-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created. SET search_path = public; DROP TYPE pgstattuple_type CASCADE; CREATE TYPE pgstattuple_type AS ( table_len BIGINT, -- physical table length in bytes tuple_count BIGINT, -- number of live tuples tuple_len BIGINT, -- total tuples length in bytes tuple_percent FLOAT, -- live tuples in % dead_tuple_count BIGINT, -- number of dead tuples dead_tuple_len BIGINT, -- total dead tuples length in bytes dead_tuple_percent FLOAT, -- dead tuples in % free_space BIGINT, -- free space in bytes free_percent FLOAT -- free space in % ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgstattuple(text) RETURNS pgstattuple_type AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstattuple' LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict);