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Bruce Momjian 2001-06-18 21:34:34 +00:00
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commit 22dc12b8c3
3 changed files with 35 additions and 357 deletions

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<html><head><title>PgAccess - a Tcl/Tk interface for PostgreSQL</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
<h1>PgAccess - a Tcl/Tk interface for PostgreSQL</h1>
<a name="intro">
<ul><li><a href="intro.html">Introduction</a>
<ul><li><a href="intro.html#whatpga">What is PgAccess?</a>
<li><a href="intro.html#helppga">How to get help with PgAccess</a>
<a name="start">
<li><a href="start.html">Getting Started</a>
<ul><li><a href="start.html#getpga">How to get PgAccess</a>
<li><a href="start.html#uncpga">How to uncompress PgAccess</a>
<li><a href="start.html#putpga">Putting PgAccess where it will be found</a>
<li><a href="start.html#startpga">Starting PgAccess</a>
<li><a href="irix.html">Installing PgAccess under IRIX 5.3</a>
<a name="problems">
<li><a href="problems.html">Common Problems with PgAccess</a>
<ul><li><a href="problems.html#connfail">Connection failure</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#libpg">libpgtcl not found</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#spchar">Locale specific characters</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#pg63">Problems with PostgreSQL 6.3.x</a>
<html><head><title>PgAccess - Introduction</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
<h1>PgAccess - Introduction</h1>
<a name="whatpga"><h2>What is PgAccess?</h2>
PgAccess is a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL database management
system written in the Tcl/Tk scripting language by Constantin Teodorescu. It
allows the user to interact with PostgreSQL in a manner similar to many PC
database applications, with menu choices and graphical tools like buttons.
This means that the user can avoid the basic command line interface for most
common tasks. PgAccess doesn't change the way PostgreSQL operates, just makes
it easier to use for those familiar with graphical interfaces.<p>
Obviously, you <u>must</u> have PostgreSQL installed and running, and Tcl/Tk on
your system before you can use PgAccess.<p>
PgAccess is an "open source" application. The source code is available to the
user, and may be modified by the user. The user can fix a bug, or change the
way a function operates. You may not want to get that involved with the
programming, but you have the option to do so. If you feel you have made an
improvement to the program, you are encouraged to share it with other users.<p>
If you are not familiar with how open source software can be altered and
redistributed, please read <a href="copyright.html">this</a>.<p>
<a name="helppga"><h2>How to get help with PgAccess</h2>
The mailing list for PgAccess is: <b>pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org</b><p>
If you have any questions regarding PgAccess you should subscribe to this
list in the following way:<p>
First subscribe to the list by sending an email message to:<p>
Send a single line in the body of the message as follows:<p>
In a short time you should receive a message beginning like this:<p>
<samp>Welcome to the pgsql-interfaces mailing list!<br>
This will contain instructions on how to remove yourself from the mailing
list, so save that message. You may only want to ask a few questions and then
stop receiving messages.<p>
You may also email <a href="mailto:teo@flex.ro">Constantin Teodorescu</a>
directly, although writing to a mailing list with many correspondents will often
produce a quicker answer.<p>
<a href="index.html#intro">Back to index</a>
<TITLE>PgAccess on Irix</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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<TITLE>PgAccess - Copyright notice</TITLE>
<H1>INSTALLING PgAccess UNDER IRIX 5.3. <P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group</TT>
<HR WIDTH="100%"></H1> <P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California</TT>
<P><B><FONT COLOR="#000080">This HOWO-TO make PgAccess working under Irix <P><TT>Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
is written by Stuart Rison</FONT></B></P> its</TT>
<BR><TT>documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written
<BR><TT>is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and
<BR><TT>paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.</TT><TT></TT>
<P>These are the steps that I had to follow to get pgaccess to run on an <P><TT>IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY
INDIGO2 running postgreSQL 6.3.2 under IRIX 5.3. I make no guarantee whatsoever PARTY FOR</TT>
that the same step will work for others but at least it should point you <BR><TT>DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,
in the right direction. Also, I am a biologist by training so I only got INCLUDING</TT>
pgaccess working by fudging (that is, trial and error) this means that <BR><TT>LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS</TT>
some of the steps may be unnecessary (e.g. compiling $postgreSQL_source/src/interfaces/libpgtcl <BR><TT>DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED
as both a shared and static library) and they certainly haven't been optimised OF THE</TT>
(I know nothing about compiler switches etc.).</P> <BR><TT>POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</TT><TT></TT>
<P>You will need:</P> IS</TT>
<UL> TO</TT>
<LI>tcl8.0 source (http://www.tclconsortium.org/)</LI>
<LI>tk8.0 source (http://www.tclconsortium.org/)</LI>
<LI>pgaccess source (http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess)</LI>
<P><B>2) Installation:</B></P>
<P>a) tcl/tk:</P>
<P>You must first install tcl and then tk (in that order). I just used
./configure, no switches and gmake. Their installation should be trouble
free. Then you must move headers and libraries to the right places so:</P>
<P>Header files: both tcl and tk have a header file (tcl.h and tk.h). The
tcl.h file is in $tcl_source_dir/generic and the tk.h file is in $tk_source_dir/generic;
both should be copied to /usr/local/include.</P>
<P>Libraries: compilation (with cc) of tcl and tk yield libraries libtcl8.0.a
and libtk8.0.a in $source_dir/unix. Both should be copied to /usr/local/lib.</P>
<P>b) postgreSQL:</P>
<P>Make sure you have a fully patched postgreSQL source. If your ./configure
says it can't load 'IRIX' settings then you most probably will need to
patch ./configure.</P>
<P>Configure using ./configure with the following switches: ./configure
<P>--with-libraries=/usr/local/lib --with-tcl [this and previous line as
<P>Then make, make install as usual</P>
<P>c) Compiling libpgtcl:</P>
<P>The source for libpgtcl is in $postgreSQL_directory/src/interfaces/libpgsql.</P>
<P>I do this twice. Once with just gmake. This produces a static library
libpgtcl.a which I leave where it is (I don't know what to do with it but
it may just come in handy). The I modify Makefile manually with a text
editor. Essentially I modify two line:</P>
<P># Shared library stuff</P>
<P>install-shlib-dep := shlib :=</P>
<P># Shared library stuff</P>
<P>install-shlib-dep := install-shlib shlib := libpgtcl.so.1</P>
<P>Then gmake -f Makefile_modified. This creates two shared (.so) libraries:
libpgtcl.so and libpgtcl.so.1. I can't tell the difference between them
so I copied them both to /usr/lib/.</P>
<P>d) running pgaccess:</P>
<P>Uncompress pgaccess (usually with gunzip and tar). So long as 'wish'
(a binary produced when compiling tk8.0) is somewhere in your path, you
should be able to run pgaccess with:</P>
<P>wish -f $pgaccess_dir/pgaccess.tcl [postgreSQL_database_name]</P>
<P>e) et voila!</P>
<P><B>3) Concluding remarks:</B></P>
<P>As I stated at the start of this document, following the procedure indicated
above worked for me. I am sure, however, that a few of the steps are unnecessary/non-optimised/stupid
etc. If any Unix (IRIX) boffin is reading this and you spot anything you
would like to comment/correct etc. please e-mail me (stuart@ludwig.ucl.ac.uk).
Also, if you just have questions and think I might help, please contact
me at the same e-mail.</P>
<P>Finally, I can accept no responsibility if these steps don't work for
you or if it all goes horribly wrong and you 'damage' your computer trying
them. Let common sense prevail!</P>
<P>Good luck</P>
<P>Stuart Rison LICR University College London London W1P 8BT<BR>
<A HREF="mailto:stuart@ludwig.ucl.ac.uk">stuart@ludwig.ucl.ac.uk</A></P>
<a href="index.html#start">Back to index</a>
<html><head><title>PgAccess - Common Problems</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
<h1>Common Problems with PgAccess</h1>
<a name="connfail"><h2>Connection failure</h2>
One of the most common initial problems is the message:<p>
<samp>Error connecting database<br>
Connection to database failed<br>
connectDB() failed: Is the<br>
postmaster running and<br>
accepting TCP/IP (with -i)<br>
connections at 'localhost' on<br>
port '5432'?</samp><p>
This usually occurs because the "postmaster" (the postgreSQL backend) was not
started with the <samp>-i</samp> option. Usually just adding <samp>-i</samp> to
the command line that starts the postmaster and restarting will fix this.
