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// Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common.h"
#include "type.h"
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <variant>
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
// Some forward definitions
template<int KIND> struct IntegerExpr;
template<int KIND> struct RealExpr;
template<int KIND> struct ComplexExpr;
template<int KIND> struct CharacterExpr;
struct AnyIntegerExpr;
struct AnyRealExpr;
struct AnyComplexExpr;
struct AnyCharacterExpr;
struct AnyIntegerOrRealExpr;
template<int KIND> struct IntegerExpr {
using Result = Type<Category::Integer, KIND>;
using Operand = std::unique_ptr<IntegerExpr>;
using Constant = typename Result::Value;
struct Convert {
std::unique_ptr<AnyIntegerOrRealExpr> x;
struct Unary {
Operand x;
struct Parentheses : public Unary {};
struct Negate : public Unary {};
struct Binary {
Operand x, y;
struct Add : public Binary {};
struct Subtract : public Binary {};
struct Multiply : public Binary {};
struct Divide : public Binary {};
struct Power : public Binary {};
IntegerExpr() = delete;
IntegerExpr(IntegerExpr &&) = default;
IntegerExpr(const Constant &x) : u{x} {}
IntegerExpr(std::int64_t n) : u{Constant{n}} {}
IntegerExpr(int n) : u{Constant{n}} {}
template<typename A> IntegerExpr(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<Constant, Convert, Parentheses, Negate, Add, Subtract, Multiply,
Divide, Power>
using DefaultIntegerExpr = IntegerExpr<DefaultInteger::kind>;
template<int KIND> struct RealExpr {
using Result = Type<Category::Real, KIND>;
using Operand = std::unique_ptr<RealExpr>;
using Constant = typename Result::Value;
struct Convert {
// N.B. Real->Complex and Complex->Real conversions are done with CMPLX
// and part access operations (resp.). Conversions between kinds of
// Complex are done via decomposition to Real and reconstruction.
std::unique_ptr<AnyIntegerOrRealExpr> x;
struct Unary {
Operand x;
struct Parentheses : public Unary {};
struct Negate : public Unary {};
struct Binary {
Operand x, y;
struct Add : public Binary {};
struct Subtract : public Binary {};
struct Multiply : public Binary {};
struct Divide : public Binary {};
struct Power : public Binary {};
struct IntPower {
Operand x;
std::unique_ptr<AnyIntegerExpr> y;
struct FromComplex {
std::unique_ptr<ComplexExpr<KIND>> z;
struct RealPart : public FromComplex {};
struct AIMAG : public FromComplex {};
RealExpr() = delete;
RealExpr(RealExpr &&) = default;
RealExpr(const Constant &x) : u{x} {}
template<typename A> RealExpr(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<Constant, Convert, Parentheses, Negate, Add, Subtract, Multiply,
Divide, Power, IntPower, RealPart, AIMAG>
template<int KIND> struct ComplexExpr {
using Result = Type<Category::Complex, KIND>;
using Operand = std::unique_ptr<ComplexExpr>;
using Constant = typename Result::Value;
struct Unary {
Operand x;
struct Parentheses : public Unary {};
struct Negate : public Unary {};
struct Binary {
Operand x, y;
struct Add : public Binary {};
struct Subtract : public Binary {};
struct Multiply : public Binary {};
struct Divide : public Binary {};
struct Power : public Binary {};
struct IntPower {
Operand x;
std::unique_ptr<AnyIntegerExpr> y;
struct CMPLX {
std::unique_ptr<RealExpr<KIND>> re, im;
ComplexExpr() = delete;
ComplexExpr(ComplexExpr &&) = default;
ComplexExpr(const Constant &x) : u{x} {}
template<typename A> ComplexExpr(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<Constant, Parentheses, Negate, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide,
Power, IntPower, CMPLX>
template<int KIND> struct CharacterExpr {
using Result = Type<Category::Character, KIND>;
using Operand = std::unique_ptr<CharacterExpr>;
using Constant = typename Result::Value;
using Length = IntegerExpr<IntrinsicTypeParameterType::kind>;
struct Concat {
Operand x, y;
CharacterExpr() = delete;
CharacterExpr(CharacterExpr &&) = default;
CharacterExpr(const Constant &x) : u{x} {}
CharacterExpr(CharacterExpr &&a, CharacterExpr &&b)
: u{Concat{std::make_unique<CharacterExpr>(std::move(a)),
std::make_unique<CharacterExpr>(std::move(b))}} {}
Length LEN() const;
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<Constant, Concat> u;
// The Comparison class template is a helper for constructing logical
// expressions with polymorphism over all of the possible categories and
// kinds of comparable operands.
template<typename T> struct Comparison {
struct Binary {
std::unique_ptr<T> x, y;
struct LT : public Binary {};
struct LE : public Binary {};
struct EQ : public Binary {};
struct NE : public Binary {};
struct GE : public Binary {};
struct GT : public Binary {};
Comparison() = delete;
Comparison(Comparison &&) = default;
template<typename A> Comparison(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<LT, LE, EQ, NE, GE, GT> u;
// COMPLEX admits only .EQ. and .NE. comparisons.
