// Appears only as part of scalar-int-variable.
using ScalarIntVariable = Scalar<Integer<Variable>>;
// R1039 proc-component-ref -> scalar-variable % procedure-component-name
struct ProcComponentRef {
std::tuple<Scalar<Variable>, Name> t;
// R913 structure-component -> data-ref
struct StructureComponent {
@ -1757,6 +1744,12 @@ struct StructureComponent {
Name component;
// R1039 proc-component-ref -> scalar-variable % procedure-component-name
// C1027 constrains the scalar-variable to be a data-ref without coindices.
struct ProcComponentRef {
WRAPPER_CLASS_BOILERPLATE(ProcComponentRef, Scalar<StructureComponent>);
// R914 coindexed-named-object -> data-ref
struct CoindexedNamedObject {

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@ -803,9 +803,6 @@ public:
void Unparse(const BoundsRemapping &x) { // R1036
Walk(x.t, ":");
void Unparse(const ProcComponentRef &x) { // R1039
Walk(std::get<Scalar<Variable>>(x.t)), Put('%'), Walk(std::get<Name>(x.t));
void Unparse(const WhereStmt &x) { // R1041, R1045, R1046
Word("WHERE ("), Walk(x.t, ") ");