Andrzej Janik 1b9ba2b233 Nobody expects the Red Team
Too many changes to list, but broadly:
* Remove Intel GPU support from the compiler
* Add AMD GPU support to the compiler
* Remove Intel GPU host code
* Add AMD GPU host code
* More device instructions. From 40 to 68
* More host functions. From 48 to 184
* Add proof of concept implementation of OptiX framework
* Add minimal support of cuDNN, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuFFT, NCCL, NVML
* Improve ZLUDA launcher for Windows
2024-02-11 20:45:51 +01:00

2345 lines
80 KiB

* University of Illinois/NCSA
* Open Source License
* Copyright (c) 2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the names of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this Software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef AMD_COMGR_H_
#define AMD_COMGR_H_
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef __cplusplus
#include <stdbool.h> /* bool */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* Placeholder for calling convention and import/export macros */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define AMD_COMGR_EXPORT_DECORATOR __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#define AMD_COMGR_EXPORT_DECORATOR __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define AMD_COMGR_IMPORT_DECORATOR __declspec(dllimport)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** \defgroup codeobjectmanager Code Object Manager
* @{
* @brief The code object manager is a callable library that provides
* operations for creating and inspecting code objects.
* The library provides handles to various objects. Concurrent execution of
* operations is supported provided all objects accessed by each concurrent
* operation are disjoint. For example, the @p amd_comgr_data_set_t handles
* passed to operations must be disjoint, together with all the @p
* amd_comgr_data_t handles that have been added to it. The exception is that
* the default device library data object handles can be non-disjoint as they
* are imutable.
* The library supports generating and inspecting code objects that
* contain machine code for a certain set of instruction set
* arhitectures (isa). The set of isa supported and information about
* the properties of the isa can be queried.
* The library supports performing an action that can take data
* objects of one kind, and generate new data objects of another kind.
* Data objects are referenced using handles using @p
* amd_comgr_data_t. The kinds of data objects are given
* by @p amd_comgr_data_kind_t.
* To perform an action, two @p amd_comgr_data_set_t
* objects are created. One is used to hold all the data objects
* needed by an action, and other is updated by the action with all
* the result data objects. In addition, an @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_t is created to hold
* information that controls the action. These are then passed to @p
* amd_comgr_do_action to perform an action specified by
* @p amd_comgr_action_kind_t.
* Some data objects can have associated metadata. There are
* operations for querying this metadata.
* The default device library that satisfies the requirements of the
* compiler action can be obtained.
* The library inspects some environment variables to aid in debugging. These
* include:
* - @p AMD_COMGR_SAVE_TEMPS: If this is set, and is not "0", the library does
* not delete temporary files generated while executing compilation actions.
* These files do not appear in the current working directory, but are
* instead left in a platform-specific temporary directory (/tmp on Linux and
* C:\Temp or the path found in the TEMP environment variable on Windows).
* - @p AMD_COMGR_REDIRECT_LOGS: If this is not set, or is set to "0", logs are
* returned to the caller as normal. If this is set to "stdout"/"-" or
* "stderr", logs are instead redirected to the standard output or error
* stream, respectively. If this is set to any other value, it is interpreted
* as a filename which logs should be appended to. Logs may be redirected
* irrespective of whether logging is enabled.
* - @p AMD_COMGR_EMIT_VERBOSE_LOGS: If this is set, and is not "0", logs will
* include additional Comgr-specific informational messages.
/** \defgroup symbol_versions_group Symbol Versions
* The names used for the shared library versioned symbols.
* Every function is annotated with one of the version macros defined in this
* section. Each macro specifies a corresponding symbol version string. After
* dynamically loading the shared library with \p dlopen, the address of each
* function can be obtained using \p dlvsym with the name of the function and
* its corresponding symbol version string. An error will be reported by \p
* dlvsym if the installed library does not support the version for the
* function specified in this version of the interface.
* @{
* The function was introduced in version 1.8 of the interface and has the
* symbol version string of ``"@amd_comgr_NAME@_1.8"``.
* The function was introduced or changed in version 2.0 of the interface
* and has the symbol version string of ``"@amd_comgr_NAME@_2.0"``.
* The function was introduced or changed in version 2.2 of the interface
* and has the symbol version string of ``"@amd_comgr_NAME@_2.2"``.
* The function was introduced or changed in version 2.3 of the interface
* and has the symbol version string of ``"@amd_comgr_NAME@_2.3"``.
* The function was introduced or changed in version 2.4 of the interface
* and has the symbol version string of ``"@amd_comgr_NAME@_2.4"``.
/** @} */
* @brief Status codes.
typedef enum amd_comgr_status_s {
* The function has been executed successfully.
* A generic error has occurred.
* One of the actual arguments does not meet a precondition stated
* in the documentation of the corresponding formal argument.
* Failed to allocate the necessary resources.
} amd_comgr_status_t;
* @brief The source languages supported by the compiler.
typedef enum amd_comgr_language_s {
* No high level language.
* OpenCL 1.2.
* OpenCL 2.0.
* AMD Hetrogeneous C++ (HC).