template<int KIND> struct Comparison<ComplexExpr<KIND>> {
struct Binary {
std::unique_ptr<ComplexExpr<KIND>> x, y;
struct EQ : public Binary {};
struct NE : public Binary {};
Comparison() = delete;
Comparison(Comparison &&) = default;
template<typename A> Comparison(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<EQ, NE> u;
struct IntegerComparison {
IntegerComparison() = delete;
IntegerComparison(IntegerComparison &&) = default;
template<typename A> IntegerComparison(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
template<int KIND> using C = Comparison<IntegerExpr<KIND>>;
IntegerKindsVariant<C> u;
struct RealComparison {
RealComparison() = delete;
RealComparison(RealComparison &&) = default;
template<typename A> RealComparison(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
template<int KIND> using C = Comparison<RealExpr<KIND>>;
RealKindsVariant<C> u;
struct ComplexComparison {
ComplexComparison() = delete;
ComplexComparison(ComplexComparison &&) = default;
template<typename A> ComplexComparison(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
template<int KIND> using C = Comparison<ComplexExpr<KIND>>;
ComplexKindsVariant<C> u;
struct CharacterComparison {
CharacterComparison() = delete;
CharacterComparison(CharacterComparison &&) = default;
template<typename A> CharacterComparison(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
template<int KIND> using C = Comparison<CharacterExpr<KIND>>;
CharacterKindsVariant<C> u;
// No need to distinguish the various kinds of LOGICAL expression results.
struct LogicalExpr {
using Operand = std::unique_ptr<LogicalExpr>;
using Constant = bool;
struct Not {
Operand x;
struct Binary {
Operand x, y;
struct And : public Binary {};
struct Or : public Binary {};
struct Eqv : public Binary {};
struct Neqv : public Binary {};
LogicalExpr() = delete;
LogicalExpr(LogicalExpr &&) = default;
LogicalExpr(const Constant &x) : u{x} {}
template<int KIND>
LogicalExpr(Comparison<IntegerExpr<KIND>> &&x)
: u{IntegerComparison{std::move(x)}} {}
template<int KIND>
LogicalExpr(Comparison<RealExpr<KIND>> &&x)
: u{RealComparison{std::move(x)}} {}
template<int KIND>
LogicalExpr(Comparison<ComplexExpr<KIND>> &&x)
: u{ComplexComparison{std::move(x)}} {}
template<int KIND>
LogicalExpr(Comparison<CharacterExpr<KIND>> &&x)
: u{CharacterComparison{std::move(x)}} {}
template<typename A> LogicalExpr(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<Constant, Not, And, Or, Eqv, Neqv, IntegerComparison,
RealComparison, ComplexComparison, CharacterComparison>
// Dynamically polymorphic expressions that can hold any supported kind.
struct AnyIntegerExpr {
AnyIntegerExpr() = delete;
AnyIntegerExpr(AnyIntegerExpr &&) = default;
template<int KIND> AnyIntegerExpr(IntegerExpr<KIND> &&x) : u{x} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
IntegerKindsVariant<IntegerExpr> u;
struct AnyRealExpr {
AnyRealExpr() = delete;
AnyRealExpr(AnyRealExpr &&) = default;
template<int KIND> AnyRealExpr(RealExpr<KIND> &&x) : u{x} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
RealKindsVariant<RealExpr> u;
struct AnyComplexExpr {
AnyComplexExpr() = delete;
AnyComplexExpr(AnyComplexExpr &&) = default;
template<int KIND> AnyComplexExpr(ComplexExpr<KIND> &&x) : u{x} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
ComplexKindsVariant<ComplexExpr> u;
struct AnyCharacterExpr {
AnyCharacterExpr() = delete;
AnyCharacterExpr(AnyCharacterExpr &&) = default;
template<int KIND> AnyCharacterExpr(CharacterExpr<KIND> &&x) : u{x} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
CharacterKindsVariant<CharacterExpr> u;
struct AnyIntegerOrRealExpr {
AnyIntegerOrRealExpr() = delete;
AnyIntegerOrRealExpr(AnyIntegerOrRealExpr &&) = default;
template<int KIND>
AnyIntegerOrRealExpr(IntegerExpr<KIND> &&x)
: u{AnyIntegerExpr{std::move(x)}} {}
template<int KIND>
AnyIntegerOrRealExpr(RealExpr<KIND> &&x) : u{AnyRealExpr{std::move(x)}} {}
template<typename A> AnyIntegerOrRealExpr(A &&x) : u{std::move(x)} {}
std::ostream &Dump(std::ostream &) const;
std::variant<AnyIntegerExpr, AnyRealExpr> u;
// Convenience functions and operator overloadings for expression construction.
template<typename A> A Parentheses(A &&x) {
return {typename A::Parentheses{{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x))}}};
template<typename A> A operator-(A &&x) {
return {typename A::Negate{{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x))}}};
template<typename A> A operator+(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename A::Add{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> A operator-(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename A::Subtract{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> A operator*(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename A::Multiply{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> A operator/(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename A::Divide{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> A Power(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename A::Power{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> Comparison<A> operator<(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename Comparison<A>::LT{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> Comparison<A> operator<=(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename Comparison<A>::LE{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> Comparison<A> operator==(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename Comparison<A>::EQ{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> Comparison<A> operator!=(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename Comparison<A>::NE{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> Comparison<A> operator>=(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename Comparison<A>::GE{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
template<typename A> Comparison<A> operator>(A &&x, A &&y) {
return {typename Comparison<A>::GT{
{std::make_unique<A>(std::move(x)), std::make_unique<A>(std::move(y))}}};
// External instantiations
extern template struct IntegerExpr<1>;
extern template struct IntegerExpr<2>;
extern template struct IntegerExpr<4>;
extern template struct IntegerExpr<8>;
extern template struct IntegerExpr<16>;
extern template struct RealExpr<2>;
extern template struct RealExpr<4>;
extern template struct RealExpr<8>;
extern template struct RealExpr<10>;
extern template struct RealExpr<16>;
extern template struct ComplexExpr<2>;
extern template struct ComplexExpr<4>;
extern template struct ComplexExpr<8>;
extern template struct ComplexExpr<10>;
extern template struct ComplexExpr<16>;
extern template struct CharacterExpr<1>;
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate