# srht-buildtest Run your sr.ht build manifests locally before pushing. ## Requirements [podman](https://podman.io/) is used to run the builds, which must be installed and properly configured as well ([see here](https://podman.io/getting-started/installation)). To run foreign-architecture builds (e.g. your host is a x86_64 machine and your build manifest specifies `arch: arm64`), `qemu-user-static` (and accompanying binfmt rules) are needed. Again, these should be readily available on most distributions. > Supporting Docker instead of podman would likely not that hard overall, but > is not officially supported by `srht-buildtest`. You might get away with a > simple `sed -i 's/"podman"/"docker"/g' src/podman.rs` since the podman CLI > tries to be drop-in compatible with docker, but YMMV. ## Usage ```sh srht-buildtest ``` This will pick up the build manifest `.build.yaml` (multiple builds via `.builds/` are not [yet] supported) of the pointed-to repository. ### Build manifest support Architectures: - x86_64 - aarch64 Images: - alpine/edge - archlinux - debian/stable - nixos/unstable Adding more architectures and images is generally as easy as adding some more mappings. ## License Licensed under the terms of the [GPL 3.0](LICENSE). ## Contribution The development mailing list is hosted at [~c8h4/devel@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~c8h4/devel@lists.sr.ht), the archive can be found at [lists.sr.ht/~c8h4/devel](https://lists.sr.ht/~c8h4/devel). Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be licensed by GPL-3.0-only license as above, without any additional terms or conditions.