* HIP.
* Marker for last valid language.
} amd_comgr_language_t;
* @brief Query additional information about a status code.
* @param[in] status Status code.
* @param[out] status_string A NUL-terminated string that describes
* the error status.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* status is an invalid status code, or @p status_string is NULL.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API amd_comgr_status_string(
amd_comgr_status_t status,
const char ** status_string) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the version of the code object manager interface
* supported.
* An interface is backwards compatible with an implementation with an
* equal major version, and a greater than or equal minor version.
* @param[out] major Major version number.
* @param[out] minor Minor version number.
void AMD_COMGR_API amd_comgr_get_version(
size_t *major,
size_t *minor) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief The kinds of data supported.
typedef enum amd_comgr_data_kind_s {
* No data is available.
* The data is a textual main source.
* The data is a textual source that is included in the main source
* or other include source.
* The data is a precompiled-header source that is included in the main
* source or other include source.
* The data is a diagnostic output.
* The data is a textual log output.
* The data is compiler LLVM IR bit code for a specific isa.
* The data is a relocatable machine code object for a specific isa.
* The data is an executable machine code object for a specific
* isa. An executable is the kind of code object that can be loaded
* and executed.
* The data is a block of bytes.
* The data is a fat binary (clang-offload-bundler output).
* Marker for last valid data kind.
} amd_comgr_data_kind_t;
* @brief A handle to a data object.
* Data objects are used to hold the data which is either an input or
* output of a code object manager action.
typedef struct amd_comgr_data_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_data_t;
* @brief A handle to an action data object.
* An action data object holds a set of data objects. These can be
* used as inputs to an action, or produced as the result of an
* action.
typedef struct amd_comgr_data_set_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_data_set_t;
* @brief A handle to an action information object.
* An action information object holds all the necessary information,
* excluding the input data objects, required to perform an action.
typedef struct amd_comgr_action_info_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_action_info_t;
* @brief A handle to a metadata node.
* A metadata node handle is used to traverse the metadata associated
* with a data node.
typedef struct amd_comgr_metadata_node_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_metadata_node_t;
* @brief A handle to a machine code object symbol.
* A symbol handle is used to obtain the properties of symbols of a machine code
* object. A symbol handle is invalidated when the data object containing the
* symbol is destroyed.
typedef struct amd_comgr_symbol_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_symbol_t;
* @brief A handle to a disassembly information object.
* A disassembly information object holds all the necessary information,
* excluding the input data, required to perform disassembly.
typedef struct amd_comgr_disassembly_info_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_disassembly_info_t;
* @brief A handle to a symbolizer information object.
* A symbolizer information object holds all the necessary information
* required to perform symbolization.
typedef struct amd_comgr_symbolizer_info_s {
uint64_t handle;
} amd_comgr_symbolizer_info_t;
* @brief Return the number of isa names supported by this version of
* the code object manager library.
* The isa name specifies the instruction set architecture that should
* be used in the actions that involve machine code generation or
* inspection.
* @param[out] count The number of isa names supported.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* count is NULL.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
size_t *count) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Return the Nth isa name supported by this version of the
* code object manager library.
* @param[in] index The index of the isa name to be returned. The
* first isa name is index 0.
* @param[out] isa_name A null terminated string that is the isa name
* being requested.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* index is greater than the number of isa name supported by this
* version of the code object manager library. @p isa_name is NULL.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
size_t index,
const char **isa_name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Get a handle to the metadata of an isa name.
* The structure of the returned metadata is isa name specific and versioned
* with details specified in README.md. It can include information about the
* limits for resources such as registers and memory addressing.
* @param[in] isa_name The isa name to query.
* @param[out] metadata A handle to the metadata of the isa name. If
* the isa name has no metadata then the returned handle has a kind of
* @p AMD_COMGR_METADATA_KIND_NULL. The handle must be destroyed
* using @c amd_comgr_destroy_metadata.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* name is NULL or is not an isa name supported by this version of the
* code object manager library. @p metadata is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
const char *isa_name,
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t *metadata) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Create a data object that can hold data of a specified kind.
* Data objects are reference counted and are destroyed when the
* reference count reaches 0. When a data object is created its
* reference count is 1, it has 0 bytes of data, it has an empty name,
* and it has no metadata.
* @param[in] kind The kind of data the object is intended to hold.
* @param[out] data A handle to the data object created. Its reference
* count is set to 1.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* kind is an invalid data kind, or @p
* Unable to create the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_kind_t kind,
amd_comgr_data_t *data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Indicate that no longer using a data object handle.
* The reference count of the associated data object is
* decremented. If it reaches 0 it is destroyed.
* @param[in] data The data object to release.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, or has kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the kind of the data object.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[out] kind The kind of data the object.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object. @p kind is NULL.
* Unable to create the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
amd_comgr_data_kind_t *kind) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Set the data content of a data object to the specified
* bytes.
* Any previous value of the data object is overwritten. Any metadata
* associated with the data object is also replaced which invalidates
* all metadata handles to the old metadata.
* @param[in] data The data object to update.
* @param[in] size The number of bytes in the data specified by @p bytes.
* @param[in] bytes The bytes to set the data object to. The bytes are
* copied into the data object and can be freed after the call.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, or has kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
size_t size,
const char* bytes) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief For the given open posix file descriptor, map a slice of the
* file into the data object. The slice is specified by @p offset and @p size.
* Internally this API calls amd_comgr_set_data and resets data object's
* current state.
* @param[in, out] data The data object to update.
* @param[in] file_descriptor The native file descriptor for an open file.
* The @p file_descriptor must not be passed into a system I/O function
* by any other thread while this function is executing. The offset in
* the file descriptor may be updated based on the requested size and
* underlying platform. The @p file_descriptor may be closed immediately
* after this function returns.
* @param[in] offset position relative to the start of the file
* specifying the beginning of the slice in @p file_descriptor.
* @param[in] size Size in bytes of the slice.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The operation is successful.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data is an invalid or
* the map operation failed.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
int file_descriptor,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_3;
* @brief Set the name associated with a data object.
* When compiling, the fle name of an include directive is used to
* reference the contents of the include data object with the same
* name. The name may also be used for other data objects in log and
* diagnostic output.
* @param[in] data The data object to update.
* @param[in] name A null terminated string that specifies the name to
* use for the data object. If NULL then the name is set to the empty
* string.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, or has kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
const char* name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the data contents, and/or the size of the data
* associated with a data object.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p bytes. On return, if @p bytes
* is NULL, set to the size of the data object contents.
* @param[out] bytes If not NULL, then the first @p size bytes of the
* data object contents is copied. If NULL, no data is copied, and
* only @p size is updated (useful in order to find the size of buffer
* required to copy the data).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, or has kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
size_t *size,
char *bytes) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the data object name and/or name length.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p name. On return, the size of
* the data object name including the terminating null character.
* @param[out] name If not NULL, then the first @p size characters of the
* data object name are copied. If @p name is NULL, only @p size is updated
* (useful in order to find the size of buffer required to copy the name).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, or has kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
size_t *size,
char *name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the data object isa name and/or isa name length.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p isa_name. On return, if @p
* isa_name is NULL, set to the size of the isa name including the terminating
* null character.
* @param[out] isa_name If not NULL, then the first @p size characters
* of the isa name are copied. If NULL, no isa name is copied, and
* only @p size is updated (useful in order to find the size of buffer
* required to copy the isa name).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, has kind @p
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_UNDEF, or is not an isa specific
* kind. @p size is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
size_t *size,
char *isa_name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Create a symbolizer info object.
* @param[in] code_object A data object denoting a code object for which
* symbolization should be performed. The kind of this object must be
* @param[in] print_symbol_callback Function called by a successfull
* symbolize query. @p symbol is a null-terminated string containing the
* symbolization of the address and @p user_data is an arbitary user data.
* The callback does not own @p symbol, and it cannot be referenced once
* the callback returns.
* @param[out] symbolizer_info A handle to the symbolizer info object created.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if @p code_object is
* invalid or @p print_symbol_callback is null.
* Unable to create @p symbolizer_info as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t code_object,
void (*print_symbol_callback)(
const char *symbol,
void *user_data),
amd_comgr_symbolizer_info_t *symbolizer_info) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_4;
* @brief Destroy symbolizer info object.
* @param[in] symbolizer_info A handle to symbolizer info object to destroy.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful execution.
* symbolizer_info is invalid.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_symbolizer_info_t symbolizer_info) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_4;
* @brief Symbolize an address.
* The @p address is symbolized using the symbol definitions of the
* @p code_object specified when the @p symbolizer_info was created.
* The @p print_symbol_callback callback function specified when the
* @p symbolizer_info was created is called passing the
* symbolization result as @p symbol and @p user_data value.
* If symbolization is not possible ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned and
* the string passed to the @p symbol argument of the @p print_symbol_callback
* specified when the @p symbolizer_info was created contains the text
* "<invalid>" or "??". This is consistent with `llvm-symbolizer` utility.
* @param[in] symbolizer_info A handle to symbolizer info object which should be
* used to symbolize the @p address.
* @param[in] address An unrelocated ELF address to which symbolization
* query should be performed.
* @param[in] is_code if true, the symbolizer symbolize the address as code
* and the symbolization result contains filename, function name, line number
* and column number, else the symbolizer symbolize the address as data and
* the symbolizaion result contains symbol name, symbol's starting address
* and symbol size.
* @param[in] user_data Arbitrary user-data passed to @p print_symbol_callback
* callback as described for @p symbolizer_info argument.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* symbolizer_info is an invalid data object.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_symbolizer_info_t symbolizer_info,
uint64_t address,
bool is_code,
void *user_data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_4;
* @brief Get a handle to the metadata of a data object.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[out] metadata A handle to the metadata of the data
* object. If the data object has no metadata then the returned handle
* has a kind of @p AMD_COMGR_METADATA_KIND_NULL. The
* handle must be destroyed using @c amd_comgr_destroy_metadata.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* data is an invalid data object, or has kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t *metadata) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Destroy a metadata handle.
* @param[in] metadata A metadata handle to destroy.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p metadata is an invalid
* metadata handle.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to update metadata
* handle as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_destroy_metadata(amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Create a data set object.
* @param[out] data_set A handle to the data set created. Initially it
* contains no data objects.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to create the data
* set object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_set_t *data_set) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Destroy a data set object.
* The reference counts of any associated data objects are decremented. Any
* handles to the data set object become invalid.
* @param[in] data_set A handle to the data set object to destroy.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data_set is an invalid
* data set object.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to update data set
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_set_t data_set) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Add a data object to a data set object if it is not already added.
* The reference count of the data object is incremented.
* @param[in] data_set A handle to the data set object to be updated.
* @param[in] data A handle to the data object to be added. If @p data_set
* already has the specified handle present, then it is not added. The order
* that data objects are added is preserved.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data_set is an invalid
* data set object. @p data is an invalid data object; has undef kind; has
* include kind but does not have a name.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to update data set
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_set_t data_set,
amd_comgr_data_t data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Remove all data objects of a specified kind from a data set object.
* The reference count of the removed data objects is decremented.
* @param[in] data_set A handle to the data set object to be updated.
* @param[in] data_kind The data kind of the data objects to be removed. If @p
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_UNDEF is specified then all data objects are removed.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data_set is an invalid
* data set object. @p data_kind is an invalid data kind.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to update data set
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_set_t data_set,
amd_comgr_data_kind_t data_kind) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Return the number of data objects of a specified data kind that are
* added to a data set object.
* @param[in] data_set A handle to the data set object to be queried.
* @param[in] data_kind The data kind of the data objects to be counted.
* @param[out] count The number of data objects of data kind @p data_kind.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data_set is an invalid
* data set object. @p data_kind is an invalid data kind or @p
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to query data set
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_set_t data_set,
amd_comgr_data_kind_t data_kind,
size_t *count) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Return the Nth data object of a specified data kind that is added to a
* data set object.
* The reference count of the returned data object is incremented.
* @param[in] data_set A handle to the data set object to be queried.
* @param[in] data_kind The data kind of the data object to be returned.
* @param[in] index The index of the data object of data kind @data_kind to be
* returned. The first data object is index 0. The order of data objects matches
* the order that they were added to the data set object.
* @param[out] data The data object being requested.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data_set is an invalid
* data set object. @p data_kind is an invalid data kind or @p
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_UNDEF. @p index is greater than the number of data
* objects of kind @p data_kind. @p data is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to query data set
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_set_t data_set,
amd_comgr_data_kind_t data_kind,
size_t index,
amd_comgr_data_t *data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Create an action info object.
* @param[out] action_info A handle to the action info object created.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is NULL.
* Unable to create the action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t *action_info) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Destroy an action info object.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to destroy.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Set the isa name of an action info object.
* When an action info object is created it has no isa name. Some
* actions require that the action info object has an isa name
* defined.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to be
* updated.
* @param[in] isa_name A null terminated string that is the isa name. If NULL
* or the empty string then the isa name is cleared. The isa name is defined as
* the Code Object Target Identification string, described at
* https://llvm.org/docs/AMDGPUUsage.html#code-object-target-identification
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p isa_name is not an
* isa name supported by this version of the code object manager
* library.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
const char *isa_name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Get the isa name and/or isa name length.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p isa_name. On return, if @p
* isa_name is NULL, set to the size of the isa name including the terminating
* null character.
* @param[out] isa_name If not NULL, then the first @p size characters of the
* isa name are copied into @p isa_name. If the isa name is not set then an
* empty string is copied into @p isa_name. If NULL, no name is copied, and
* only @p size is updated (useful in order to find the size of buffer required
* to copy the name).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p size is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
size_t *size,
char *isa_name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Set the source language of an action info object.
* When an action info object is created it has no language defined
* which is represented by @p
* AMD_COMGR_LANGUAGE_NONE. Some actions require that
* the action info object has a source language defined.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to be
* updated.
* @param[in] language The language to set. If @p
* AMD_COMGR_LANGUAGE_NONE then the language is cleared.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p language is an
* invalid language.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
amd_comgr_language_t language) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the language for an action info object.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[out] language The language of the action info opject. @p
* AMD_COMGR_LANGUAGE_NONE if not defined,
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p language is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
amd_comgr_language_t *language) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Set the options string of an action info object.
* When an action info object is created it has an empty options string.
* This overrides any option strings or arrays previously set by calls to this
* function or @p amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list.
* An @p action_info object which had its options set with this function can
* only have its option inspected with @p amd_comgr_action_info_get_options.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to be
* updated.
* @param[in] options A null terminated string that is the options. If
* NULL or the empty string then the options are cleared.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
* @deprecated since 1.3
* @see amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
const char *options) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the options string and/or options strings length of an action
* info object.
* The @p action_info object must have had its options set with @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_set_options.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p options. On return, if @p
* options is NULL, set to the size of the options including the terminating
* null character.
* @param[out] options If not NULL, then the first @p size characters of
* the options are copied. If the options are not set then an empty
* string is copied. If NULL, options is not copied, and only @p size
* is updated (useful inorder to find the size of buffer required to
* copy the options).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The options of @p action_info were not set
* with @p amd_comgr_action_info_set_options.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p size is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
* @deprecated since 1.3
* @see amd_comgr_action_info_get_option_list_count and
* amd_comgr_action_info_get_option_list_item
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
size_t *size,
char *options) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Set the options array of an action info object.
* This overrides any option strings or arrays previously set by calls to this
* function or @p amd_comgr_action_info_set_options.
* An @p action_info object which had its options set with this function can
* only have its option inspected with @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_get_option_list_count and @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_get_option_list_item.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to be updated.
* @param[in] options An array of null terminated strings. May be NULL if @p
* count is zero, which will result in an empty options array.
* @param[in] count The number of null terminated strings in @p options.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p action_info is an
* invalid action info object, or @p options is NULL and @p count is non-zero.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to update action
* info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
const char *options[],
size_t count) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Return the number of options in the options array.
* The @p action_info object must have had its options set with @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[out] count The number of options in the options array.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The options of @p action_info were never
* set, or not set with @p amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p action_info is an
* invalid action info object, or @p count is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to query the data
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
size_t *count) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Return the Nth option string in the options array and/or that
* option's length.
* The @p action_info object must have had its options set with @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[in] index The index of the option to be returned. The first option
* index is 0. The order is the same as the options when they were added in @p
* amd_comgr_action_info_set_options.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p option. On return, if @option
* is NULL, set to the size of the Nth option string including the terminating
* null character.
* @param[out] option If not NULL, then the first @p size characters of the Nth
* option string are copied into @p option. If NULL, no option string is
* copied, and only @p size is updated (useful in order to find the size of
* buffer required to copy the option string).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The options of @p action_info were never
* set, or not set with @p amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p action_info is an
* invalid action info object, @p index is invalid, or @p size is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to query the data
* object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
size_t index,
size_t *size,
char *option) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Set the working directory of an action info object.
* When an action info object is created it has an empty working
* directory. Some actions use the working directory to resolve
* relative file paths.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to be
* updated.
* @param[in] path A null terminated string that is the working
* directory path. If NULL or the empty string then the working
* directory is cleared.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
const char *path) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the working directory path and/or working directory path
* length of an action info object.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p path. On return, if @p path is
* NULL, set to the size of the working directory path including the
* terminating null character.
* @param[out] path If not NULL, then the first @p size characters of
* the working directory path is copied. If the working directory path
* is not set then an empty string is copied. If NULL, the working
* directory path is not copied, and only @p size is updated (useful
* in order to find the size of buffer required to copy the working
* directory path).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p size is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
size_t *size,
char *path) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Set whether logging is enabled for an action info object.
* @param[in] action_info A handle to the action info object to be
* updated.
* @param[in] logging Whether logging should be enabled or disable.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object.
* Unable to update action info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
bool logging) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get whether logging is enabled for an action info object.
* @param[in] action_info The action info object to query.
* @param[out] logging Whether logging is enabled.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* action_info is an invalid action info object. @p logging is NULL.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_info_t action_info,
bool *logging) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief The kinds of actions that can be performed.
typedef enum amd_comgr_action_kind_s {
* Preprocess each source data object in @p input in order. For each
* successful preprocessor invocation, add a source data object to @p result.
* Resolve any include source names using the names of include data objects
* in @p input. Resolve any include relative path names using the working
* directory path in @p info. Preprocess the source for the language in @p
* info.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any preprocessing fails.
* if isa name or language is not set in @p info.
* Copy all existing data objects in @p input to @p output, then add the
* device-specific and language-specific precompiled headers required for
* compilation.
* Currently the only supported languages are @p AMD_COMGR_LANGUAGE_OPENCL_1_2
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if isa name or language
* is not set in @p info, or the language is not supported.
* Compile each source data object in @p input in order. For each
* successful compilation add a bc data object to @p result. Resolve
* any include source names using the names of include data objects
* in @p input. Resolve any include relative path names using the
* working directory path in @p info. Produce bc for isa name in @p
* info. Compile the source for the language in @p info.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any compilation
* fails.
* if isa name or language is not set in @p info.
* Copy all existing data objects in @p input to @p output, then add the
* device-specific and language-specific bitcode libraries required for
* compilation.
* Currently the only supported languages are @p AMD_COMGR_LANGUAGE_OPENCL_1_2,
* The options in @p info should be set to a set of language-specific flags.
* For OpenCL and HIP these include:
* correctly_rounded_sqrt
* daz_opt
* finite_only
* unsafe_math
* wavefrontsize64
* For example, to enable daz_opt and unsafe_math, the options should be set
* as:
* const char *options[] = {"daz_opt, "unsafe_math"};
* size_t optionsCount = sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]);
* amd_comgr_action_info_set_option_list(info, options, optionsCount);
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if isa name or language
* is not set in @p info, the language is not supported, an unknown
* language-specific flag is supplied, or a language-specific flag is
* repeated.
* @deprecated since 1.7
* @warning This action, followed by @c AMD_COMGR_ACTION_LINK_BC_TO_BC, may
* result in subtle bugs due to incorrect linking of the device libraries.
* be used as a workaround which ensures the link occurs correctly.
* Link each bc data object in @p input together and add the linked
* bc data object to @p result. Any device library bc data object
* must be explicitly added to @p input if needed.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if the link fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all bc data objects in @p input.
* Optimize each bc data object in @p input and create an optimized bc data
* object to @p result.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if the optimization fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all bc data objects in @p input.
* Perform code generation for each bc data object in @p input in
* order. For each successful code generation add a relocatable data
* object to @p result.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any code
* generation fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all bc data objects in @p input.
* Perform code generation for each bc data object in @p input in
* order. For each successful code generation add an assembly source data
* object to @p result.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any code
* generation fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all bc data objects in @p input.
* Link each relocatable data object in @p input together and add
* the linked relocatable data object to @p result. Any device
* library relocatable data object must be explicitly added to @p
* input if needed.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if the link fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all relocatable data objects in @p input.
* Link each relocatable data object in @p input together and add
* the linked executable data object to @p result. Any device
* library relocatable data object must be explicitly added to @p
* input if needed.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if the link fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all relocatable data objects in @p input.
* Assemble each source data object in @p input in order into machine code.
* For each successful assembly add a relocatable data object to @p result.
* Resolve any include source names using the names of include data objects in
* @p input. Resolve any include relative path names using the working
* directory path in @p info. Produce relocatable for isa name in @p info.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any assembly fails.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if isa name is not set in
* @p info.
* Disassemble each relocatable data object in @p input in
* order. For each successful disassembly add a source data object to
* @p result.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any disassembly
* fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all relocatable data objects in @p input.
* Disassemble each executable data object in @p input in order. For
* each successful disassembly add a source data object to @p result.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any disassembly
* fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info and does not match the isa name
* of all relocatable data objects in @p input.
* Disassemble each bytes data object in @p input in order. For each
* successful disassembly add a source data object to @p
* result. Only simple assembly language commands are generate that
* corresponf to raw bytes are supported, not any directives that
* control the code object layout, or symbolic branch targets or
* names.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any disassembly
* fails.
* if isa name is not set in @p info
* Compile each source data object in @p input in order. For each
* successful compilation add a fat binary to @p result. Resolve
* any include source names using the names of include data objects
* in @p input. Resolve any include relative path names using the
* working directory path in @p info. Produce fat binary for isa name in @p
* info. Compile the source for the language in @p info.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any compilation
* fails.
* if isa name or language is not set in @p info.
* Compile each source data object in @p input in order. For each
* successful compilation add a bc data object to @p result. Resolve
* any include source names using the names of include data objects
* in @p input. Resolve any include relative path names using the
* working directory path in @p info. Produce bc for isa name in @p
* info. Compile the source for the language in @p info. Link against
* the device-specific and language-specific bitcode device libraries
* required for compilation.
* Return @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR if any compilation
* fails.
* if isa name or language is not set in @p info.
* Marker for last valid action kind.
} amd_comgr_action_kind_t;
* @brief Perform an action.
* Each action ignores any data objects in @p input that it does not
* use. If logging is enabled in @info then @p result will have a log
* data object added. Any diagnostic data objects produced by the
* action will be added to @p result. See the description of each
* action in @p amd_comgr_action_kind_t.
* @param[in] kind The action to perform.
* @param[in] info The action info to use when performing the action.
* @param[in] input The input data objects to the @p kind action.
* @param[out] result Any data objects are removed before performing
* the action which then adds all data objects produced by the action.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR An error was
* reported when executing the action.
* kind is an invalid action kind. @p input_data or @p result_data are
* invalid action data object handles. See the description of each
* action in @p amd_comgr_action_kind_t for other
* conditions that result in this status.
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_action_kind_t kind,
amd_comgr_action_info_t info,
amd_comgr_data_set_t input,
amd_comgr_data_set_t result) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief The kinds of metadata nodes.
typedef enum amd_comgr_metadata_kind_s {
* The NULL metadata handle.
* A sting value.
* A map that consists of a set of key and value pairs.
* A list that consists of a sequence of values.
* Marker for last valid metadata kind.
} amd_comgr_metadata_kind_t;
* @brief Get the kind of the metadata node.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[out] kind The kind of the metadata node.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node. @p kind is NULL.
* Unable to create the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
amd_comgr_metadata_kind_t *kind) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the string and/or string length from a metadata string
* node.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[in, out] size On entry, the size of @p string. On return, if @p
* string is NULL, set to the size of the string including the terminating null
* character.
* @param[out] string If not NULL, then the first @p size characters
* of the string are copied. If NULL, no string is copied, and only @p
* size is updated (useful in order to find the size of buffer required
* to copy the string).
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node, or does not have kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
size_t *size,
char *string) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the map size from a metadata map node.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[out] size The number of entries in the map.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node, or not of kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
size_t *size) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Iterate over the elements a metadata map node.