<a name="libpg"><h2>libpgtcl not found</h2>
PgAccess requires a library of functions named <samp>libpgtcl</samp>. This
should be available with the postgreSQL distribution, and is usually placed in
the correct location when installing postgreSQL. First check that there is a
file named <samp>libpgtcl.so</samp> (perhaps with a number appended - or
<samp>libpgtcl.dll</samp> on Windows systems) on your
system. If not, you will have to download and perhaps compile this library.<p>
is one place that you can download precompiled libpgtcl libraries for
<a name="spchar">
<h2>Locale specific characters</h2>
This problem occurs with some special characters used in different
countries because PgAccess did not use fonts with `-ISO8859-1' encoding.<p>
One solution was proposed by H.P.Heidinger ( hph@hphbbs.ruhr.de) and
is very simple.<p>
If you look in the file pgaccess.tcl, you will find the fonts declared in
this manner:<p>
<TT>$ grep -e '-font' -i pgaccess.tcl<BR>
-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \<br>
The font declarations should be altered to:<p>
<tt>-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1<br>
That is, inserting an asterisk between the first pair of hyphens, and changing
the final two asterisks to <samp>iso8859</samp> and <samp>1</samp>
You can alter the source code by running the following script :
cp pgaccess.tcl pgaccess.tcl-org<BR>
cat pgaccess.tcl |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*\ /\-iso8859\-1\ /g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*\}/\-iso8859\-1}/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*\]/\-iso8859\-1]/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*$/\-iso8859\-1/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-Clean\-/\-Fixed\-/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/clean/fixed/g' &gt;pgaccess.iso<BR>
mv pgaccess.iso pgaccess.tcl<BR>
chmod +x pgaccess.tcl</TT><P>
The final version of PgAccess (1.0) will let the user decide what fonts
will be used through a &quot;preferences&quot; dialog window.</p>
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
a name="pg63">
<h2>Problem with PostgreSQL 6.3.x</h2>
PgAccess 0.93 and later may have problems working with PostgreSQL 6.3.x.
Changes in libpgtcl have been made to remove these, but if you are
using PostgreSQL 6.3.x, this patch will allow you to get around the problems.<p>
In the procedure <tt>wpg_exec</tt> change the following line:<p>
<tt>set pgsql(errmsg) [pg_result $pgsql(res) -error]</tt><p>
to this:<p>
<tt>set pgsql(errmsg) "NO ERROR INFORMATION SUPPLIED"</tt><p>
and the program will work. The only disadvantage is that with some error
conditions, you will not get the appropriate error message from libpgtcl.<p>
<a href="index.html#problems">Back to index</a>
<html><head><title>PgAccess - Getting Started</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
<h1>PgAccess - Getting Started</h1>
<a name="getpga"><h2>How to get PgAccess</h2>
If you have this HTML help system, you have probably already downloaded
PgAccess. If not, or you wish to download the latest version, it is available
from the URL:<p>
The home page will contain instructions on which files to download for your
operating system. Download the file to a directory where the program will
eventually reside (see below).<p>
<a name="uncpga"><h2>How to uncompress PgAccess</h2>
PgAccess, like most applications available for download, is usually downloaded
in compressed format to save download time. You must uncompress these files in
order to use the application.<p>
<h3>UNIX (Linux, BSD, IRIX, Solaris, etc.)</h3>
The files will be compressed using "gzip" and packaged using "tar", and have
filenames like this:<p>
Note that "n.nn" will be the version number in an actual file.<p>
First decide where you want to have the program. A typical location on UNIX
systems is <samp>/usr/local/src/&lt;name&gt;</samp>, where &lt;name&gt; is the name of
the program. To use this location, download or move the "tar.gz" file to the
directory <samp>/usr/local/src</samp>. Change to that directory, and
uncompress the file with the command:<p>
<samp>tar -zxvf pgaccess-n.nn.tar.gz</samp><p>
You should see the files listed as they are uncompressed and placed in the new
directory, and now have a directory named:<p>
In that directory will be all of the files that were packaged in the downloaded
file. When you have PgAccess working, you can delete the file with the ".tar"
or ".tar.gz" extension.
The files will be compressed so that "WinZip" will uncompress the package. Just
open the file with "WinZip" and the program files will be extracted.<p>
<a name="putpga"><h2>Putting PgAccess where it will be found</h2>
In order to run PgAccess easily, the program file "pgaccess.tcl" should be in a
location on the "PATH" of the system. You can find out what the PATH is by
<samp>echo $PATH<br>
Usually the directory <samp>/usr/local/bin</samp> will be in your PATH, and that
is a fairly common place to put programs like PgAccess. Other common
directories in the PATH are <samp>/usr/bin</samp> and <samp>/usr/sbin</samp>.
Simply move the file "pgaccess.tcl" to the directory where you want it.<p>
You will usually link PgAccess to an icon, so just specify the full path to the
program when you create the icon.
<a name=startpga"><h2>Starting PgAccess</h2>
The easiest way to start PgAccess is to simply invoke the program by name:<p>
If the program has been placed in a directory listed in the PATH, the PgAccess
window should appear.<p>
<h3>Starting from a menu</h3>
Most users will want to link the program to a menu or icon so that it can be
started using the mouse or other pointing device. Here is a method that will
work on most Linux X-Windows systems. Create a file named "pgaccess" in the directory
<samp>/etc/X11/wmconfig</samp> with the following contents:<p>
<samp>pgaccess name "PgAccess"<br>
pgaccess description "postgreSQL frontend"<br>
pgaccess mini-icon "mini-pgaccess.xpm"<br>
pgaccess group "Applications"<br>
pgaccess exec "pgaccess.tcl &"</samp><p>
This assumes that you have an "Applications" sub-menu. You may prefer
"Programs" or some other place. Also, you will have to create the
"mini-pgaccess.xpm" icon if you want it to appear. You can edit an existing
icon from the <samp>/usr/share/icons/mini</samp> directory in XPaint and rename
it. When you next start an X-Windows session, there should be a "PgAccess" item
on the menu that you have chosen. Clicking on this item should start
<a href="index.html#start">Back to index</a>

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@ -17,17 +17,11 @@
<li><a href="irix.html">Installing PgAccess under IRIX 5.3</a> <li><a href="irix.html">Installing PgAccess under IRIX 5.3</a>
</ul> </ul>
<a name="problems"> <a name="problems">
<li><a href="problems.html">Common Initial Problems</a> <li><a href="problems.html">Common Problems with PgAccess</a>
<ul><li><a href="problems.html#connfail">Connection failure</a> <ul><li><a href="problems.html#connfail">Connection failure</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#nonuser">User not defined</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#libpg">libpgtcl not found</a> <li><a href="problems.html#libpg">libpgtcl not found</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#spchar">Locale specific characters</a> <li><a href="problems.html#spchar">Locale specific characters</a>
<li><a href="problems.html#pg63">Problems with PostgreSQL 6.3.x</a> <li><a href="problems.html#pg63">Problems with PostgreSQL 6.3.x</a>
</ul> </ul>
<li><a href="tut.html">PgAccess tutorial</a>
<ul><li><a href="tut_user.html">User Administration</a>
<li><a href="tut_new.html">Creating a table</a>
<li><a href="tut_edit.html">Editing a table</a>
<li><a href="tut_sel1.html">Querying - SELECT</a>
</ul> </ul>
</body></html> </body></html>

View file

@ -12,21 +12,7 @@ connections at 'localhost' on<br>
port '5432'?</samp><p> port '5432'?</samp><p>
This usually occurs because the "postmaster" (the postgreSQL backend) was not This usually occurs because the "postmaster" (the postgreSQL backend) was not
started with the <samp>-i</samp> option. Usually just adding <samp>-i</samp> to started with the <samp>-i</samp> option. Usually just adding <samp>-i</samp> to
the command line that starts the postmaster and restarting will fix this.<p> the command line that starts the postmaster and restarting will fix this.
If you have installed the prewritten script to start <b>postgreSQL</b>
automatically, this option is (currently) commented out:<p>
<samp># PGOPTS="-i"</samp><p>
just remove the hash and space and comment out the "blank" option above:<p>
<a name="nonuser"><h2>User not defined</h2>
Initially, <b>postgreSQL</b> only has one user, <samp>postgres</samp>, and any
other user who starts up PgAccess will get the message:<p>
<samp>Error connecting database<br>
Connection to database failed<br>
FATAL 1: SetUserId: user<br>
'jim' is not in 'pg_shadow'</samp><p>
See <b>User Administration</b> in the <b>PgAccess tutorial</b> for a description
of how to create users.<p>
<a name="libpg"><h2>libpgtcl not found</h2> <a name="libpg"><h2>libpgtcl not found</h2>
PgAccess requires a library of functions named <samp>libpgtcl</samp>. This PgAccess requires a library of functions named <samp>libpgtcl</samp>. This
should be available with the postgreSQL distribution, and is usually placed in should be available with the postgreSQL distribution, and is usually placed in
@ -68,7 +54,8 @@ mv pgaccess.iso pgaccess.tcl<BR>
chmod +x pgaccess.tcl</TT><P> chmod +x pgaccess.tcl</TT><P>
The final version of PgAccess (1.0) will let the user decide what fonts The final version of PgAccess (1.0) will let the user decide what fonts
will be used through a &quot;preferences&quot; dialog window.</p> will be used through a &quot;preferences&quot; dialog window.</p>
<a name="pg63"> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
a name="pg63">
<h2>Problem with PostgreSQL 6.3.x</h2> <h2>Problem with PostgreSQL 6.3.x</h2>
PgAccess 0.93 and later may have problems working with PostgreSQL 6.3.x. PgAccess 0.93 and later may have problems working with PostgreSQL 6.3.x.
Changes in libpgtcl have been made to remove these, but if you are Changes in libpgtcl have been made to remove these, but if you are