# $Id: ouiparse.awk,v 1.1 2000/08/23 06:02:23 thomas Exp $ # # ouiparse.awk # Author: Lawrence E. Rosenman # Original Date: 30 July 2000 (in this form). # This AWK script takes the IEEE's oui.txt file and creates insert # statements to populate a SQL table with the following attributes: # create table oui ( # oui macaddr primary key, # manufacturer text); # the table name is set by setting the AWK variable TABLE # # we translate the character apostrophe (') to space inside the company name # to avoid SQL errors. # # match ONLY lines that begin with 2 hex numbers, -, and another hex number BEGIN { TABLE="macoui"; printf "DELETE FROM %s;",TABLE; printf "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"; nrec=0; } END { # if (nrec > 0) printf "COMMIT TRANSACTION;"; } /^[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]-[0-9a-fA-F]/ { # if (nrec >= 100) { # printf "COMMIT TRANSACTION;"; # printf "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"; # nrec=0; # } else { # nrec++; # } # Get the OUI OUI=$1; # Skip the (hex) tag to get to Company Name Company=$3; # make the OUI look like a macaddr gsub("-",":",OUI); OUI=OUI ":00:00:00" # Pick up the rest of the company name for (i=4;i<=NF;i++) Company=Company " " $i; # Modify any apostrophes (') to avoid grief below. gsub("'","''",Company); # Print out for the 'C' structure in mac.c printf "INSERT INTO %s (addr, name) VALUES (trunc(macaddr \'%s\'),\'%s\');\n", TABLE,OUI,Company; }