* @warning The metadata nodes which are passed to the callback are not owned
* by the callback, and are freed just after the callback returns. The callback
* must not save any references to its parameters between iterations.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[in] callback The function to call for each entry in the map. The
* entry's key is passed in @p key, the entry's value is passed in @p value, and
* @p user_data is passed as @p user_data. If the function returns with a status
* other than @p AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS then iteration is stopped.
* @param[in] user_data The value to pass to each invocation of @p
* callback. Allows context to be passed into the call back function.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR An error was
* reported by @p callback.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node, or not of kind @p
* Unable to iterate the metadata as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
amd_comgr_status_t (*callback)(
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t key,
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t value,
void *user_data),
void *user_data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Use a string key to lookup an element of a metadata map
* node and return the entry value.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[in] key A null terminated string that is the key to lookup.
* @param[out] value The metadata node of the @p key element of the
* @p metadata map metadata node. The handle must be destroyed
* using @c amd_comgr_destroy_metadata.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The map has no entry
* with a string key with the value @p key.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node, or not of kind @p
* AMD_COMGR_METADATA_KIND_MAP. @p key or @p value is
* Unable to lookup metadata as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
const char *key,
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t *value) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Get the list size from a metadata list node.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[out] size The number of entries in the list.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node, or does nopt have kind @p
* Unable to update the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
size_t *size) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Return the Nth metadata node of a list metadata node.
* @param[in] metadata The metadata node to query.
* @param[in] index The index being requested. The first list element
* is index 0.
* @param[out] value The metadata node of the @p index element of the
* @p metadata list metadata node. The handle must be destroyed
* using @c amd_comgr_destroy_metadata.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* metadata is an invalid metadata node or not of kind @p
* AMD_COMGR_METADATA_INFO_LIST. @p index is greater
* than the number of list elements. @p value is NULL.
* Unable to update action data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t metadata,
size_t index,
amd_comgr_metadata_node_t *value) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Iterate over the symbols of a machine code object.
* For a AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_RELOCATABLE the symbols in the ELF symtab section
* are iterated. For a AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_EXECUTABLE the symbols in the ELF
* dynsymtab are iterated.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[in] callback The function to call for each symbol in the machine code
* data object. The symbol handle is passed in @p symbol and @p user_data is
* passed as @p user_data. If the function returns with a status other than @p
* AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS then iteration is stopped.
* @param[in] user_data The value to pass to each invocation of @p
* callback. Allows context to be passed into the call back function.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR An error was
* reported by @p callback.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data is an invalid data
* object, or not of kind @p AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_RELOCATABLE or
* Unable to iterate the data object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
amd_comgr_status_t (*callback)(
amd_comgr_symbol_t symbol,
void *user_data),
void *user_data) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Lookup a symbol in a machine code object by name.
* For a AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_RELOCATABLE the symbols in the ELF symtab section
* are inspected. For a AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_EXECUTABLE the symbols in the ELF
* dynsymtab are inspected.
* @param[in] data The data object to query.
* @param[in] name A null terminated string that is the symbol name to lookup.
* @param[out] symbol The symbol with the @p name.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The machine code object has no symbol
* with @p name.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data is an invalid data
* object, or not of kind @p AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_RELOCATABLE or
* Unable to lookup symbol as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
const char *name,
amd_comgr_symbol_t *symbol) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Machine code object symbol type.
typedef enum amd_comgr_symbol_type_s {
* The symbol's type is unknown.
* The user should not infer any specific type for symbols which return
* `AMD_COMGR_SYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN`, and these symbols may return different
* types in future releases.
* The symbol's type is not specified.
* The symbol is associated with a data object, such as a variable, an array,
* and so on.
* The symbol is associated with a function or other executable code.
* The symbol is associated with a section. Symbol table entries of this type
* exist primarily for relocation.
* Conventionally, the symbol's name gives the name of the source file
* associated with the object file.
* The symbol labels an uninitialized common block.
* The symbol is associated with an AMDGPU Code Object V2 kernel function.
} amd_comgr_symbol_type_t;
* @brief Machine code object symbol attributes.
typedef enum amd_comgr_symbol_info_s {
* The length of the symbol name in bytes. Does not include the NUL
* terminator. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.
* The name of the symbol. The type of this attribute is character array with
* the length equal to the value of the @p AMD_COMGR_SYMBOL_INFO_NAME_LENGTH
* attribute plus 1 for a NUL terminator.
* The kind of the symbol. The type of this attribute is @p
* amd_comgr_symbol_type_t.
* Size of the variable. The value of this attribute is undefined if the
* symbol is not a variable. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.
* Indicates whether the symbol is undefined. The type of this attribute is
* bool.
* The value of the symbol. The type of this attribute is uint64_t.
* Marker for last valid symbol info.
} amd_comgr_symbol_info_t;
* @brief Query information about a machine code object symbol.
* @param[in] symbol The symbol to query.
* @param[in] attribute Attribute to query.
* @param[out] value Pointer to an application-allocated buffer where to store
* the value of the attribute. If the buffer passed by the application is not
* large enough to hold the value of attribute, the behavior is undefined. The
* type of value returned is specified by @p amd_comgr_symbol_info_t.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has
* been executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The @p symbol does not have the requested @p
* attribute.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p symbol is an invalid
* symbol. @p attribute is an invalid value. @p value is NULL.
* Unable to query symbol as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_symbol_t symbol,
amd_comgr_symbol_info_t attribute,
void *value) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Create a disassembly info object.
* @param[in] isa_name A null terminated string that is the isa name of the
* target to disassemble for. The isa name is defined as the Code Object Target
* Identification string, described at
* https://llvm.org/docs/AMDGPUUsage.html#code-object-target-identification
* @param[in] read_memory_callback Function called to request @p size bytes
* from the program address space at @p from be read into @p to. The requested
* @p size is never zero. Returns the number of bytes which could be read, with
* the guarantee that no additional bytes will be available in any subsequent
* call.
* @param[in] print_instruction_callback Function called after a successful
* disassembly. @p instruction is a null terminated string containing the
* disassembled instruction. The callback does not own @p instruction, and it
* cannot be referenced once the callback returns.
* @param[in] print_address_annotation_callback Function called after @c
* print_instruction_callback returns, once for each instruction operand which
* was resolved to an absolute address. @p address is the absolute address in
* the program address space. It is intended to append a symbolic
* form of the address, perhaps as a comment, after the instruction disassembly
* produced by @c print_instruction_callback.
* @param[out] disassembly_info A handle to the disassembly info object
* created.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The disassembly info object was created.
* invalid; or @p read_memory_callback, @p print_instruction_callback,
* or @p print_address_annotation_callback is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to create the
* disassembly info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
const char *isa_name,
uint64_t (*read_memory_callback)(
uint64_t from,
char *to,
uint64_t size,
void *user_data),
void (*print_instruction_callback)(
const char *instruction,
void *user_data),
void (*print_address_annotation_callback)(
uint64_t address,
void *user_data),
amd_comgr_disassembly_info_t *disassembly_info) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_0;
* @brief Destroy a disassembly info object.
* @param[in] disassembly_info A handle to the disassembly info object to
* destroy.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The disassembly info object was
* destroyed.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p disassembly_info is an
* invalid disassembly info object.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to destroy the
* disassembly info object as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_disassembly_info_t disassembly_info) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Disassemble a single instruction.
* @param[in] address The address of the first byte of the instruction in the
* program address space.
* @param[in] user_data Arbitrary user-data passed to each callback function
* during disassembly.
* @param[out] size The number of bytes consumed to decode the
* instruction, or consumed while failing to decode an invalid instruction.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The disassembly was successful.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The disassembly failed.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p disassembly_info is
* invalid or @p size is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to disassemble the
* instruction as out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_disassembly_info_t disassembly_info,
uint64_t address,
void *user_data,
uint64_t *size) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_1_8;
* @brief Demangle a symbol name.
* @param[in] mangled_symbol_name A data object of kind @p
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_BYTES containing the mangled symbol name.
* @param[out] demangled_symbol_name A handle to the data object of kind @p
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_BYTES created and set to contain the demangled symbol
* name in case of successful completion. The handle must be released using
* @c amd_comgr_release_data. @p demangled_symbol_name is not updated for
* an error case.
* @note If the @p mangled_symbol_name cannot be demangled, it will be copied
* without changes to the @p demangled_symbol_name and AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS
* is returned.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function executed successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p mangled_symbol_name is
* an invalid data object or not of kind @p AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_BYTES or
* @p demangled_symbol_name is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Out of resources.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t mangled_symbol_name,
amd_comgr_data_t *demangled_symbol_name) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_2;
* @brief A data structure for Code object information.
typedef struct code_object_info_s {
* ISA name representing the code object.
const char *isa;
* The size of the code object.
size_t size;
* The location of code object from the beginning
* of code object bundle.
uint64_t offset;
} amd_comgr_code_object_info_t;
* @ brief Given a bundled code object and list of target id strings, extract
* correponding code object information.
* @param[in] data The data object for bundled code object. This should be
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_BYTES. The API interprets the data object of kind
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_FATBIN as a clang offload bundle and of kind
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_EXECUTABLE as an executable shared object. For a data
* object of type AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_BYTES the API first inspects the data
* passed to determine if it is a fatbin or an executable and performs
* the lookup.
* @param[in, out] info_list A list of code object information structure
* initialized with null terminated target id strings. If the target id
* is matched in the code object bundle the corresponding code object
* information is updated with offset and size of the code object. If the
* target id is not found the offset and size are set to 0.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has been executed
* successfully.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR The code object bundle header is incorrect
* or reading bundle entries failed.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT @p data is not of
* AMD_COMGR_DATA_KIND_EXECUTABLE or either @p info_list is NULL.
* @retval ::AMD_COMGR_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the @p data has
* invalid data.
amd_comgr_status_t AMD_COMGR_API
amd_comgr_data_t data,
amd_comgr_code_object_info_t *info_list,
size_t info_list_size) AMD_COMGR_VERSION_2_3;
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern "C" block */
#endif /* header guard */