#!/bin/bash # remove all intermediate files from tests LANG=C SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0")) if [ -z "$TOP" ]; then TOP=$(readlink -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/../") if [ -f "$TOP/configure.ac" ]; then # inside git TEST_TOP="$TOP/tests" INTERNAL_BIN="$TOP" else # external, defaults to system binaries TOP=$(dirname `type -p btrfs`) TEST_TOP="$SCRIPT_DIR" INTERNAL_BIN="$TEST_TOP" fi else # assume external, TOP set from commandline TEST_TOP="$SCRIPT_DIR" INTERNAL_BIN="$TEST_TOP" fi if ! [ -x "$TOP/btrfs" ]; then echo "WARNING: cannot find btrfs in TOP=$TOP" fi TEST_DEV=${TEST_DEV:-} RESULTS="$TEST_TOP/cli-tests-results.txt" IMAGE="$TEST_TOP/test.img" source "$TEST_TOP/common" setup_root_helper if [ "$BUILD_VERBOSE" = 1 ]; then verbose=-print fi [ "$BUILD_VERBOSE" = 1 ] && echo "Umount $TEST_MNT" $SUDO_HELPER umount -R "$TEST_MNT" &>/dev/null if ! cd "$TEST_TOP"; then echo "ERROR: cannot cd to $TEST_TOP" exit 1 fi [ "$BUILD_VERBOSE" = 1 ] && echo "Delete temporary fsck images $TEST_MNT" find fsck-tests -type f -name '*.restored' $verbose -delete for dev in $(losetup --noheadings --output NAME,BACK-FILE | grep "$SCRIPT_DIR"); do # Accept only /dev/loop0 # And skip $SCRIPT_DIR/cli-tests/001-test/img1 if [[ $dev =~ ^/dev/loop ]]; then lfile=$(losetup --noheadings --output BACK-FILE "$dev") [ "$BUILD_VERBOSE" = 1 ] && echo "Detach loop device/file $dev ($lfile)" $SUDO_HELPER losetup --detach "$dev" fi done # do not remove, the file could have special permissions set echo -n > test.img