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// Basic parsing of statements.
#include "basic-parsers.h"
#include "token-parsers.h"
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
// R711 digit-string -> digit [digit]...
// N.B. not a token -- no space is skipped
constexpr DigitString digitString;
// statement(p) parses Statement<P> for some statement type P that is the
// result type of the argument parser p, while also handling labels and
// end-of-statement markers.
// R611 label -> digit [digit]...
constexpr auto label = space >> digitString / spaceCheck;
template<typename PA> inline constexpr auto unterminatedStatement(const PA &p) {
return skipEmptyLines >>
sourced(construct<Statement<typename PA::resultType>>(
maybe(label), space >> p));
constexpr auto endOfLine = "\n"_ch / skipEmptyLines ||
fail<const char *>("expected end of line"_err_en_US);
constexpr auto endOfStmt = space >>
(";"_ch / skipMany(";"_tok) / maybe(endOfLine) || endOfLine);
template<typename PA> inline constexpr auto statement(const PA &p) {
return unterminatedStatement(p) / endOfStmt;
constexpr auto ignoredStatementPrefix = skipEmptyLines >> maybe(label) >>
maybe(name / ":") >> space;
// Error recovery within statements: skip to the end of the line,
// but not over an END or CONTAINS statement.
constexpr auto errorRecovery = construct<ErrorRecovery>();
constexpr auto skipToEndOfLine = SkipTo<'\n'>{} >> errorRecovery;
constexpr auto stmtErrorRecovery =
!"END"_tok >> !"CONTAINS"_tok >> skipToEndOfLine;
// Error recovery across statements: skip the line, unless it looks
// like it might end the containing construct.
constexpr auto errorRecoveryStart = ignoredStatementPrefix;
constexpr auto skipBadLine = SkipPast<'\n'>{} >> errorRecovery;
constexpr auto executionPartErrorRecovery = errorRecoveryStart >> !"END"_tok >>
!"CONTAINS"_tok >> !"ELSE"_tok >> !"CASE"_tok >> !"TYPE IS"_tok >>
!"CLASS"_tok >> !"RANK"_tok >> skipBadLine;
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran