#!/bin/sh -ex # Usage: $0 tag # # Requires: gh extension 'release' installed (https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_release) if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR: needs tag where to upload the static binaries" exit 1 fi type -p gh > /dev/null || { echo "ERROR: gh tool not found"; exit 1; } type -p jq > /dev/null || { echo "ERROR: jq tool not found"; exit 1; } repo="kdave/btrfs-progs" tag="$1" # TODO: verify that tag exists # Read last workflow id id=$(gh run -R "$repo" list -w 'Static binaries' -L 1 --json databaseId | jq '.[].databaseId') for asset in btrfs.box.static btrfs.static; do gh run -R "$repo" download "$id" -n "$asset" chmod 755 "$asset" gh release -R "$repo" upload "$tag" "$asset" done for asset in btrfs.box.static.sha256 btrfs.static.sha256; do gh run -R "$repo" download "$id" -n "$asset" gh release -R "$repo" upload "$tag" "$asset" done