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// Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Defines structures to be used in F18 when dealing with the intrinsic
// procedures runtime. It abstracts both:
// - the target intrinsic procedure runtime to be used for code generation
// - the host intrinsic runtime to be used for constant folding purposes.
// To avoid unnecessary header circular dependencies, the actual implementation
// of the templatized member function are defined in
// intrinsics-library-templates.h The header at hand is meant to be included by
// files that need to define intrinsic runtime data structure but that do not
// use them directly. To actually use the runtime data structures,
// intrinsics-library-templates.h must be included Note that
// intrinsics-library-templates.h includes the header at hand.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
class FoldingContext;
using TypeCode = unsigned char;
template<typename TR, typename... TA> using FuncPointer = TR (*)(TA...);
enum class PassBy { Ref, Val };
template<typename TA, PassBy Pass = PassBy::Ref> struct ArgumentInfo {
using Type = TA;
static constexpr PassBy pass{Pass};
template<typename TR, typename... ArgInfo> struct Signature {
// Note valid template argument are of form
//<TR, ArgumentInfo<TA, PassBy>...> where TA and TR belong to RuntimeTypes.
// RuntimeTypes is a type union defined in intrinsics-library-templates.h to
// avoid circular dependencies. Argument of type void cannot be passed by
// value. So far TR cannot be a pointer.
const std::string name;
struct IntrinsicProcedureRuntimeDescription {
const std::string name;
const TypeCode returnType;
const std::vector<TypeCode> argumentsType;
const std::vector<PassBy> argumentsPassedBy;
const bool isElemental;
const FuncPointer<void *> callable;
// callable only usable by HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure but need to be
// created in case TargetRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure is dynamically loaded
// because creating it dynamically would be too complex
// Construct from description using host independent types (RuntimeTypes)
template<typename TR, typename... ArgInfo>
const Signature<TR, ArgInfo...> &signature, bool isElemental = false);
// TargetRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure holds target runtime information
// for an intrinsics procedure.
struct TargetRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure : IntrinsicProcedureRuntimeDescription {
// Construct from description using host independent types (RuntimeTypes)
// Note: passing ref/val also needs to be passed by template to build
// the callable
template<typename TR, typename... ArgInfo>
TargetRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure(const Signature<TR, ArgInfo...> &signature,
const std::string &symbolName, bool isElemental = false);
const std::string symbol;
struct TargetIntrinsicProceduresLibrary {
TargetIntrinsicProceduresLibrary(const std::string &name) : name{name} {}
void AddProcedure(TargetRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure &&sym) {
const std::string name{sym.name};
procedures.insert(std::make_pair(name, std::move(sym)));
const std::string name;
std::multimap<std::string, const TargetRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure> procedures;
// HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure allows host runtime function to be called for
// constant folding.
struct HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure : IntrinsicProcedureRuntimeDescription {
// Construct from runtime pointer with host types (float, double....)
template<typename HostTR, typename... HostTA>
HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure(const std::string &name,
FuncPointer<HostTR, HostTA...> func, bool isElemental = false);
const IntrinsicProcedureRuntimeDescription &rteProc,
FuncPointer<void *> handle)
: IntrinsicProcedureRuntimeDescription{rteProc}, handle{handle} {}
const FuncPointer<void *> handle;
// Defines a wrapper type that indirects calls to host runtime functions.
// Valid ConstantContainer are Scalar (only for elementals) and Constant.
template<template<typename> typename ConstantContainer, typename TR,
typename... TA>
using HostProcedureWrapper = std::function<ConstantContainer<TR>(
FoldingContext &, ConstantContainer<TA>...)>;
// HostIntrinsicProceduresLibrary is a data structure that holds
// HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure elements. It is meant for constant folding.
// When queried for an intrinsic procedure, it can return a callable object that
// implements this intrinsic if a host runtime function pointer for this
// intrinsic was added to its data structure. It can also dynamically load
// function pointer from a TargetIntrinsicProceduresLibrary if the related
// library is available on the host.
struct HostIntrinsicProceduresLibrary {
void AddProcedure(HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure &&sym) {
const std::string name{sym.name};
procedures.insert(std::make_pair(name, std::move(sym)));
bool HasEquivalentProcedure(
const IntrinsicProcedureRuntimeDescription &sym) const;
HostIntrinsicProceduresLibrary() { DefaultInit(); }
void DefaultInit(); // Try loading libpgmath functions and then load
// functions from <cmath> and <complex>
void LoadTargetIntrinsicProceduresLibrary(
const TargetIntrinsicProceduresLibrary &lib);
template<template<typename> typename ConstantContainer, typename TR,
typename... TA>
std::optional<HostProcedureWrapper<ConstantContainer, TR, TA...>>
GetHostProcedureWrapper(const std::string &name);
std::multimap<std::string, const HostRuntimeIntrinsicProcedure> procedures;
std::map<std::string, void *>
dynamicallyLoadedLibraries; // keep the handles for dlclose