Andrzej Janik 1b9ba2b233 Nobody expects the Red Team
Too many changes to list, but broadly:
* Remove Intel GPU support from the compiler
* Add AMD GPU support to the compiler
* Remove Intel GPU host code
* Add AMD GPU host code
* More device instructions. From 40 to 68
* More host functions. From 48 to 184
* Add proof of concept implementation of OptiX framework
* Add minimal support of cuDNN, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuFFT, NCCL, NVML
* Improve ZLUDA launcher for Windows
2024-02-11 20:45:51 +01:00

3 lines
419 B

bindgen /usr/local/cuda-12/include/nvml.h --no-derive-debug --allowlist-var="^NVML.*" --allowlist-function="^nvml.*" --default-enum-style=newtype --no-layout-tests --no-doc-comments -o src/nvml.rs -- -DNVML_NO_UNVERSIONED_FUNC_DEFS
sed -i -e 's/extern "C" {//g' -e 's/-> nvmlReturn_t;/-> nvmlReturn_t { crate::r#impl::unimplemented()/g' -e 's/pub fn /#[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn /g' src/nvml.rs
rustfmt src/nvml.rs